Shadow of Doubt

A mystery that just keeps twisting and turning. Journalist Richard Guilliatt - the reporter who exposed cancer fraudster Belle Gibson - investigates a confounding case, and a family torn apart.

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  • save_the_animals_jb
    Filled with bias and victim blaming
    I gave this podcast a chance, listened to the entire thing despite my hesitation on the reviews and now that I’m on the final episode I am disturbed I gave it my time. To be clear, the journalist does a great job with story telling, it’s clear the podcast had a decent budget and comes across professional. Those are about the only positives I can name. While the host makes you believe the daughters accusations are simply from “repressed memories”, rather you find out on the last episode that one of the daughters spoke about her realization after adult sexual experiences that she was abused as a child. This is not the same as a repressed memory, rather it’s simply realizing your childhood wasn’t normal. As an abused child, I am still having these realizations at 34. He presents “evidence” however all of it points to the parents after letting it digest for 2 seconds. The father has been accused by multiple people, including non familial students from when he was a teacher. Is it possible that certain details might be embellished? Yes I’ll concede to that. That doesn’t mean the father and mother are innocent. They both belong in jail, and their sister is a victim blaming piece of trash. It was 100% unnecessary to mention that the victims took a picture of them smiling before giving their statements in court while crying. The host does realize women are allowed to have multiple emotions in a day right? Overall this podcast could’ve been great but the victim blaming and bias was disgusting to hear. I hope all the victims of this horrible man and his wife (she stood by him against the other accusations as well so she’s complicit on those in my opinion at this point) are able to find peace knowing they are in jail. If you read this please ignore those that would blame you, the blame falls 100% on the perpetrators not the victims. I would implore the host to think internally before covering any gender based violence again. You may not be the best man to cover these stories and poorly done stories about gender based violence do cause harm to survivors. Use your talent elsewhere.
  • Kbklovescameras
    Listen to it all
    This is a good podcast. Your opinion may change many times throughout it, but you should listen until the end and then decide where you stand.
  • peopletoucher
    Really disappointing podcast coming from the same network that gave victims a voice.
  • meloakins
    Sound quality
    The sound quality of this is awful. I couldn’t get through the first part of the first episode. Why do I need to hear bugs in the background. It started to give me a headache so I shut it off. Please get proper equipment
  • ichibanrose
    Stop making excuses for pedos
    The intention of the podcast is to create a shadow of doubt, but actually only makes them appear guilty. What a strange & dysfunctional family.
  • Kelly Sutherland
    I believe the victims 100% despite the best efforts of the host to cast doubt on their stories. Disgusting
  • nancyccross
    Is this real?
    So strange and bizarre! Why can’t we find any photos of the real people anywhere? In these days of social media share-all, I find it unbelievable there is nothing available. Additionally, I don’t hear victim blaming. Sounds like statements of facts on record to me. Very interesting.
  • JacksCompleteLackOSurprise
    Interesting review of the case and evidence
    In depth review of the case and evidence. The second to last episode will not play on any podcast player (Apple, Spotify, The Australian’s website, OmniStudios), so I spent a lot of time trying to listen. This is the second podcast published by Omni that has had major issues that I have tried to listen to.
  • Vermilliong1234
    Great Podcast!
    What a crazy case! The narrator does a great job describing the scenarios in a seemingly impartial way and acknowledges when he has a certain feeling about a conversation admitting thoughts around it. It sounds so complex and like the truth has been so buried and each individuals truth is so real to the point of creating false realities despite’s it being that individuals really. Would love to hear some follow up once these cases progress. Would love to hear other professionals thoughts on the disorders that Emily faces and what the industry believes now. Very compelling case.
  • hkudra
    Dads like to give daughter orgasms.
    Oh it’s all false memories, I’m sure. Thanks for setting child sexual abuse victims back 5o years. Parents aren’t creepy at all. Victim’s siblings never lie or repress abuse. Abuse kids without consequence. No problem.
  • ticrhcsgnvdr
    Excellent unbiased journalism
    Podcast showed both sides of the story and kept my interest.
  • Fifth Harmonies #1 fan
    Happens too often
    We had a very similar situation in our family too. This is very real
  • OofiOofster
    Excellently reported podcast
    I have never heard of this story until the podcast. The story is tragic & horrific & we won't ever know the truth so discussions about theories can rage for years. The behavior of the parents seems very creepy & weird. Crimes against children, especially one's own children, whether it be severe mental abuse, emotional or physical, shape the adults they then become. It's not rare for an active & beloved member of a community like 'Martin Johnson' to be outed as being a secret abusive narcissist & whether all allegations against the parents are true or just the fraction that can be verified by multiple people I can't help feeling the parents are where they belong.
  • I006129
    Compelling and unbiased
    Well constructed narrative that, despite other reviews, presents a complex case in a way that provides a view through multiple lenses.
  • Hella_R
    As much as this podcast says they’re not here to victim blame, that’s very much how it comes off. Regardless of what is true and what’s not, this woman was obviously extremely troubled and needing help and was failed by the system. Which is what I think the journalist wanted this to be about, but really doesn’t come through in the tone and cadence. As a lover of true crime, this reporting tone is problematic for me.
