Random Trek

TV Reviews #189

Scott McNulty discusses a randomly selected episode of “Star Trek” — all series, all seasons — with a non-random guest.

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  • Caitlee M.
    Still My Favorite Sleep Podcast
    I decided I should go ahead and upgrade my original review to five stars. I say this was absolutely every intention of a compliment: This podcast is perfect for helping me sleep. Whether I’ve hurt my back and need to focus on something other than pain, or I’m just full of anxiety about work, this podcast has been a stalwart companion helping me get through the night. I’m serious when I say that I’m on at least my seventh listen through of the entire playlist, and there’s only about two episodes I’ve heard the entirety of. There is something incredibly soothing about the host’s voice. And he reads his sponsor ads at the same volume in the same voice, unlike other “official” sleep-aid podcasts I’ve tried. I find it very comforting to fall asleep to him asking various cohosts about how they feel about Neelix, and then wake up just long enough to hear everyone complain about Archer or gushing about Janeway. I learn things about bananas, then I’m asleep again. There are no episode clips or jingles, just soft discussions about Star Trek. My only complaints are that sometimes the sound isn’t balanced super well. If I want to hear both hosts, in one episode one might be significantly louder than the other. And the red-alert bleep for the swearing can be jarring, especially if the guest host is prone to swearing frequently. But hey, this isn’t a podcast specifically designed for helping the listener sleep, so I can’t exactly fault anybody for those issues. In conclusion, I know it’s probably not the thing most people making a podcast want to hear, that they are great for sleeping to. But from the bottom of my heart, thank you. I love Random Trek. I’m so glad it’s back to naming the occasional episode!
  • gffghgben
    Scott why do you HATE Enterprise
    Though every other episodes are pretty good
  • Buccanhoosier
    Great and interesting show
    I enjoy when background information is brought in and there ad hoc discussions about other issues from Star Trek. A few items that annoy me are Scott’s laughing at his own jokes and the “spoiler alert” warning. I think it is safe to say that your listeners have viewed the episode being discussed and if they haven’t watched it, then they should not be listening to that particular episode. Also, he over apologizes about Enterprise not being his favorite: say it and move on. Relax about be so apologetic! Otherwise I try not to miss an episode.
  • GhighiAnn
    Makes my day
    Love the format, the guests, and especially the host. Thank you.
  • Ahakim
    Great show
    I love the interplay between Scott and his guests. Makes even bad episodes of Star Trek (of which there are many) fun to listen to.
  • fcerillo
    A great Trek Podcast
    Amongst the sea of trek related podcasts this one stand out because of the novel approach of choosing what they listen to. The conversation is fun and thought provoking as they delve into the episode they are watching. Scott McNulty is a wonderfully geeky host who, who delivers an entertaining show every time.
  • KGagne
    If you know the breadth and depth of Star Trek — so does Scott. He and his guests have a great time taking us on a tour of the many series and seasons of Trek. I always enjoy getting to know each guest and each episode on this weekly walk down sci-fi memory lane!
  • Skyvoid
    Best Star Trek podcast
    This show is a lot of fun. Doesn’t take itself—or the show—to seriously. A great ad-on for episodes you’ve already watched.
  • Jeffrey Jakucyk
    One Thing
    I do really enjoy the podcast, though I wish Scott would brush up on his character and actor names and other important terms before recording. That's a minor quibble, but what does irritate me is that Scott apparently wants to keep the language clean. That's fine, but if the guest has a potty mouth he bleeps them after the fact with annoying sound effects. That destroys the flow of the conversation. Either tell them to cut it out during the recording session (which should be a lot easier to edit than adding 50 bleeps to a show) or just allow it to be explicit. It's 2017, a little foul language isn't going to hurt anyone.
  • QHeidi
    All the Trek!
    At first I was a little skeptical of a Star Trek podcast all higgledy-piggledy and out of order, but now that I have embraced randomness I have a new favorite podcast. I can listen to Scott and his random guests discuss episodes of all my favorite Trek series, not to mention the movies. As an added bonus, Scott McNulty has a soothing and pleasant voice. I could listen to it all day.
