Timothy Keller Sermons Podcast by Gospel in Life


Sermons by Tim Keller, founder of Redeemer Presbyterian Church in NYC and NY Times best-selling author of ”The Reason for God: Belief in an Age of Skepticism.” For more sermons and resources, visit www.gospelinlife.com.

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  • lolo****hoho
    So deep I have to soak in the depth!
    I so love these sermons. And they are helping replace my control, needs for affirmation, selfish orientation and the rest of my junk piece by piece. I have to listen over and over to take it deep to replace my thoughts with Gods truth. I never knew how self absorbed, excuse making for my self, negatively focused on my hard circumstances I was. But it is replacing my false beliefs that were hidden so deep- but God has been calling them out and exchanging them for His truth. It is slow as I am so stubborn- but extremely thankful that God has and continues to change me one brain cell at a time , heals and allow my heart/soul to have a true fresh understanding of a bigger God than I knew.
  • ML321
    Enduring wisdom
    Tim Keller is gone, but his Biblical-based teaching continues to inspire and mentor millions.
  • Mabby D
    This is a gift to Christians. Tim’s ability to articulate the gospel in such a winsome way will speak to Christians and non-Christians alike. Dive in and grow.
  • Levit Max
    Excellent Vernon’s
    I am very happy that I found this place, I am listening every day, so sorry that Timothy is not with us anymore, but he is still teaching and Sermons are very good, God bless his family!!!
  • Amy John
    I am blessed, challenged, strengthened and encouraged by the truth of GOD’s word and through the Spirit’s power working through Tim Keller’s teaching. His relationship with Jesus shows authenticity and transparency. His knowledge of the word and encouragement to keep going daily deeper into knowing GOD for myself has transformed my life by HIS grace;keeping my eyes focused on Jesus has refined me by HIS Spirit in me. Thanks be to GOD for Tim Keller using the gifts GOD gave him for benefit of others. I am confident that MUCH fruit has been grown for GOD’s kingdom.
  • CBdream
    Hearing Tim’s sermons encourages my heart, mind & soul!
  • DonavanJing
    I found Tim’s sermons about 6 months ago from another podcast I was listening to and all I can say is I’m thankful. Thankful that God lead me here and thankful for Tim’s knowledge, obedience, and Spirit-filled teaching. I’ve recommended them to everyone I can.
  • susieinfl
    Thank you, Tim
    Even though Tim has passed into Glory, his sermon still continue to convict hearts. I am so thankful how he can make make hard concepts so much more understandable. He just has a way with words that is simply beautiful, drawing me too, the Lord, who loves me.
  • CATR6719
    Life preserving and calm wisdom - deep intellectual teaching from God’s word
    I started listening to Tim Keller in 2016 during my son’s first cancer battle. His sermons helped me survive the long nights. I replaced my racing fear-filled thoughts and worry with Biblical Truth. God blessed Tim with deep wisdom that most teachers never receive and he shares it with amazing clarity and the result is God’s peace that is beyond our understanding. Three cancer battles later I still turn to Dr. Keller’s teaching to calm my mind and bring God’s loving word to my heart. Someday I will be able to thank him in heaven. For now I thank our Heavenly Father for blessing his servant Tim with the gift of teaching.
  • CJ Enterprises
    Ever wonder about life?
    Stuck in traffic? Thoughts whirling with anxiety and the meaning of life? There’s no better way to get where you are going both literally and figuratively than listening to Tim Keller’s sermons- He’s gone home to the Lord Jesus now but his sermons are timeless and open up a perspective about God and your life that’s like standing on a mountaintop overlooking the ocean- refreshing and inspiring!
  • untutoredgenius
    These sermons literally changed my life. Listen to one as soon as you wake up every morning. If what he’s saying doesn’t quite make sense or seems beyond the scope of fb what you could believe, no worries… be patient! Open your mind and heart and be patient. God Bless.
  • V apple user
    Listen to learn how to live a Gospel-filled life
    Tim is a gifted and spirit-filled teacher. His sermons being available in podcast-form is a gift. If you want to know how a church like Redeemer can grow in the heart of a secular, post-modern city like NY, take a listen. It’s the Gospel. That’s it. And Tim’s Gospel-filled message points you to a better life by pointing you to Jesus. Skeptics welcome.
  • A P P A
    Thank you
    This podcast has helped me grow far beyond what I could have ever fathomed. Dr. Keller and those at Redeemer have shown me time and time again the richness that lies in the gospel in new and challenging ways. Thank you for all the ways you’ve lead me back to the Gospel, back to Christ.
