Dragon Talk - An Official Dungeons & Dragons Podcast

Leisure #157Games #20

Welcome to Dragon Talk, the official D&D podcast. Hosts Shelly Mazzanoble and Greg Tito interview guests from the Dungeons & Dragons community on how they got started playing the world’s greatest roleplaying game, what creative endeavors D&D has inspired, and what tips they might have playing characters or weaving stories as the Dungeon Master. Check out Greg and Shelly’s book, Welcome to Dragon Talk, available everywhere now!

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Recent Reviews
  • One Wise Dragon
    Make more!
    This is a great podcast, I would love more lore you should know.
  • here's five stars
    Do you really have to bring politics and transgender stuff into dnd?
  • Crantu
    Awesome job
    😻 hi
  • 🐆🐎🐕🐩🐈🐅🐅🐅
    It’s good
    So…I’m re-writing this review, and I also can’t like give an overview type thing for the podcast, because I go and look/pick specific episodes with specific people to listen to (such as, B. Dave Walters, Lauren Urban, Jasmine Bhullar), and those will be the only ones I listen to. But, the ones I have listened to are pretty good, and I definitely recommend the one with Lauren Urban, it personally my favorite. Anyhow for what I’ve listened to, it good. Sry for making this kinda long…
  • Dragons573
    Missing dragon talk
    A fun podcast to listen to. I miss the hosts chatting like there isn’t a recording rolling.
  • AgentSix
    Leave out the politics!
    The information on the game and products are great. The people they interview are great. If only they could keep the politics out of it. My sports radio show doesn't mention politics, neither should my D&D show. Many people play to escape the real world, please quit dragging unrelated real world things into our hobby.
  • LyonPryde13
    Tragic Negative Trajectory
    This podcast used to be one of my favorites. Greg and Shelley continue to have good chemistry, but the quality of the guests and topics discussed have deteriorated. Through the OGL debacle, where was an interview with Brink or other senior leaders? Greg has especially changed, and it might be because he feels trapped working for “the man” of RPGs while trying to be some kind of champion of Gen Z on social media. Maybe they will find their way again. Of course, most of the cool guests are now converting to direct competitors, so…
  • Thefishizer
    Updated review. Great Pod, but WoTC has shown it’s true self.
    Friendly and heartwarming podcast. Great to stay in the loop and gain awareness of interesting D&D (3rd party) creators. Below is the original review in response to WoTC and their (recent) original F-up. Great podcast, but with the recent Wizards fiasco with the OSL I have to rate 1 star for now. The podcast brings in creators and gives them a platform. How can they stand on that platform if WoTC crushes creators with its new OSL. They only seem to care about the bottom line, like any big business. Saddens my heart.
  • Minatello
    So much knowledge!
    I have been playing D&D for less than a year now, and I am ready to DM because of this show and it’s excellent hosts. They are fun and full of knowledge. Furthermore, this show is unique and essential. I do not have time to listen to dozens of 3-4 hour episodes of someone else’s game, and I don’t want to hear people whine and moan about what they think is wrong with the game. I love that they are enthusiastic about the game, help make the game, and play the game in short, 5 minute segments. All of the guests are also knowledgeable fans. I love that there is no negativity in this podcast. Please never change! This is the only podcast I listen to beginning to end, every week!
  • Kobudo Joe
    Will be unfollowing on January 13
    Due to WoTC’s impending release of the Open Gaming License 1.1, I will be suspending all consumption of all Wizards of the Coast products as of Jan. 13, 2023, including this podcast. The community is what makes D&D, and the sense of entitlement reflected in the OGL 1.1 license is not only a slap in the face to third party content creators large and small, but an injury to the entire player base. I’ve played dozens of RPG systems over the years, as well as Magic: The Gathering. If this is how WoTC wants to play, I will happily remove myself from their table. Like the old saying goes, no D&D is better than bad D&D.
