No Agenda

News #97

Deconstructing Media with No Agenda, by Adam Curry and John C. Dvorak

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Recent Reviews
  • Doeeyes79
    Good but feels like it fell off last year
    Always insightful but the last year it’s been getting drawn out. It was improved putting the donations in one grouping in the middle but the overall drawn out drawl mocking things which is so juvenile for older men. Totally can be avoided.
  • Basically and essentially
    Skip the middle hour of pandering to their sycophants. This show is getting worse twice a week.
  • Karenw1965
    No Agenda!
    I am truly grateful for the show! The deconstruction of the force feeding of the mainstream media is truly appreciated! My Brain is marked safe! 👊🏻
    Only here for the clips
    ITM I don’t believe in anything, I’m only here for the clips. The opinions on the show are full of sound and fury, but are not anything more than opinions. Sometimes, they are far from using the facts in those opinions. You still can get the news with much less opinion than main stream media! Still entertaining, mostly… The clips are where the value is. 73s
  • kevinh76
    After watching the Democratic Convention for a week and hearing the name Kamala Harris too many times to count, it only took racist, demented Dvorak 4:21 to mispronounce her name the first time. And that’s when I stopped listening.
  • Gerkenator91
    Show has gone downhill a lot
    I started listening to NA in 2020 and it quite good. However over the years they’ve turned into a show filled with pointless rambling that is barely informative. For a 6 hr investment each week you’re lucky to get an hr of worth while information.
  • 33_33_33_
    Keep up the great work
    Pretty simply put, it’s the best media deconstruction content available. There’s no advertising and it’s truly listener supported, something NPR can’t do. They offer a breakdown of what is covered by the mainstream media. I’m a young man and I get a kick out of reading these reviews calling them “boomer bait.” Keep up the good work Buzzkill and Crackpot!
  • gulagdharma
    Adam is an egomaniac
    I like the show and the information presented, but tire of listening to Adam hate on every other podcaster/content creator out there. Also, Adam attacks John for any little bump of his microphone while allowing his dog to bark incessantly. It’s ridiculous. Overall Adam just seems like a hater more often than not. Coming back to update my review - I tried to listen to the show again, but Adam is insufferable. He believes he’s right about absolutely everything! Is condescending to Jon and hates on continues to hate on all other content creators (aside from Rogan).
  • Beneath-the-waves
    Thank You
    Just started listening a couple of months ago and now I’m hooked on the best pod cast provided on the interweb! Thank you for your calming perspectives about the current state of the union and all of your hard working supporters.
  • xgbjk
    Always good!
    Hardest working men in podcasting.
  • RedRino778
    Boomer bait
    Two guys who think they are way more connected then they actually are, and think exposing left wing media is a novel undertaking. Production is good and they seem like nice guys, but I can’t really tell what their politics even are. So unless you’re just super concerned about what’s being put on the television in nursing homes and airports it’s totally skippable. Rush covered and exposed this stuff 30 years ago but boomers just can’t get over the fact that the media put out on television is lefty propaganda, but will never in a million years question or speak of who actually runs said media.
  • jaypcue
    Calis should stay away from gun talk
    .556 does not come in 50-round boxes: Dvorak. Except the 50-round, and even 100 round boxes sold by my gun club. A little wider than a pack of cigarettes…same length. Californians (head smack), puhleeze.
  • The Last Gentleman
    Death Pod
    “The specific character of despair is precisely this: it is unaware of being despair.” —Søren Kierkegaard, _The Sickness Unto Death_
  • Perso777
    Awesome Show
    A great podcast that uses the power of “value-for-value” Curry and Dvorak are great hosts and are very informative on their deep dives into media dissection.
  • Athena the Cat
    How ironic
    podcast called "no agenda" with the most egenda I hav ever seen. Hosted by misinformed, disrespectful, and arrogant people. It genuinely just spews blatant propaganda in some episodes. The hosts are so immature aswell that it's painfully.
    Too uninformed on basic stuff.
    This show needs a 3rd person to keep the show on the rails as they ponder various ideas about thing they don’t understand. A painful process when the jokes aren’t funny enough to keep you hooked. This is NOT an unbiased show, despite their claims to the contrary, but the hosts do play off each other well. Could be great if it wasn’t so confused about the stories their listeners feed them. Do at least some research guys, c’mon! They have gotten lazy… after 1600+ shows, perhaps they are entitled to that.
  • reese8590
    Great show
