Tin Foil Hat With Sam Tripoli

Comedy #108

Welcome to the Tin Foil Hat conspiracy podcast, with Sam Tripoli and his glorified interns XG and Johnny Woodard!

Recent Episodes
  • #816: Biblical Bigfoot, Serpent Seed, and Blood Lickers with Justin Brown and Jared Klickstein
    Sep 19, 2024 – 01:55:21
  • #815: The Anunnaki Legacy: Exploring Ancient Bloodlines and Their Influence on Humanity with Todd Cave
    Sep 18, 2024 – 02:07:05
  • #814: Trump, 9/11, and Kabbalistic Prophecies with Brandon Kroll & Charlie Robinson
    Sep 13, 2024 – 02:03:03
  • #813: Hollywood Cults With Cody Tucker
    Sep 11, 2024 – 02:10:56
  • #812: American Memory Hole With Donald Jeffries
    Sep 6, 2024 – 02:20:58
  • #811: The Woke War On Children With Brett Pike
    Sep 3, 2024 – 01:43:37
  • #810: Ukraine Corruption, Oct 7th False Flag & Jan 6th Conspiracies: Insights with Ben Swann
    Aug 29, 2024 – 02:02:01
  • #809: Privatized Mercenary Scumbags Of Blackwater with Morgan Lerette
    Aug 27, 2024 – 01:48:48
  • #808: Unveiling Vanilla Sky: Historical Photo Manipulations and the Tartaria Connection with Joshua Rodriguez
    Aug 23, 2024 – 01:57:58
  • #807: Black Mass Trauma Events With Monica Perez
    Aug 20, 2024 – 01:50:06
  • #806: The 1986 Space Shuttle Disaster Hoax With Justin Harvey
    Aug 16, 2024 – 01:35:13
  • #805: Olympic Rituals and The Cult Of Mithras With Christopher Knowles
    Aug 15, 2024 – 02:12:41
  • #804: The Saudi Swindle With Susan Bradford
    Aug 13, 2024 – 01:36:06
  • #803: Did 9/11 Usher In The Return Of The Antichrist With Brandon Kroll
    Aug 9, 2024 – 01:57:18
  • #802: The Nephilim Bloodlines Of the Bible With Gary Wayne
    Aug 6, 2024 – 01:59:02
  • #801: Why Do Men Think About The Roman Empire Everyday With Jeremy Ryan Slate
    Aug 1, 2024 – 01:59:42
  • #800: Was Trump's Assassination A Hoax With The Nephilim Death Squad
    Jul 31, 2024 – 01:39:22
  • #799: EMF's War On Our Health With Justin Frandson
    Jul 30, 2024 – 01:31:39
  • #798: Cultural Chaos With Alex Stein
    Jul 25, 2024 – 02:08:45
  • #797: American Ponzi With Lee Camp
    Jul 23, 2024 – 01:40:53
  • #796: Fireworks With Stew Peters
    Jul 19, 2024 – 01:57:29
  • #795: The Deep State Vs Donald Trump With Jimmy Corsetti
    Jul 18, 2024 – 01:50:10
  • #794: The Nepo Kids Of The Occult Intelligence Entertainment Industry With Izzy Griffin
    Jul 16, 2024 – 01:51:03
  • #793: The Assassination Attempt On Donald Trump With Brad Binkley and Mark Steeves (Emergency Episode)
    Jul 14, 2024 – 54:03
  • #792: Microdosing For A Supreme Brain With Adam Schell
    Jul 12, 2024 – 02:03:48
  • #791: Democracy Of The Dumb with Josh Denny and Agostino Zoida
    Jul 9, 2024 – 02:19:08
  • #790: The Mandela Effect Phenomenon With Robert Kivit
    Jul 2, 2024 – 01:38:25
  • #789: The Inverted Marvel Universal and Our Hidden History With JTFollowsJc
    Jun 28, 2024 – 02:07:28
  • #788: Dream Walkers and Psychedelic Therapy For PTSD With Ryann Bee Gordon
    Jun 27, 2024 – 01:59:24
  • #787: Spars Pandemic Aftermath With Monica Perez
    Jun 25, 2024 – 01:26:14
  • #786: Sacred Cows With Eddie Bravo
    Jun 20, 2024 – 01:47:15
  • #785: The Occult and Intelligence Roots Of Feminism With Rachel Wilson
    Jun 19, 2024 – 02:18:03
  • #784: The True History Of Zionism, Mass Hannibal Directive And Bird Flu With Ryan Cristian
    Jun 14, 2024 – 01:59:56
  • #783: Buried Empires, Petrified Past and Anomalies of Ancient America with Benben, The Archivist aka Analog
    Jun 11, 2024 – 01:59:56
  • #782: Doom Of The Gods With Ola Wolny
    Jun 6, 2024 – 01:53:42
  • #781: An Awakening From Near Death with Izzy N Griffin
    Jun 5, 2024 – 01:44:36
  • #780; The Abrahamic Apocalyptic Prophecies With Adam Green
    Jun 4, 2024 – 01:29:21