  • idontknowY
    Both parents seem very creepy, even if they just did the things that we know for a fact are true (massages, pictures, older siblings naked together) and not the more aggressive rape allegations. parents are where they belong
  • tess gunn
    Great journalism seeing all sides
    A great representation of journalism representing all sides.
  • waterhorseprison
    Egregiously Bad
    The subject matter is certainly worthwhile: the re-emergence of the repressed memories movement. But the host does an absolutely remarkable job botching the assignment. It is clear beyond any shadow of a doubt—even to the host—that the man at the center of this criminal case is a sexual predator. So why this case? Why expose these daughters so much, knowing full well the abuse they endured. Again, the host admits to knowing that several instances of abuse in fact took place. So why expose them to this? There were plenty of other cases through which to investigate this topic.
  • cck128
    This documentary/podcast should only receive 5 STARS⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
    Such an incredible story. One, I’m sure took years of research, hard work and DEDICATION. It is the absolute balance of between both sides with such an honest and fair tone which I find so refreshing especially living in the USA. This is exactly how every account that is retold should be done. Thank you for being brave enough to tell this story.
  • SabsP
    Kept me listening…
    I thought the podcast was being pretty fair until the last episode. Then it became clear that the host is looking for publicity and casting doubt on a victim to do so. “Martin” is a sexual predator and doesn’t deserve this defense.
  • pizlerry
    Biased reporting
    Very one sided. I only kept listening to see if he would entertain the other side eventually. Never did. I don’t deny that it’s a well presented podcast, but this type of one sided account is dangerous for victims and wrongfully accused alike. Guilliatt doesn’t deserve the title “journalist.” What a hack.
  • Konyeboy
    Missing the point people
    In my opinion, this podcast is focusing on the mishandling of someone with serious mental health issues that most likely cannot see the forest from the trees. It is not up to me to decide what abuse has been afflicted on the ‘victim’ as I am not a psychiatrist or judge, but what this investigative journalist lays out are problematic issues with the way the whole case from both sides has been handled. It seems the police and judge had decided the parents were guilty and believed the daughter, but he jury didn’t get to hear the evidence against the victim to hear of the possibility of the flawed process of memory retrieval; memories that far back cannot be remembered in such detail as said by one interviewee. I am conflicted as I seriously believe this girl has suffered trauma and the father had some twisted parenting behaviours that clearly caused harm.
  • Transaminase
    Poor Start
    I wanted to listen to the Podcast but the first episode opens with incredibly poor audio. Deafing background chirping as the narrator describing a scene in the Australian bush. Seriously? Very disappointed.
  • GG Orli
    Don’t “allow” 4-5 episodes for free, peak interest and then pop up with “oh now you have to pay if you want to hear more”. That is scammy and lousy. Too bad because it was a good podcast until THEN. Good bye
  • Ashtree1717
    Way too biased
    I gave it a chance because I’ve heard other podcasts about recovered memories being debunked (see: anything about the Satanic Panic). I believe that Emily was abused, probably by her sports coach and possibly by her father. It sounds like the “therapy” Emily received from the sexual assault center and inpatient hospitalizations traumatized her further and may have led her to embellish details or fabricate additional memories of abuse. However, given the sexual abuse allegations from his other daughter and from several of his students, it seems likely that the father is guilty of at least some of the horrible things the girls describe. I truly can’t tell with the mother, whether she knew or didn’t know. But overall this podcast casts most of the blame on the victims and treats the story as starkly black and white without examining the shades in between. It does a disservice to SA victims/survivors and is wildly biased in favor of the likely perpetrator.
  • Sarsa333
    Subscription issues
    I subscribed but the last episode won’t play.
  • ParkRKy
    Extremely biased/one-sided journalism
    The host is extremely biased and is very dismissive of anything that doesn’t support his narrative. Do not bother and do not support this kind of podcast.
  • FlyQueen1
    Infotainment Podcast
    This is a very interesting and intriguing podcast and Guilliat does a good job of telling a story. However, this is not a journalistic podcast. It is told with the intent to lead readers to believe the parents were wrongly accused by a victim that was manipulated by corrupt, disturbed or at least incompetent therapists, medical professionals, lawyers and police, which is a stretch in any situation. Moreover, if you read the actual case, which you can find on the Reddit thread, there were several significant facts left out that indicated the father committed the crimes: the victim was consistent in her testimony, her sister also accused the father of fondling and digital penetration, the father had several naked pictures of his daughters that he took himself, and the implements used in the rape and mutation of the victim were found buried with roots growing through them, indicating she was telling the truth about when she buried them. Some accused Guilliat of victim blaming, but it seems more that he tried to actually paint her in a severely negative light, by focusing on DID. If you read her testimony, she had to testify about extensive and severe trauma, yet her testimony did not overdramatize and she was clear on what she could not remember. I think if Guilliat included some of these facts, the listeners of the podcast would come away with a different perspective.
