The Rebound


A technology podcast from Apple geeks Dan Moren, John Moltz, and Lex Friedman.

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Recent Reviews
  • riffola
    Wits that don’t quit
    In my opinion, The Rebound has the three fastest wittiest hosts in the podcasting world. The off the cuff jokes are the gifts that keep on giving even when they don’t stick the landing and… rebound.
  • SchKellyF
    Sometimes Apple, sometimes Tech, but always entertaining
    The three man crew have a certain synergy between them that can’t be explained… oh, except that they’re all former coworkers in a way… they’re entertaining and play off of each other well, or in horrific crashes that just make you want to listen to more. :-) I look forward to their common banter and answering questions, and they’re solidly in my podcast rotation. BTW, they have the real Lex Friedman. ;-)
  • da-wdc
    Asimov haters (but for the wrong reason)
    Wannabe sci-fi writer of fan fiction bought only by his apple podcast buddies hates on greatest sci-fi author ever. See what happens when you’re gone Lex?
  • JackEber
    Entertaining, informative silliness
    Imagine having three of your nerdy friends over for drinks and conversation. You may start talking about MacBooks and wind up talking about video games. Wide-ranging conversations with a large dollop of humor.
  • Queerly soulful
    Awesome Tech Bro-Fest Train Wreck
    Well, ya kinda have to listen to it to understand. But definitely listen, subscribe and hit that like button.
  • cataclysmichero
    Who wouldn't rate this 5 Stars
    3 Ding dongs (Their words not mine) who are actually industry experts and analysts but spend about 40 mins each week talking mostly non-tech stuff and answering weird questions from the paid subscribers. And there's this one guy from Boston who has a weird Macmini fetish. But overall you will love this show for them and all the nonsense they speak most of the time.
  • ODerek1976
    I love it.
    This show perplexes me every week. Edit: 5 stars for “iPoo”
  • mrose512
    Fun and Smart
    Somewhere in the middle of comedy and tech - it’s a fun and relaxed show that I never miss.
  • Koochiboo
    A Collection of Bloviating Clowns
    These jokers think they are clever, but talk about Apple only tangentially. Their takes on subjects is vapid. The entire show could be boiled down to five minutes. They sound like a bunch of high school buffoons who think foul language makes them sound like grownups. The foul language doesn’t even fit the context. They can’t help keeping their political views out of this silly podcast. Don’t waste your time. I am sure not going to. Adios bozos.
  • Tom Roughley
    Must listen!
    Great conversation around Apple and technology in general. It is a very relaxed discussion that keeps the topics flowing. Honest and entertaining, give it a try you will subscribe for a weekly listen.
  • artMonster
    Not For Everyone
    For: fans of The Three Stooges, Mad Magazine and Groucho. Not for: If you like what Musk did to Twitter, what Trump did to America, and/or have Tim Cook’s sense of humor.
  • TheeeGooch
    Good When They Stay Away from Politica
    The last few episodes have been whining sessions about twitter. Oh no, free speech! We must run to Mastodon! Fine. You do you, but could you please spend a few minutes discussing Apple technology, which I thought was the topic of the show. I really miss when that is what they talked about .
  • Zanson
    The japes are strong with this one
    If you enjoy tech podcasts, and also enjoy listening to a group of friends having fun with each other, this is the podcast for you. Some episodes I wonder if this show shouldn’t be moved to the “comedy” section rather than “technology”.
  • agentbillo
    My favorite tech podcast
    I’ve been listening to this show since it launched many centuries ago, in the before times when the Apple Watch was but a fever dream. If you like dumb jokes, making fun of technology and recurring hilarious bits, this might be the show for you. Dan, Lex and Moltz have great comic chemistry as they chronicle the suffering, confusion and pain that stupid technology inflicts on us all. Occasionally, audience surrogates James and/or Guy join them in this transcendent meditation on these final years of human civilization. It makes our existential dread exquisitely funny. Even the ad reads are a glorious salve to the wounds visited upon us by venture-driven growth marketing. Custom or bust ‘em, indeed.
  • michaelrjohnson
    It’s been awhile…
    …since I followed an ostensibly tech-focused podcast that makes me laugh out loud. These hosts are hilarious.
