Our Little Edey – The Eden Westbrook Story

15-year-old Eden Westbrook, lived in a small seaside town in Tasmania.

One night after a minor disagreement with her family she left home. The next morning, she was found dead hanging from a tree on the main road into the town. 

The family don’t believe she took her own life. 

This series delves into the family's view of the police investigation, the witness that was last to see Eden Alive, missing evidence, new information and a tiny town with a dark secret.

This is 'Our Little Edey – The Eden Westbrook Story'

You can now watch shorts from each episode here https://bit.ly/3KrQ3s6

******CONTENT WARNING *******

This podcast references suicide and suicidal ideation

Listener discretion is advised

Contacts for mental health and crisis support can be found here https://findahelpline.com


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Recent Reviews
  • Bastardsack
    These parents level of denial is hard to listen to, and really sad. It’s an obvious suicide, and they cannot and will not accept it. On the other side of things, the negligence, and despicable behavior of the police should be punished severely. What disgusting human beings.
  • T.K.Cracker
    Had this been a podcast researching why she committed suicide it would have been much more interesting. This murder conspiracy, is just stupid, based on rumor and exaggerated theories, in fact the parents and host provide loads of evidence for why it was suicide. Examples, in the beginning they talk about how she was an amazing athlete, and was a skilled tree climber, but then later in the series the parents say, that there is no way she could climb a tree with a heavy rope. Then the dad and mom describe for basically an entire episode how the cops timeline of events is off, but basically just talk in circles and provide meaningless contradictory statements that don’t in anyway suggest she must of been murdered. I get the parents are hurting and they don’t want to admit that maybe their child was just mentally unwell, and that the parents lifestyle and choices may have contributed to this. Shame on the host for enabling and profiting off this. Trash podcast, don’t waste your time.
  • posseh
    Great podcast
    I don’t think she killed herself!!!
  • byyyeeee1234567890
    The audio is terrible at a lot of time.
  • BrianCzar
    Wow! And we think our Civil Servants are Bad in the U.S. This Podcast will bring every emotion out of even the toughest of People!
  • Myshkin81
    Appallingly Bad Reporting
    Some of the worst investigative journalism I’ve ever come across. At no point are we presented with any credible evidence that this was anything other than a suicide. In fact, we are, perhaps inadvertently, presented with heaps of evidence that this poor child was deeply hurting, and her parents were brushing off her pain. Appallingly bad, and frankly unethical, reporting
  • RealLemonPlease
    Good but repetitive and drags a bit
    Good but repetitive and drags a bit
  • Semper FI 45
    Who’s going to be the next suspect Bigfoot?
  • AnnieGok
    Terrific touching podcast
    So well done and so heart wrenching. Prayers for all of you and for answers. Such a wonderful family and terrible tragedy.
  • RVBourgeois
    Sad and Frustrating
    The daughter of oblivious parents’ kills herself and the cops respond with horrific negligence. Great podcaster does a great job with what he has, but the parents’ willful ignorance/denial make this poor girls’ story incredibly difficult to listen to. They seem to be completely oblivious to the realities of their children’s lives, despite teenage pregnancies and talks of suicide. The police leave a teenage girl hanging in a tree for most of a day and no one is held responsible. Eden had trusted a teenage boy with nude pictures, which he shows to most of the small town. She’s distraught but not taken seriously. Who is he? Who knows. No one seems to care about her fear, humiliation and broken trust after these very private images are shared without her consent. Is revenge porn not a crime in Australia? Maybe someone helped her kill herself - maybe she was adrenaline driven in despair and killed herself? Maybe there’s a suicide pact? It’s a good listen.
  • Bubble gum cheer chic
    Cremated the phone ??
  • Captain Chris Thomas
    More Australian cop-bashing
    Another Australian denial of a suicide/let’s blame the cops podcast.
  • Chelseasd
    Great podcast
    Love this podcast !! Very well done and the host is respectful and knowledgeable ! The family is in such denial about what happened to Eden though and it drives me crazy.
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