Diet Soap - a podcast

Philosophy #168

The Diet Soap podcast began in 2009 in response to the economic crisis of 2008. Since then it has gone through many transformations, including becoming the podcast for a critical theory imprint out of the UK.

Today the Diet Soap podcast is running under its original name for Sublation Media.

Sublation Media includes a book publishing effort for critical theory and left politics, a magazine that covers current events and theoretical issues, youtube videos on theory and politics, and finally the Diet Soap podcast. The podcast is where we continue to interrogate the left and each other while having a good time.

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Recent Reviews
  • shd345
    Mixed bag but not clearly trying to brand itself as “controversial” like Compact
    Very eclectic and often seeming to be purposefully contrarian. Weird mix of so-called “Marxist humanism “, Moishe Postone, lots of Christopher Lasch, and being anti-woke for the sake of being anti-wokeness. There are some good episodes, like the debate over GA Cohen and analytical Marxism a few years ago, recent interview with JA Smith, and the recent discussion on afterlives of the Frankfurt School. A lot of it is just too confusing and peripatetic for me to handle. I was on oxycodone yesterday on subway after oral surgery and hearing the interview with Jack Ross made me feel like I was way more high than I’ve ever been. His responses were all about 25 minutes long and made 0 sense.
  • Jill Lloyd Flanagan
    Good example of conservative style Marxism
    This is an entertaining view of Marxist/ Hegelian philosophy.just be aware that it comes from a questionable conservative place that place’s identity politics in opposition to Marxism, specifically often in a quite transphobic way.
  • L. Blownapart
    Still Marxist after all these years(?)
    Stubbornly representing Marxist, Marxian, and Marx-ish ideas. I hold out hope that one day, Lain and Varn will read Rerum Novarum, Quadragesimo Anno, and Centesimus Annus and see the light.
  • oui/
    So happy to have found this podcast
    Loved interview w Alenka Zupancic, thought-provoking & spirited on both sides
  • FacturaTank
    New listener
    Absolutely loved ep 388 I’m a socialist with anarchist tendencies and have always felt weird about it. Love to hear conversations like this. Gonna binge y’all’s stuff and I look forward to more content! Thanks
  • Mors Invicta
    New name, ready for it?
    Soap Zero
  • OkoBunko
    One of the best!
    I absolutely love this leftist podcast ... I think Doug Lain is amazing and Varn is a brilliant mind. If I had more worker credit, I’d subscribe to their patron and devote at least ten bucks a month. Unfortunately I can’t. Pleased to enjoy their content that isn’t behind the paywall.
  • jdnd cjalmand
    When it’s good it’s good
    Doug Lain in his most recent roundup of the Peterson/slavoj debate was promising of good things to come from this podcast. C derick Varn’s most recent discussion of horror genre film was as flimsy and idiotically jargon-riddled a discussion I’ve heard since high school. His interlocutors should be prohibited from having a publicly-available podcast.
  • functioncreep
    Zero Squared
    This is the podcast which I have been waiting for.
    Zero squared
    Excellent intelligent topics with superb guests and monitored delightfully by host. What a great find thank you
  • skepoet
    While the marriage of three different podcasts that Diet Soap has become can cause one to shift gears a lot, it is a very enjoyable podcast that explores the liminal space between Rick Roderick, Philip K. Dick, and Karl Marx.
  • heyladywait
    Not only bad quality but cynically dumb
  • Silverjman
    So great!!!!
    I've been looking for a philosophy podcast that could enlighten, entertain, and generally keep me engaged; only found this because of his book interview on another podcast. Love the view points and sound bytes. Great work
  • akwhistler
    The Soap
    Always eclectic and entertaining. Tune in you just may learn something new.
  • Bored2157
  • Jon Lochs
    Consistently brilliant!
    Thanks Diet Soap for being consistently brilliant, entertaining and curiosity-quenching... As well as, of course, being integral to any critical politically conscious web surfer.
  • Giagnacovo
    Great Podcast!
    Listened to the interview of Cooney. Very well done and informative. Not sure I agree with the harsh treatment of Wolff, and of his support for worker coops. Yes, they aren't the end all solution, but they seem to be a great starting point for a the type of movement necessary for Marxist praxis that Cooney says is in such desperate need.
  • Devon Cole
    PDK + Philosophy
    If Philip K Dick were an earnest and humble philosophy geek he might put something together like this. Features a signature aesthetic of interview, sound collage and Titanic trivia. The host is seriously dedicated and uses the podcast to launch other creative projects. A rotation of guest both new and recurrent keep things lively.
  • ekMusicTime
    The Dream is Alive
    Diet Soap podcast is a fun romp through contemporary themes and ideas, interviews with alternative thinkers and artists. I enjoy it!
  • scott mackie
    Big fan
    Not fanatic. Best expert podcast since C-Realm, and there have been a lot.
  • 941494
    This podcast goes places you might not expect. The noise art is great, the Titanic facts are endearing, and the guests and topics never disappoint.
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