  • J explorer
    Irrelevant Content Warning
    Why is it even relevant to announce sexual preference to a tabletop game podcast? No one, and I do mean NO one cares about your identity…at all. So keep it to yourself and just be a fan of the game…
  • TheGameKillr
    An Awesome Official Podcast!
    I have been playing D&D for a few years now (still not ready for those really big 5E [5th edition] advanced rule books yet!) and this is my first time watching—Ahem! Listening—to a D&D podcast! Sure, it can be a bit boring here and there, but it’s still a podcast worth listening to.
  • anakid62
    What a great way to learn about D&D because I’m a new player and they have great guests! Greg and Shelly are great hosts and the banter between them is fun and what they ask the guests is what I would ask , I’m a new listener so I love listening to them ALOT, keep it up guys
  • BADbaby988
    Favorite Podcast
    This podcast is amazing. It’s taught me about monsters, kept me updated on the books coming out, taught me a decent amount on dming, and really just fills any time I don’t have anything to do during.
  • Mark Cde Baca
    Why didn’t I listen to this sooner
    I’ve had this podcast sitting in my queue for some time now. I’m all caught up on CR now, so I decided to give it a listen. I wish I’d have hit play on this one a long time ago. Sooooo much lore and tips, and the guests are all amazing. I feel like my DMing skills have hit a whole new level after this. Sorry I slept on this one!
  • Owlbarn66
    Good podcast for the RPG layperson
    I played D&D in the 80s and 90s but didn't come back to it until recently. This is a great podcast to keep up with the game and hear how it is expanding and evolving. The hosts come across as enthusiasts rather than nerdy experts and keep the show on a level that most D&D dabblers can understand.
  • BringerOfStorms
    Christ ‘myth’
    I generally tolerate the very liberal leaning bent of the show, hosts, and current D&D culture, but was offended by Greg’s reference to the ‘Christ Myth’ when talking about Fizban walking among the people. I’m guessing that he wouldn’t be so dismissive about the ‘Muhammed Myth’, or insulting any number of other cultural groups… but as a white, Christian, male I am sure I am not the target audience for D&D anymore.
  • Drixzen
    Great podcast!
    This show is so great! I have listened to every episode for the last 2 years or so and I look forward to it every week. Greg and Shelley are amazing hosts and I love the great synergy of creativity, content and fun in each show. They blend humor in with so much information every time! I’m a returning player to the game after many years of not playing and the show was a great way for me to get back into it. Thank you to Greg and Shelley (and all the folks who make it happen as well). This show means a lot to me and I hope you continue it forever!
  • rfbranch
    It’s really helpful they timestamp the interviews
    As other have said, it’s unfortunate that the official voice of DnD isn’t better. Let’s start with the good: the Lore you Should Know segments are great as you get 30 minutes where designers let you into their thinking in product design and provide great nuggets for inspiration in your own home game. The rest of the show is a tough listen for me. The hosts seem like very nice people, but the fact they do 7-10 minutes of warm up patter to start the show and do another 3-4 minutes of the same with each interview makes the show significantly longer than it needs to be. I listen to 20-25 minutes of each ~75 minute episode
  • FireboltXB12R
    Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!
    Dragon talk is the best place to get to see how the magic in D&D is made. Interviews with creators and announcements for upcoming releases and events.
  • Aredeepi
    Stick to the subject
    When Dragontalk is good, it’s good. I love hearing lore straight from the official source. But the other 80% of this show is superfluous nonsense that doesn’t add anything to my table or knowledge. I am tired of every episode having some woke SJW topic hammered into it just to virtue signal to the new Tumblr Critical Role flash-in-the-pan fanbase. It has nothing to do with D&D and Hasbro should stick to games and toys, and leave politics and psychology to professionals. Give us lore, give us story, give us history, world building, stats, updates, but I don’t want to waste my time listening to you make up a backstory for your “randomly generated” bisexual, trans, wizard that doesn’t want to actually kill a monster but would rather make quilts for cats. Enough.