  • Indyhockeyfan
    One of my favorite Trek podcasts
    What I love about this podcast is hearing about how different people fell in love with Star Trek. The show can sometimes lack in depth insight into the random episode of the week, but there's other podcasts for that. Random Trek's strength lies in how it discusses Trek fandom.
  • DebbieBspinner
    What a delight!
    I love this show. It's like listening to friends chat about one of my favorite shows. I like the 'host with 1 guest' format, and Scott keeps the ball rolling nicely as they discuss the random episode. Scott's genuine fondness for all Star Trek really shines through.
  • D is for Dengar
    Best trek podcast
    Easily the best trek podcast. Just listen to an Incomparable episode with Scott in it, they are much better than the ones where he is missing.
  • anderdoodle
    Great concept that doesn't always pay off.
    McNulty hit on a great idea when he created Random Trek, but there are a few factors that, in my opinion, keep it from being a great Trek podcast. First and foremost is the extent to which almost every episode is dominated by McNulty simply giving a play-by-play plot synopsis. I would say that about 75% of the running time is devoted to McNulty simply summing up what happens in every scene in the manner of a high schooler trying desperately to sound aloof and witty. There isn't a lot of meaningful analysis or critique, and McNulty isn't witty enough to make it interesting. Secondly, the guests he chooses vary widely in their knowledge of Star Trek. Some of the less Trek-savvy guests simply lack the frame of reference to conribute to the discussion, once again leaving McNulty to carry the bulk of the load. What McNulty needs is a reliable co-host that knows Trek, someone with whom McNulty has a rapport. A non-random guest would then make it a trio, and would probably ensure a more engrossing conversation. I want to like Random Trek; I just think that, like some Star Trek episodes, it never quites rises above the mediocre.
  • Smitty0406
    I love this podcast!
    This is a fun podcast, but don't think the host, Scott is light on information. He definitely knows his Star Trek facts. He picks a random episode of Trek and discusses it with a guest, keeping it entertaining. I love following along and watching episodes randomly, but you don't have to watch if you don't have time. You can just enjoy listening to them discuss. This one has been one of my regular podcasts since he debuted, well worth your time if you are a Trek fan.
  • Rogue007Agent
    Mouth breather!
    The podcast is great don't get me wrong, but... the host is a very loud breather and can hardly listen to it without hearing very loud sighs, lip smacking, mouth and nostril breathing. It's very annoying and almost disturbing. If he would slightly come off his mike a bit and/or tune his mike to where it's not so sensitive, it'll make for a better listening experience. I love the content, but the heavy breathing is very unappealing.
  • vanderschmoot
    Such a dork! Just like me.
    Scott is a great host and fabulous Trekker (trek). He's a little hard on Enterprise but I think he'll grow to love it when the random generator starts spitting out more xindi eps. It's been a long road and I've loved traveling with Scott and his motely assorment of guests.
  • West3man
    I've played one and a partial episode. I'm really hoping this second one is better. The "Parallels" guest was hardly into Star Trek and didn't seem a good fit. The next episode starts or awkwardly as two people who live in the same city comment for minutes about how they do not interact. If my opinion changes, I will try to remember to upgrade my rating.
  • Juneland
    Random never feels this good
    Close your eyes... ok open them again this exercise doesn't work on a written review. Imagine you are on a journey, a trek through space and time. Unfortunately your engineer won't install your navigation system until Tuesday. You just can't wait that long. You need to be out there in space with the stars as your guide. These may not be your stars but each is a little light awaiting to be explored. Now imagine you clear all moorings the only mission is your personal exploration of the galaxy. You are at war with no one. It's a bit lonely in space. You may need a guide. Someone who can look at the randomness of space and laugh. Someone who dares say it's not the destination, maybe it's the journey. A crewman among men. Scott McNulty is the blue shirt of order you need!!! His transmission of Random Trek comes on the hailing frequency that truly hails from greatness!!! His podcast is the vehicle, his voice is that cry in the night that must be answered. No, you won't be lost with minimal thrusters out there in space but warping towards the most random places in Star Trek time and space. Along with Scott you get his Number One First Officer of the week who talks with you and Scott with near lightening fast remarks. In the ranks are his supporting staff at the incomparable and maybe a surprise or two. So strap in, turn on this podcast and get ready for a magic carpet ride.