    This is an awesome non-biased podcast you got information a balanced approach I don't always agree and that's a good thing not looking for an echo chamber keep it up guys
  • Renick Johnson
    Great product
  • jack_ceo
    Sad to see
    Really enjoyed this podcast and will still listen, but annoying how obsessed they are with shaming the audience for being deeply concerned with Israel
  • surfphotog
    The best podcast in the universe.
    Second to none.
  • jking9024
    Great Show
    I love this show and the narratives these two have on all the events going on across the globe. No one is going to be perfect in their perspective but at least these two are not absolute left or right. They just give it to you exactly how they see it and not try to help one side better than the other
  • Marco Fernandooo
    Great how it keeps going for a while. Great for premium study sessions w them
  • Hfjdkxn jkflskxjvlldmdbxjkfksj
    The real deals. Love the contribution these guys are making towards freeing the captors under media’s spell!
  • DebAnnC1
    Great podcast
    Initially it took awhile to pick up the tempo of the show… but now I would not miss it . Thx Glenn Beck for interviewing Adam Curry or I would not know about this podcast.
  • lsiroun
    The Best Deconstruction
    Thank you for the best podcast in the Universe!
  • Tensleepbigbull
    Holy cow
  • Chabliss
    Too much trump defending
    I despise both trump and Biden but they go out of their way jump to take trump’s side every time they M5M calls him out. It’s getting old. Also they both need their hearing checked. They mishear half the clips they play and bicker about it over and over. I also can’t stand how they trash alt journalists who like Whitney Webb and James Corbett. They put a lot more research into their work than NA. I get a feeling that they don’t like the competition. They show was great during Covid but it’s starting to get too predictable with the incessant trump defense. Does the media have TDS? Yes obviously—so why keep beating this dead horse? There’s a lot more to discuss than just surface level politics. I’m sure they get tons of great listener clips that they never bother playing.
  • Kindred III
    Thank you gentlemen. Please keep it up. Christ is king btw
  • Edman9
    Righteously done podcast
    These guys are such professionals, Adam Curry’s mixes are so good. Best sounding talk show!
  • Snipemate
    No sorry here
    Great show started listening month ago and haven’t missed an episode since. Love their outlook on stuff
  • Kansas_DC
    Great Show
    I don’t miss an episode. Helps me understand what’s being said in the corporate news.
  • the jingler 400000
  • swh417
    Awesome news deconstruction
    Love the show.
  • Tn Morga
    Nice Rack
    Nice Rack
  • EastWave
    …brings incredible energy and effort to every episode.
  • Boogs53535353
    Your podcast is revolutionary! Amazing work gentleman keep it up!
  • SeaniePM
    Listen up
    Educational and entertaining
  • Cmegrow74
    Love the show keep up the great content
    Thank you for having great guys that put a lot of work into there content great podcast actually the best .
  • Big Daddy50
    Big fan
    Been listening for about 15 years. Great show. Not a douche bag! Love the sanity check. Been reading JC since the 80’s.
  • WheatgeassDan
    Good stuff
    A fine news show
  • Jayofelony
    One of the best…
    Ive really grown to like this shoe a lot. It’s one of the few podcasts that doesn’t pander or virtue signal. My uncle introduced me to this show, and I’ve been a huge fan ever since. Here’s to many more years of great podcasting! 🥂 🍻 🥃 🎉
  • Mocrawler
    The best podcast in the universe!
    Johncee and Adam are the best!!
  • Evrowbri 951
    Too long. Not enough Meat and taters.
    My family keeps encouraging me to listen to this show, and I have tried on multiple occasions, however, I don’t have 3+ hours to waste every day on content that could be condensed into 30 minutes. Very little meat and potatoes offered here. Also, I wish you would title the episodes in a way that would describe the topic. Or provide show notes with time stamps for topics. I can listen to 5 different fringe Christian podcasts in a day or one of yours. No Agenda loses out.
  • Quite Trippy
    Adam & John
    Ze best! In the morning…
  • johnny hustlecue
    Show number 1607 intro announced as show #1707.
  • P moo moo
    Born again
    Adams recent born again Christian vibes are really just cringe.
  • RJNC00
    Best podcast!
  • natefrom208
    Not funny or entertaining at all
    Talking about killing babies and laughing at it. You guys are a couple losers
  • TheGAGLine
    Stop! Hold it! Wait!
    John Dvorak has made a formally interesting show unlistenable. He is incessantly interrupting clips by yelling stop, hold it, wait. If the interruptions weren’t enough, he also has a penchant for talking over clips and making extraneous noises.
  • DoesMyFartSmell
    Oh ya
    33 is Illuminati number 42 is the mother of death and 77 777 death is near 42 is always hidden there somewhere
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