  • nickname 4742575325
    365 made me unsub
    so much shilling for these random people. more dnd content is needed
  • n0x220
    Hosts are artificially flamboyant to the point of being horribly annoying. Screeching “Yayyyy” over mundane topics convinced me to drop this podcast.
  • Millbo Maggs
    Beholder Health Class!!
    TIL Beholders dream other beholders into existence! Fantastic!!! Also Beholder Health Class makes a great animated show & merch combo. Love the podcast!
  • puppy4789
    Not as much DND as I thought!
    For a official dnd podcast you’d think there would be more dnd in this podcast but no there is not. I wanted to here about dnd not you’re kids lucky I can find a way better podcast pretty quickly. Honestly I don’t get why all you ever do is random character generation. But what I am trying to say is I don’t like it at all.
  • Code_Rym
    It’s…kinda like your mom’s satellite television show
    There’s a lot good here. Some of the snippets are perhaps extremely informative but that is completely contingent on the host. For instance ice-wind dale lore, phenomenal, well constructed well written and very open conversations with the host and questions, that segment is 15 minutes…in a usually 1-2 hour long podcast episode. The rest are either commercials for products they are advertising or pontificating on real world politics that do not revolve around the informative circles that most DMs and even players would want to, or care to listen about. I was hoping for actual advice, for my games, for my play style, even my world, rather than someone on a soap box me how to think. It’s rated 2 cause it has some value, but more common shows such as Dungeon Cast, would better inform you about that dnd itch. The average dnd content show host is held by the fans, and unfortunately WoTC is out of touch with its audience. Look for fan made podcasts instead. Highly disappointing.
  • ForNowWeToast
    Thoroughly Great Podcast!
    Every time I listen, I still can’t believe how good this podcast is!
  • ChouDoufu
    A solid house organ podcast - a must listen for D
    This is one of the best places to get news on D
  • Concernedgamer69
    WotC do better
    WotC is a terrible bigoted brand and this podcast is insidious in how it trots out their propagates their lies and attempts to rehabilitate their public image
  • Nort333
    The intros can get a little annoying but the interviews and lore you should know segments are great! Also keep spouting your opinions. Who cares what the sore losers think!
  • rootamus
    D&D Requires Zero Politics
    Why are you guys inserting politics wherever you can? No one needs to be assured of your personal beliefs. I’m pretty sure if I never knew what you thought about “x” my life would continue unchanged in every way. Grow up. You are confusing your job with someone else’s. Love Sage Advice!
  • Al Beardsley
    Enough random character generation!
    I really like the podcast. I truly enjoy the previews and in-depth focus on upcoming 5e products. The interviews are fairly entertaining and the host are charming. My only real gripe is the random character generation segments. I find them tedious and boring, especially since they take up so much time on the episodes. Please, enough is enough.
  • RyDry
    Random Character Chatter
    This “official” D&D podcast has done random character generation chatter for the last 3 episodes. Can’t any unofficial podcast do that?
  • the Shepster
    Official D
    The official Wizards’ D
  • Silentfrog Gaming
    Lol if you think that this is cringe then do you even play d&d?
  • DocA88
    Opinions are not for DnD
    I’m glad your personal life is much better with a new president but dnd is not for your personal opinions. Keep the politics out so we can all enjoy the game we love. Your political thoughts really aren’t worth anyone’s time.
  • dsavage9
    Not great
    Pretty cringe. Keep your SJW Politics out of my D&D
  • Greenhoppy
    Not very good
    I expected more unique content but frankly there are other less cringey podcasts that are more concise and more entertaining. Too much political commentary for a podcast about a game. Good guests sometimes but the hosts are just good for helping me sleep. How is this show still on the air? They have Matt Mercer as a guest and spend the first 15 minutes blabbering about their dog’s character and their visits at the office, and their cat? Blech! Gibberish!