  • MyVogonPoetry
    Randomly wonderful
    What a great idea for a podcast - a Random episode of one of the many Stat Trek franchises with an interesting array of guests. Always enjoy the conversation- well done Scott and The Incomparable!
  • Rob Lorenz
    A Fun Podcast
    I like this podcast a lot. The host does a great job of discussing the strong episodes, and of finding something interesting to say about the weaker ones. I'm hoping random.org will give us a discussion of one of the movies soon.
  • cogentz
    Love this podcast!
    A great podcast that makes the miles fly by as I travel for work or am mowing the lawn. It's like watching an episode without actually watching it with great commentary and guests. Please keep it going!
  • lorddowney
    Wrong about voyager
    Right about everything else. This podcast makes thursdays great. I also am watching TOS because of it, which i otherwise would not have done. Thanks Scott!
  • kinsel
    more Frank Wu
    Had a great time listening to the June 2015 episode with Frank Wu. Maybe the rules of this podcast disallow repeat guests. If so, Scott and Frank should find something else to discuss.
  • DWTF
    Decent podcast
    At its best, “Random Trek” is a lighthearted look back at episodes of Star Trek, warts and all. Over time, however, I think the biggest problem with the show is repetition. By nature of the revolving guest for each episode, a lot of topics get covered many times by multiple guests (DS9 is the best! TNG is the one I watched growing up! Voyager isn’t as bad as people said it was!) and it starts feeling a bit repetitious. I think focusing more acutely on the episode in general rather than general comments would make it feel a bit snappier and cut down on what feels reflexive by this point.
  • myoldappleid
    So much fun
    The latest episode, "Loud as a Whisper" is a lot of fun and chock-full of information. Myke Cole is a great guest!
  • colinc86
    Really great podcast
    I’ve been rewatching The Next Generation on Bluray and this has been a great companion.
  • Dent De Leon
    Set phasers to retrospection
    Random thoughts: octopi have eight tentacles, squid have ten, why? I should check my tire inflation. Chocolate is bad for dogs. The "do not remove this tag under penalty of law" warning on the tag on my mattress-does that apply to me? I don't know if I should be worried about Schroedingers cat.
  • RacerXK1
    Great Way to Enjoy Star Trek
    This is a great podcast! I've really enjoyed listening to Scott and his guests go through these random episodes, sharing their opinions, and trying to explain plot holes along the way. Very fun and sometimes funny.
  • P atrician
    I go to bed with Scott in my ear.
    Each week, Scott McNulty and a non-random guest watch a random episode of Star Trek. Mostly this involves pointing out the many, many flaws in the episode, but because they are fans, the love comes through. I usually think "Yeah, I remember that one. It was pretty good." Unless it's Enterprise. I have been watching DS9 while sick, and it really is obvious how many times somebody says "you have to get down here" once somebody points it out. Scott is notable for his appearances on The Incomparable in which he doesn't talk, so starting his own podcast seemed an odd choice. It isn't edited as well as The Incomparable, but the show achieves an NPR-like somnolence that makes for an easy listening experience, great last thing before bed.
  • sirmarcos
    My only complaint is I want to be a guest
    Such a fun and odd concept for a show. The randomness means discussing some truly dubious episodes or series but also great episode. And I love that Scott points out the plot problems, of which they are many. True fans love a show in spite of its flaws, they don't make excuses for them. I also became a Trek fan because of TNG but think DS9 is the best series. Still the TOS episodes are fascinating since I'm so unfamiliar with the series. Every week I listen and eagerly await what episode will be next. If I ever get invited on, I hope it'll be for Threshold! :)
  • Puddinghead6
    Love the show, could be more detailed.