  • Bojabs
    Informative but somewhat irritating
    I’ve been listening to this show for some time and overall it’s not bad. The only thing is Dan Moren’s swearing. I don’t have a problem with people using profanity and I use curse words in my own life. Dan, however, sounds like a 12 year old that swears in order to sound like a grown up. It just doesn’t add anything to the podcast or to whatever he’s talking about at the moment. Juvenile and cringey.
  • fonehome
    Gooood moooorning!!
    The only podcast i actually slow down the listening speed for. Also so good I’d rather listen to one episode five times than listen to one daring fireball episode.
  • ttx76
    Great podcast
    Always entertaining! Love the tech insight and funny banter.
  • ✪ Nathan ✪
    5 Stars
    5 stars
  • MindLikeWater_ou812
    You should listen to this podcast if you want irreverent banter between nerds who know a lot about Apple. It’s like the trash talk I used to get at the water cooler at work, but with people who are more like me. Always entertaining.
  • giromide
    It has been a while…
    … since I have written a review for a podcast. I am doing so right here right now without any prompting whatsoever (possibly) because I am moved to tell the people reading reviews on Apple Podcasts (all seven of you) that I enjoy this podcast. Each episode is chock full of light banter about technology news. They never get too deep into technical details (handled well by other podcasts I shall not name here), but they tend to say things I happen to be thinking (which really creeps me out and they should stop that). If you are seeking a technology podcast that caters to the casual Apple nerd, look at these guys.
  • DogDoc84
    These are really horrible human beings. At least that is how they describe anyone who would have voted Republican. Stick to something you are marginally informed about (tech topics) and stop insulting the 70 million people who voted for Trump. Get over yourselves.
  • Scott22
    It’s been a while…
    It’s been a while since I’ve found a podcast as good as The Rebound. It is the perfect blend between comedy and tech, and even the ads are funny. Remember, it’s custom or bust em.
    If you like technology podcasts…
    Then you will love this show. 10/10
  • dantieken
    I could listen to Dan Moren read stereo instructions.
    Seriously! His voice…touches me. That aside, this podcast is laugh out loud banter done right. Three guys (sometimes two, never one) discussing current tech topics with quick wit and a report that only comes from years of deep friendship or one night in a foxhole. Either way, this podcast is worth listening to and their ad reads are superb. Seriously, it’s the only show I don’t advance past the ads because they are genuinely funny. Plus their experience in tech gives them an insight that is worth paying attention to. Occasionally they’ll say something insightful, making the previous 23 minutes worth it. Seriously!
  • JasonV23
    It’s been awhile since I started listening to this podcast
    …and it’s one of the three podcasts that I listen to as soon as it hits my feed. Each episode is full of informative information on Apple, warranted griping, and the hosts cracking each other up. I will add a fifth star to this review if two of the hosts can get that other John online for three more episodes of TTCA.
  • D is for Dengar
    One of my top weekly podcasts
    Very entertaining, generally (but not always) tech focused show.
  • adamclarkthomas
    Time for picks?
    The levity in my tech podcast week. Swearing, jokes, misc fun. Good times to be had.
  • SinisterC
    John Moltz has a podcast
    If you want to hear Moltz talk about something other than Supermans or whatever (usually), this is the podcast for you. Moltz is the leader of the hosts, and also the strongest. Lex’s custom ad reads are powerful, moving and true. Dan is a knowledgeable industry watcher, for a filthy tap-to-clicker. Together with always present but only occasionally audible third hosts Guy English and James “Is He Named After Lord Kelvin’s Brother, Calculator Innovator James Thomson? Are They Related? Is That Why He Made A Calculator App?” Thomson, they discuss technology a good 60% of the time, 80% if you count live commentary on the unfolding bloodshed in The Pit. Only three days remain before PRIME DAY, so follow now to be warned when Bezos’s drone army featuring Sidewalk™ seeks you out to serve as a grisly feast for the combatants.
  • Tyler Durden (Cornelius)
    Not your standard tech podcast - it's better.
    Three friends rag on each other's personal habits while discussing which technology they have doesn't work. Also sometimes "jokes "
  • Ambient Jeff
    Best Therapy Ever
    I’m a long time listener, and this Tech podcast keeps me sane. These 3 guys have a chemistry not unlike Rush, forming a perfect sphere that lowers my blood pressure in these crazy days just by chatting about Tech in their lives. Treat yourself by subscribing and listening. You’ll be glad you did!