  • #779: The Downfall of Reptilians With Elizabeth April
    May 30, 2024 – 01:54:26
  • #778: The Grooming Of Bill Clinton With Jeremy Kuzmarov
    May 28, 2024 – 01:49:46
  • #777: 777 with Isaac Weishaupt, Mark Steeves, John Lee Chalbeck and Giovanni Vuk
    May 24, 2024 – 03:04:46
  • #776: Séance With Shannon Taggart
    May 21, 2024 – 01:56:30
  • #775: Diddy, Blackrock, the CIA, Aliens and Gamestop with Ian Carroll
    May 16, 2024 – 02:10:20
  • #774: It's All Theater In This Hyper Lucid Reality With The Human Vibration
    May 14, 2024 – 02:29:22
  • #773: The Art Of The Roast With John Barbour
    May 9, 2024 – 01:52:19
  • #772: The Great UFO Psyop With Ryder Lee
    May 7, 2024 – 01:47:17
  • #771: Punk To Monk With Ray Raghunath Cappo
    May 2, 2024 – 01:52:20
  • #770: Mystery Of The Smiley Face Killer Saga With William Ramsey And Recluse
    Apr 30, 2024 – 01:45:19
  • #769: Wrath Of A Menace With Eddie Bravo
    Apr 25, 2024 – 02:16:37
  • #768: Flat Earth With Austin Witsit
    Apr 23, 2024 – 02:24:59
  • 767: The Stupidity Of Political Correctness With The Danger Cats
    Apr 18, 2024 – 02:01:19
Recent Reviews
  • chino_21
    I now play this show just to see how long will it take for Sam to make the conversation all about him self. And holy shhhh, Usually is about 2 minutes and he doesn’t let the guests talk and elaborate at all. LET THE GUEST SPEAK!!!!
  • Tijuano74
    Best conspiracy theories
    Listen to you everyday, can’t wait for you to upload so I can listen , you have been opening my mind to enlightenment and also cultivating love for my fellow human, muy bueno amigo! The more I look, the more I see! Número uno!!
  • no nick name 2
    New “Age”, New Cage
    Elizabeth April is a career fraud….dude, where’s your discernment?
  • Spiny Norman
    My number one
    Source of real news
  • Mandingoski
    Phoenix Caveman
    Awesome show and great guest. Guns, roids and hookers. What a life.
  • SVT_boyy
    Sam you the man
    Love this podcast my favorite “conspiracy” podcast
  • LG81588
    The easiest way to a six pack of abs from constant laughter! Love all of Sam’s podcasts. Nothing makes me happier! Xoxo
  • Fad Flub
    A Fraud
    I was listening to Terry Wolfe in an interview blowing the lid on most of the so-called “truth-seekers” who are actually on THE SAME TEAM as all the evil cabals that Sam & his guests discuss. (Episode 453 of the Podcast Geopolitics & Empire:“Terry Wolfe: The New Age, The Great Awakening, & The Green World Order” ) As he was discoursing on the subtle, sophistic ways that these frauds practice their con job, guys like Sam Tripoli immediately came to mind with all their “Tartarian” and hidden, former lost civilizations blather, as well as guests like “Stew Peters” (whose name sounds suspiciously like “stupiders”, suggesting that his whole schtick is a Fed-Op to poke fun at his credulous audience; oh, and the fact that his birthday is listed as April 1st—April Fool’s Day— is surely just a coincidence too.) Here’s the synopsis from the episode’s description: “Terry Wolfe discusses the proliferation of gnosticism, the new age, and theosophy in alternative and independent media. It seems that apparently much of the "truth movement" or "trutherism" itself is gnostic, new age, theosophy and is part of the deception which paves the way for and initiates the true new world order that humanity will embrace.” I challenge anyone to listen to this episode after having listened to Sam Tripoli for a while and not conclude that Sam and his kind are frauds.
  • Zac Gold
    Great show
    The Host is about as smart as a box of crackers But overall great show been listening since 2018 Shout out to Eddie Bravo!
  • Mknjg
    This podcast has sold out.