  • Amberv70
    Sixth Episode
    I subscribed and the 6th episode won’t play for me either
  • :&?:258
    Biased and scary
    This entire podcast is so degrading towards “Emily”, her sisters and anyone who has experienced abuse. This is terribly one sided “journalism.” Why the creator is so adamant in defending predators and pedos is daunting. Please do not take this podcast as the entire story; look on Reddit and do a little more research before forming an opinion. Many are shocked and infuriated by the one sided nature of this “journalist’s” perspective. The parents were and are deplorable and deserve to be right where they are.
  • Soulbra Starship
    This could have been an opportunity to discuss the grey areas and difficulties in establishing facts when handling child sexual abuse cases, but instead it’s used as a vehicle for arguing that mental health professionals have gone too far in trauma informed care and ruined a good man’s life. I agree that it’s not journalism (no one from the opposing opinion is interviewed) and is victim blaming. Very harmful narrative for other survivors of assault.
  • FearSparky
    Thank you
    Thank you for the investigative work you're done putting together this podcast.
  • ksubsn
    Terrible background noise
    I couldn’t even get past the first few minutes due to the horrible deafening background noise. Awful. Don’t they know podcasts are all about sound?
  • kfromva
    Nope can't listen
    The sound effects and background sounds are distracting, loud and annoying.
  • javichipz
    An unnerving case
    Things aren’t very clear until episode 2 when this case turns from CS abuse to a modern era prosecution based on a modern form of “moral panic”
  • Coopie557
    I don’t understand why people are so angry. The story is as full of holes and lacking of proof as things are in real life. Yes he was a flawed father. Yes something happened to the daughter. And yes — recovered memories are not always the truth. But I think we have seen enough cases out there where flawed people end up getting railroaded that it’s certainly in the realm of possibility. It’s hard to understand how all of that violence could have happened and not show up on her body somewhere. I feel sorry for everyone and hope the daughters find some good psychological support.
  • Jfk423423
    Good investigation
    Ridiculous that people are calling this victim blaming when it’s simply the parents side. Believe it or not people lie. All of these “attacks” by the father and not ONE person has seen her bruised, cut, bleeding. Great podcast!
    6th episode would not play
    Subscribed and 6th episode would not play
  • Bobby Bunny
    skip it! the tone is way off
    Already just feels like victim blaming… Not interested in any piece that continually is questioning, the victims accounts as untrue far-fetched made up stories… Why aren’t you questioning the adults in this manner… Are the victims not to be believed because they were teenagers?
  • BrandyAndCo
    Listen to this
    Detailed description of this case. Not sure why people gave it bad reviews. Worth listening to.
  • kmeece
    Is this real life?
    What a bizarre stance this podcast takes. Several previous students and two of this mans daughters come forward with accusations of SA and this podcast wants us to believe in his innocence? I understand the inconsistency of some of these claims from one of the daughters but exactly how many women need to come forward for these ‘journalist’ to give these accusations merit? Are we suppose to believe this is just the words unluckiest man and is just cursed with half a dozen women accusing him of the same behavior at various times? Absolutely mind blowing.
  • WillNFLT
    Shamefully biased
    This is the most biased piece of “journalism” I have ever heard. Victim blaming at its worst!
  • Obscurebird
    Episode unavailable
    Episode “listening in” can not be played even after purchasing subscription- please fix
  • appalachianalex
    Absolutely not
    Way to give a middle finger to all the survivors of childhood sexual violence. I behaved SO SIMILARLY to Emily after I was assaulted as a teenager. The one-sided psychoanalysis of her behavior to prove that she made up stories grossed me out. The “journalist” steam rolls one point of view. Gives ZERO credit to the victims. Fails to discuss the very concerning behaviors of the mom and dad. Spends all his time trying to prove that the daughter must have been coaxed into a story by crazed therapists. This isn’t journalism. This is an opinion piece. Oh an one quick google search and you immediately find the identity of the family so I’m not really sure who he’s protecting with the pseudonyms.
  • Anonymous0450
    Incredibly biased
    I wanted to listen to this in good faith, as I do know that recovered memories and trauma focused therapies are incredibly unreliable, and was curious how that may manifest. However, this case seems a lot more nuanced than it was first presented. Why did it take four to five episodes to mention that the father had a history of sexual misconduct allegations and confirmed physical abuse? Maybe some of Emily’s memories are not wholly accurate but it seems undeniable that this family was incredibly abusive
  • Courtney Powell
    Bought subscription but no episode 4?
    Episode 4 missing once you purchase…
  • TRam0828
    Have we not learned?
    I can’t believe in this day and age, blatant signs of abuse are still being glossed over, and abusers are still given such benefit of the doubt. Emily and Sara’s behavior towards their father is being presented as evidence their claims are made up, when really it is just textbook victim behavior. I can’t believe what I’m listening to…from a “journalist” nonetheless. Shameful.
    Victim blaming?
    I haven’t listened to the end, because all I hear is an old man blaming a child for her confusion or traumatic response to abuse.
  • Rusted Nuts
    Fascinating. Well done!
    Skillfully done, gripping & well-told. Kudos from a listener in Ireland.
  • EJJJ4
    Very Thrilling
    Already hooked after 1 episode. Love the effects and it definitely is try crime and very fun to listen to on a morning day
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