  • KJM in GA
    Increasing my spiritual growth
    Although I don’t always agree with Dr. Keller, I always benefit spiritually from his teachings. His emphasis on the glorious power of the cross has led me to experience God in many new and exciting ways.
  • DarylStrawberry
    Simply the best sermons I’ve heard
    Brother Keller is the most helpful speaker I have heard. Makes advanced topics very approachable. There are many, many jewels in his crown.
  • Jatu12
    Timothy Keller presents the gospel so clearly. His sermons are always right on target, relevant and riveting.
  • Southern_Girl_Ga
    The Gospel changes everything
    I thank God for brother Keller. He has brought such clarity to me. He is a teacher of scripture and that is everything to me. There is the presence of discipleship. What I love is that he teaches the scriptures. His sermons are from a book in the Bible and then correlated to present day. If you want to know and understand the scripture then you have come to the right place. Thank you for your ministry, it has been life saving.
  • Mkmelaff
    My most favorite sermons!
    Tim Keller is so great at applying the Bible to modern day. I’m SO GRATEFUL for this podcast!
  • Alan Finn
    The critics review of the Bible
    Ever watch a great movie and then read a credible critique? You find deeper meaning to that movie, more than you thought you knew. And you like the movie more than ever. As to the Bible, Tim Keller is that credible critic. I love the Bible more now, On a deeper level, More mature level. Tim Keller does the deep dive expanding the meanings, relationships and applications of God in the Bible. As well helping me draw nearer to God in prayer, meditation, thinking, studying and interactions. 5-stars to all his sermons The most recent podcast yet again brought me deeper into the knowledge of God’s love. The work of the Holy Spirit with the work of Jesus the Christ. So profound!
  • FeedesM
    An everyday companion
    Tim Keller’s Gospel In Life sermons is an excellent companion in my everyday meditation in God’s Word. Inspiring and insightful!
  • wildinmystyle
    Gospel in life podcast
    In his sermons, Tim Keller’s message about God makes me think deeply about spiritual issues that Christians face on a regular basis. Recommended for those who want to grow and be challenged intellectually in their relationship with God.
  • Kennedy DC
    Path Altering Sermons
    So thankful for this podcast! It has helped me fully submit my life to Christ and His purposes. Prolific teaching of spiritual truths, practical application, and delivered with wisdom and love. Amazing, thank you so much for putting these sermons together!
    Prayers matter
    I have so much love and gratitude for these teachings of the Gospel and for the eloquence of Dr. Keller. I do wish the editors of these podcasts didn’t end the sermon before the prayer at the end. Dr. Keller has a great book on praying and I think we all could learn a lot from his prayers as well as his sermons.
  • Keithafer
    Grasping the True Gospel
    Timothy has a way of teaching that truly clarifies the gospel. He helps the modern mind sort through the fault lines of thought. I am thankful so much for his teaching and have grown in the depth of my understanding of Christ and his love for me.
  • doriunverzagt
    Brilliant and encouraging
    Pastor Keller has been a profound influence in my spiritual life, and I couldn’t recommend this podcast more. If you want to see Christ in every cultural context, to understand scripture better and to love God more, listen to these sermons!! He is so relevant and vibrant sounding here…it is hard to believe Pastor Keller is now with the Lord. But the work of his life as recorded here—it is a deep blessing.
  • chloetyra
    If you want to truly grow in Christ, read His word and listen to Tim Keller. I am so thankful for his teachings that penetrate my spirit, born again 42 years ago!
  • Amber Lee is me
    Love listening, from Muskegon, Mi
  • hbgdar
    Love this minister
    Timothy Keller has been instrumental in my Christian walk. I’m so happy for him that he’s in eternity with Jesus and that he left behind his great teachings. God is so good!
  • Cowboy611
    Weak, he cherry picks verses to push his agenda.
    His liberal sermons ignore half of the bible verse that apply to his message, only targets sins specific to men and ignores sins women are prone to. He also ignores the historical positions of the church in sexuality. He sprinkles in good truth to slip in the marxist agenda. He is a good speaker so ill give him a star for that.
  • golson84
    Tim Keller podcasts
    Tim has shown me that the gospel of Jesus Christ is in every book of the Bible... it has given me a whole new appreciation of the Old Testament... finding Jesus's gospel or pointing to his gospel in each OT book. In combination with reading his books and those of John Stott and Fredrick Bruener, these podcasts make me feel like I am in seminary going deep into understanding God's word and the truth in love and the love in truth that the Bible offers..it is not easy... it has to be discovered... and Tim's podcasts are my guide. It is a gift that I have found Tim and have found him to be reliable and trustworthy. Very grateful. He has help ignite my passion to follow Jesus. Thank you. Glenn Olson
  • Brenrira
    Life changing
    I learned so much through Dr. Keller’s books and sermons. Thank you so much for continuing the podcast!