  • Hennessysp
    Worth it for LYSK & Sage Advice
    Just advance the Podcast to the Lore You Should Know or Sage Advice segments and spare your yourself listening to the first 10-15 minutes. Its always very rough. Shelly M & Greg Tiro are just not good at carrying the show by themselves, without someone else to talk to. It seems like they try too hard to convince listeners that they are superfans that understand & play the game. Any segment with Chris Perkins or Jeremy Crawford are must listens for players and DMs alike. Experts at their craft and seem very genuine. Again, Greg sometimes tries a little too hard with questions and he comes off like hes a noob. However, hes much better when talking with someone other than Shelly. Lastly, Shelly’s & Tito’s interviews are usually decent enough, as they dont have to carry the show on their own. Decent questions and points are usually made.
  • VictorZombie
    Cringe hosts, good content
    The hosts try way too hard when left on their own but the interviews are solid.
  • dmarco54
    LYSK is Good but...
    Hosts are painful. News flash, we tune in to hear about D&D and not your political agenda.
  • Eddard209
    Brought me back to the fold
    I found Dragon Talk a little over two years ago and have tried valiantly to make it through the entire catalog. Greg and Shelley know their stuff, format a great show (thanks to Pelham, Ryan, et al.), and create a genuinely entertaining podcast. Every episode gets two listens, Wolfgang Bauer gets more. If you’re a fan of fantasy role-playing specifically or storytelling in general, try spending a few hours here every week. You won’t be disappointed!
  • jsnread
    Good most of the time
    I enjoy this podcast. The hosts are entertaining. The topics are pretty interesting most of the time. I enjoy the D&D celebrities like Chris Perkins. Sometimes they invite real amateurs to the show too. Those are very hit or miss. It’s nice to think that someone like me could be invited to the show. But frankly they’re usually pretty horrid guests. Boring, awkward, trying to sound cool. Cringe worthy stuff. Nonetheless, I like most episodes.
  • Peromiitheus
    Good podcast, but they go off track easily, and it is hard to listen to every single episode, since they are so long, so I only listen to select episodes.
  • Emerald Wildstar
    Stay on point
    Found this in seek of some campaign lore. I’ve checked out a handful of episodes and there is an uncomfortable amount of judgmental woke stuff to navigate through at times form the hosts as well a some of the guests. Seriously, spin that off into a separate cast if your intent is for this to be a welcoming gaming podcast for all. -2 stars for some overt virtue signaling -1 star for some really drawn out off topic opening segments
  • dnd40kaos
    Amazing Podcast!!!!!
    Amazing podcast, I have listened to it for 1 year and have been looking forward to Thursday’s ever since. I just wanted to express my absolute love for this podcast!
  • Conderan
    Soap boxing for racism.
    While this podcast has some excellent D&D content, they often launch into “social justice” issues. Unfortunately, the most recent wave features a highlight on advocating the superiority of white people over others, which this podcast chose to advocate for. Disgusting. Real politics doesn’t belong in D&D.
  • Rogen Ninefingers
    I started one month ago I love dnd dis is the best Rogen Ninefingers aka the bloody nine of the north rocks!!!!!!
  • JazzNOkc
    An especially valuable tool for DM
    As a newbie, DM this is one of the first podcasts that I listened to. From everything to hearing about a module I like to hearing various approach to the art and craft of dungeon mastering, I am grateful for this show and what it offers the D&D community!
  • cowcowcochicken
    the middle segment is the only worthwhile segment, but it’s good enough. shelly is just a bit annoying, but greg is at least somewhat insightful and asks pretty good questions most of the time. the lady who greg does the random character generation with is SOOOO over the top energetic, but it honestly feels like she’s never sat down and made a real character before, lol. all in all, if you wanna learn some lore or have about 30 mins of decent d&d talk, i’d recommend it. otherwise don’t waste your time.
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