  • Thvedt
    Technology. Amirite?
    Three knuckleheads being dumb in a smart way. It’s not for everyone, but it’s for me. If you’re reading this, Rebound guys, I want you to know this about your podcast and that other one with three different dudes going on and on (and on) about mostly the same stuff as you guys: when those are both in my queue, I listen to you first.
  • bdewalt
    Love this Podcast!
    This podcast is wonderfully funny, and hits on the tech topics I care about. Most importantly, the guy “who reads the ads” does so clearly and at a normal pace. Overall, great podcast and definitely worth a listen.
  • ant1pathy
    Top of the pile
    I listen to a fair number of podcasts, weekly short form and news among them. This show always gets scooted to the top of the stack to listen to. Tech talk is ostensibly the topic, but the personalities make the show an immediate listen and literally (literally) laugh out loud. Hoping for at least 346 more.
  • paintperson
    High quality podcast
    I immediately listen to this each week when it comes out, to my boss’ chagrin. If it’s been awhile since the show has posted, the valuable information about all the latest technology and how to look custom instead of bust’em may be stale. Still worth binging The back catalog though - I speak from experience.
  • Davemacdo
    The best kind of nonsense!
    Smart friendly people who are very fun and silly talking about some of my favorite technology topics. Dan, Lex, and Moltz are all great. I was not compensated for writing this review, but it would be cooler if I was.
  • mr. warren
    Even the ads are funny
    Listen, there are a lot of tech podcasts out there. A lot. These guys are fresh, funny, and the more you get to know them, the more delightful it gets. You know what I say when it comes to podcasts? Custom or bust ‘em.
  • concaf
    Best non tech tech show
    I love this show. The guys have such a great dynamic together, even when they’re not all there! It’s a refreshing dive into mostly mac tech news and happenings but in an approachable, funny and insightful way. It does so without taking itself too seriously, and doesn’t get overly technical while also feeling informed and not a baby’s-first-tech-podcast. It’s a great balance. There are tech-ier podcasts and there are funny-er podcasts but none that strike the balance like the rebound.
  • Jay Sit
    Myopic, obstinate in-jokes
  • Rich Aesthetic Reviews
    “AirPods Max are freaking expensive”
    Okay, unsubscribe. Bye subjective opinionated i. t.
  • Internet Machine
    Entertaining 30 Minutes
    Forget politics, it’s stupid anyways. Forget tech, it’s all the same now anyways. I just like hearing these guys ramble for 30 minutes. Keep on keeping on. Podcast em or bust em.
  • Jadiction
    A mess, full of ads
    Talk for 3 minutes. Complain about Trump for two of those, read 50 ads. What a mess of a podcast.
  • Streamlined22
    Full of Liberal Whackos
    Warning, these guys aren’t content with simply being flaming liberals. They have to go out of their way to insult anyone who isn’t. Disgusting echo chamber of Democratic cheerleaders.
  • P atrician
    Bunch of nerds yak about the news. More puns than you probably want or need. Listen and pretend podcasts aren't your only friends.
  • NoPain NoGain
    Painful listening
    Limited tech knowledge, but what’s worse is the constant failed efforts to be funny. The forced fake laughter at each other’s poor attempts at humor are cringe worthy, and they permeate the show.
  • chinanderm
    A lot of ads, mumbling talk from the ad reader doesn't help
    I like the show and the all three of the guys together are hilarious. However, there are a lot of advertisements and the guy reading the advertisements speaks WAY too quickly and he mumbles through what he says, making it hard to understand what he's saying; which is a problem since he is reading ads and, I believe, runs an ad company.
  • timlozier
    Lots of fun
    These guys are really funny.
  • @Speedmaster
    I keep listening
    It's about 20% really good content, 40% giggling, 20% inside jokes, and 20% ads.
  • Trilock
    Very apt name
    Funny complaints about our favorite fruit company, terrible puns and knowledge.
  • Corvi
    Fun, funny, and stupid-smart
    Great, fun Mac/tech podcast. Dinged them a star for having more ad-reads than reasonable for the podcast's length.
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