  • ZManFollower
    These podcast have so challenged and grown my faith. It’s really amazing to see the depth the Holy Spirit has allowed this pastor to understand and communicate. It’s encouraging and helps my walk with the Lord so much.
  • speeps76
    Tim Keller had such a heart for Jesus and for people and an amazing gift of teaching. He was a true blessing in our troubled times. Revisiting many of his sermons with my teenage son, and we are both thankful for his humble teaching.
  • jmgonas
    Changed my life forever
    I am beyond grateful for these sermons… they are incredible
  • Greyfrost
    Profound and provoking
    Tim Keller opens the Scriptures clearly and with conviction to show clearly the person, work and nature of Jesus as the Messiah, as God the Messiah, in accordance with the Voice and promises of God. I regret the recent nearly 50% reduction in sermons available on this site as I had a goal of listening and often recommending them to others. Please restore the full body of his work. This was a greater site.
  • Jaxonasaurus21
    So thankful to God for this podcast! Tim Keller is palatable for the robust and the infant at the same time.
  • Redeemed by the Blood 80
    Life-giving teaching
    I listen to Dr. Keller‘s teaching daily. I can’t recommend it enough for those who need to understand God‘s word and are seeking to be faithful to Jesus, as well as for those for whom Christianity and the gospel haven’t made sense or had any sense of urgency. I think of the great problem of cultural Christianity in the US particularly—listening to his teaching makes it so you can’t stay there.
  • 10past3
    Keller is brilliant
    Tim Keller is one of the best Bible teacher I have ever listened to. His preaching will open your eyes to the truth and change the way you view the world. He was a gift from God.
  • Rdw57ord
    Understanding God
    Tim Keller doesn’t just preach do this and do that. He thoughtfully brings the gospel to life in stories and examples that help me up examine my life. He has helped me to better understand who God is and this make me want to know Him more intimately. And, not just The invisible God, but also the visible God, Jesus Christ
  • FlyinDean
    Great teaching!
    As is so often the case, this teaching spoke directly to me just when I needed it.
  • Jacob Langstaff
    The ministry of Tim Keller was and is one of God’s great gifts to this generation. So many of us have come to understand the gospel in new and deeper ways through his preaching and through it God continues to shape and form me. Thank you to Gospel in Life for continuing to make this work available now and for future generations.
  • Mozartamadeus
    I am so grateful to God for teaching me about the gospel through Dr. Keller . I have been enriched by his explanation regarding Our Lord Jesus Christ and His work on the cross. I listen to the podcast during my walks and driving.
  • Peteboy16
    The best sermons with the best analogies
    I go to sleep every night either with the Bible or Tim Keller preaching. He was anointed and truly helped lead me closer to the Lord of these past several years
  • Sister in Healing
    Thank You
    Thank you for always pointing to the truth of the Gospel!
  • Camille Boese
    Such a Blessing
    Tim Keller’s sermons on marriage and singleness have been such a blessing to me and my core friend group. So much so, that we’re re-listening to them to reinforce and pick up on new things! We’re all very sad they’re being removed and hope there’s either somewhere else we can listen to them or that they’ll be kept up.
  • Horseshoe’s
    Finding Jesus
    If you find yourself scrolling through podcasts searching for something but not sure what it is you are looking for STOP when DrTim Keller shows up , it’s a sign you’re not alone and God loves you! He will take you to the Farther. His sermons guided me back home to Christ. Please give it a go.🙏
  • Brick54321
    So much wisdom here
    These are worth listening to
  • David Springlake
    Knowing God
    What an amazing sermon connecting the Old Testament book of Jeremiah to today’s life decisions! What a blessing Pastor Keller has been in my life!
  • Farmers in VA
    Sheep Farmer
    Pastor Keller, Your teachings have helped me in my faith better than any other, starting with the explanation of my miraculous rebirth and the continuation of my sanctification. I kept asking, “God, what did you do to me?” You answered the question in your sermons and began me on my way. I thank God for your ministry and that you and your precious wife Kathy were obedient to the call with all that it entailed in schooling and study, including sacrifices of all kinds, I’m sure. My husband and I are fervently praying for you and your family from your list on FB - we ask our Heavenly Father to grant you many more healthy years here on earth. I would be lying if there wasn’t some “selfishness” to our request. God bless you !! Thank you for continuing Dr Keller’s sermons. They help so many!
  • Singerwantobe
    Always provides a unique perspective
    Keller takes well known passages and brings out new insights and applications. Very appreciated.
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