    Getting to sit down with my infant son and watch one or more episodes before this show is one of the highlights of my week. I really only wish that Scott would spend more time engaging with his guest, and talking about Trek, as opposed to just going through the plot episode.
  • Dan Web
    Great show
    I enjoy listening even though I don't even watch the Star Trek episodes
  • Doug-USA
    Performed very well
    I love all of it. Keep it up!
  • Rail43
    As a longtime Trek fan, this podcast is awesome. I have seen every episode ever made of Star Trek, with TOS my favorite, followed closely by DS9. Scott and his guests always seem to discuss the same things I have always thought about when watching an episode. I have heard some people say all they do is disparage the show, but as someone who would rather watch any episode of Star Trek than most tv these days, I think the criticism is mostly warranted.... And who cares anyway, everyone is entitled to an opinion. I love this podcast, and Scott is a fantastic host. Beam me up, Mr. Scott.
  • untoldcube
    Love it!
    Very entertaining show. Highly recommended.
  • langbj
    Needs more Siracusa!
    Seriously fun podcast! Really enjoy the rotating guest reviewers.
  • justrick1701
    A must-listen for Trek nerds
    So help me, I can't put my finger on why I love this podcast, except that I do. Host Scott McNulty keeps the banter lively and the show dicussions tight, making for a great 40-odd minutes of listening. Highly, highly recommended for Trek fans of all stripe.
  • Frustrated Civ Fan
    Hyperbolic but true...
    Scott McNulty has restored my faith in humanity. This podcast is thoroughly entertaining.
  • cusqueno
    Yeah ... no
    I'm glad the host finds himself entertaining because I don't. I can't figure out the point of this podcast. He seems to have no interest except to point out and be snarky about plot holes. Deleted.
  • dwearsch
    Random Fun!
    The variety of guests and randomness of the subject matter combine for lots of fun. McNulty is a knowledgable yet humble host, who defers to his guests and allows them to drive the conversation. Well worth a listen for even casual Trek fans.
  • kylecronin
    Great discussions
    Listening to this podcast feels like participating in discussions of Star Trek episodes among friends. Since I watched most of Trek years after it aired, I never had the occasion to engage in these sorts of single-episode-focused discussions myself, so I’m glad to be able to do so vicariously through this show.
  • OptimusCow
    a must for star trek fans!
    love this podcast, fun, smart and great commentary
  • Genady
    Do you like Star Trek? Well do you PUNK?
    If you like Star Trek, then you are honor bound to listen to this podcast in it’s original Klingon! Anything less and you are a worthless Petach!
  • Jordash141
    Great Incentive for Revisiting such a Vast Franchise!
    Scott McNulty and guests make this a must-listen for both Trek nerds and noobs.
  • Chad Thompson
    Marvelously Entertaining
    This is a great show for Star Trek fans who want to reminisce or even rediscover the things we loved about Star Trek on television... and the things we didn't love. The host and guests bring insight, humor and passion. If you loved Tim Lynch's Star Trek reviews, you'll love this podcast.
  • Corvi
    Random walk down Trek lane
    A convivial and entertaining podcast featuring SciFi nerd McNulty and a guest delving into the particulars of an arbitrarily chosen episode of one of the many Trek series. Occasionally wittily snide, and better for it.
  • monkey_42
    Fun whether or not you’ve heard the underlying episode
    This is a great unintended consequence of The Incomparable. A random walk through, I guess, all five of the major series (hosts, please say something about the methodology for choosing episodes). Funny but insightful too. I have my doubts it can survive the hundreds of middling episodes but so far it’s hit good highs and lows and is off to an excellent start.
  • Jirah C
    A great way to revisit episodes
    Scott picks excellent guests and spends just the right amount of time summarizing the plot while lovingly pointing out “problems” with the episode
  • Kambei
    A Fun and Insightful Discussion
    It makes me happy.
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