    This once great podcast has fallen. Poor content, short content and ads have turned this podcast into an AM radio sound a like. There’s simply too much better out there now. If it continues this path, it will go the same as AM radio.
  • Jessica Abu
    My fave
    Absolutely fave podcast What I listen to while driving During down time at work While cooking Can’t sleep Ty Sammy, Johnny, and XG for always bringing the bangers. Blessings forever <3
  • Linds1774
    Sam is Gorgeous.
  • Brokenbucket
    A shell of its former self
    Someone needs to take this podcast behind the woodshed and put it out of its misery. I’m a Longtime listener and fan for many years. The show has declined more and more the longer it goes. None of sam’s friends with any self respect from the comedy world will even come on the show anymore. And don’t give me that it’s because they’re afraid because of the topics or what ppl will think. That’s bull. They use to come on the show and cover the same stuff in the hayday. Everything is all one sided now, and Sam just agrees with every guest on every topic. Which some are great and good guests sometimes but some are idiots straight from an institution or parts unknown. He’ll say that he doesn’t agree with everyone but he only ever admits that after doing the show with said person. Everything is a false flag, everything is psyop. Nothing is real. And I’ve never seen anyone so angry that they aren’t allowed to say the N word in my life lol. That’s the conspiracy that seems to piss him off the most 😂 The last couple of years of become more of a Johnny fan. Keep up the good work Johnny at least the show has one sane person.
  • dv3279
    Great show! Would like to see Johnny rap like Mystic Mark Steves before every episode. It would help you corner the urban market. Keep up the bangers!
  • Red_dust
    You make me laugh
    Sam has the best guests, the topics may be serious or not, but they are fun to listen to no matter what. I love Monica Perez, she is my favorite female podcaster. She is funny, smart, and engaging, AND she has a nice voice. So many female voices grate on my nerves.
  • Leprechaunvict
    Good content
    Very interesting guests, great conversations and topics. Keep it up!
  • KingKrakka
    Top Lobsta’s a moron
    I enjoy Tin Foil hat, but going forward I will skip any “nephilim death squad” shows. Each show with them gets worse.
  • BCS1776
    Awesome stuff guys
  • ashbreizy
    Dope Vibes Only
    My favorite source for “alternative” information that is very much the actual reality of what’s happening. This show has helped me let go and let God. Sam is my CBD- conspiracy baby daddy. Keep on keeping on, gentlemen.
  • Laura Gale
    One of my favorites
    Love you guys! So funny, and I love what XG and Johnny add to the conversations. Puts a smile in my face while I work.
  • Foxaholic
    I’m so happy stupid people have a podcast they can believe in.
  • jsmokN
    Not a Trump hoax!
    I would like to start off by saying that I love your show and all the topics you cover and can appreciate asking questions that others won’t. I have to disagree on the conspiracy that Trump was involved in setting this all up. I think if their was even the slightest bit of evidence that Trump was involved in this that the media would be all over it and they would not be trying to brush this up under the rug and memory hold the public. I also like to give push back on you saying Trump was golfing the next day because that was proved false and the photo that was put out is 2 years old and holds no credibility that he was golfing the next day. I’m under no illusion that Trump is saint and can do no wrong, the man has his faults. I’m sorry I just see no credibility in his involvement into setting this up. Regardless your still one of my favorite podcast but I have to disagree on this one.
  • ?!bbb
    When did archeology fall victim to the “woke” agenda? Dudes are just reaching at this point and it’s a tired take. Corsetti is obv tryna capitalize on these click baity type talking points and it comes across as desperate and dishonest.
  • christopher embrey
    Sam, you are close
    Here is how I put it all together just now: Remember the sign lady in the crowd that day behind Trump. Watch the video again. She is looking in the general direction from which the shots would come. She looks back, picks up her sign up and it is different than the others. It’s a white background reading from the top it’s JOE BIDEN, next line (more bold and more visible YOU’RE and finally the bottom line. It is the boldest and the largest and it is in red. The first place the eye looks on a white background is at the red FIRED! (Store sign psychology). To me she gave the ok with the sign. She knew she wasn’t in the shooter’s line of fire or the counter snipers. So as the shots ring out and everybody else instinctively hits the deck or scrambled for cover she deftly gets out her phone and records the President. As if she might be the first to show his brains to her boss. AnonyChris
  • crypto james
    Stop lying
    What happened to tho old Johnny that would push back on the lies
  • The great southern treandkill
    For the love of everything
    Please let the guest talk more!! Stop being so Hollywood. Every episode u talk about the comics that have made it bro you should take a deep look inside stop protecting so much we all see who you really are
  • DJ WorksHard
    One of the greats
    Learned so much from this show. Thank you Sam.
  • JJBgffhgchgc
    Who is the P family?
    Who are they refering to
  • caragz
    Time I can’t get back
    How is it that there is no sound control? The actual podcast sound is at a 3 for example, an ad comes on at 7 and then a random in podcast ad by the host comes on at 10+ ! The topic of the podcast itself starts 30 min after all the side trips - which could have been used as a separate podcast itself - before we get to the actual topic.
  • Cody Russy
    Robert Mandela
    No mower lamda legal ads 😂😂😂
  • John Cena's Rich Uncle
    Pretty bad
    Dude screams into the mic like he housed 10 beers and an Adderall before stepping onto the set.. unbearable.
  • Lissa9807
    Nothing but dingers!
    Tin Foil Hat is the spiritual resistance to cabal. Informative guests and insightful analysis by Sam Johnny and XG to this crazy world we live in.
  • kharlifries
    Loyal to the Foil
    BEST PODCAST ON THE INTERNET. Been listening since 2018 and have enjoyed watching the show evolve and grow! I’ve learned so much listening to Sam, XG, Johnny and his wide array guests over the years. Love it, guys - thanks for what you do!
  • Lcpl Johnny
    DEW recap please!
    Started listening a few years ago during Cali fires and Sam had guests in talking about Directed Energy Weapons. Can’t remember who they were but i got hooked on the pod. Please bring them back and do a recap and see what other evidence they have found.
  • Yahhhlonduh
    Pandemic talk?
  • nikkisicks666
    Best podcast
    Love everything these guys do! Keep up the great work!
  • jsco185
    Hey man..love your podcast but you should stop using crypto with James as a sponsor. I tried it and lost a lot of money. Look at phantoms value. If you are gonna do crypto stick with the big ones like bitcoin. I actually wish I could sue him but it kinda like “ buyer beware”
  • Jes-Lane
    Stars Theory
    What Eddie was talking about with the stars is actually in The Lion King movie. Hide in plain site. Sigil Magik.
  • pagan raygun
    Joe Rogan B team
    This show makes ppl dumber
  • dzakonly
    the three stooges….
    …. sams moe, jonnys larry, xavier curley… always a pleasure and xgs recent raving escapades are great, sam being sober kinda goes hard on the boy…. let him live a little lol
  • mspinrad
    Not anti-Semitic. Just truly moronic
    Lazy and usefully idiotic, yet they make up for it with paranoid half-truths and ignorance.
  • original mikey finn
    A little humor makes the truth easier go swallow
    Sam is the perfect host.. thank you for keeping on!
  • Marco Fernandooo
    Keep it up! That good vibes and lusch!
    Thank you conspiracy chulos, the best podcast for nuanced content ••• I gotta say XG is the meta-narrative anchor for how the regular audience feels… anyways Sending love from down here in FL (BTW - all the 1 star reviews are controlled opp feds)
  • Kayshantaaa
    I love Sam Tripoli
    My world has been expanded by all of your great interviews. Also don’t stop talking about the heavy legs
  • angrk
    Been loyal to the foil since 2017 🤟🏼… N O T H I N G B U T B A N G E R S ! 👽🛸
  • one eyed jew
    Great podcast love Sam, Johnny, and XG
    Mark steeves go kick rocks!!!!
  • Black widow spider breeder
    Latest episode wont download!!
    When apple doesnt allow a download, error or throttling, ill leave a 5 star review and download it on Podverse cause i know its gonna be a banger!
  • KDeeds#1
    Episode #781
    Another guest with an AMAZING topic that was resonating with me just drowned out by whatever Johny and Sam felt like talking about.
  • smittels
    Sam and crew are the best!
    I love Sam’s interview style, I love the guests…. I love his tangent brain and I do find the content to be interesting, thought provoking and hilarious. He is like the Neapolitan ice cream of podcasts…. When you don’t want just one thing - you can have all the good at the same time! Keep bring the fire 🔥 guys!
  • King W.
    Used to be legit
    Unfortunately Sam has now decided that free speech should have limits. Anything he says is ok but when someone is kicked off rokfin for a joke is now understandable. He has changed so much in the past three years. Not a shill, just a man who most likely is now following the trend. Very unfortunate. Also Sam always says "Do what you want as long as it doesn't hurt kids" yet he lawyers is an apologist and loves all Trans people who in turn push an agenda to do what...? Hurt Kids!!!!
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