Mina AF with Mina Starsiak Hawk


What’s one thing you've always wanted to ask but didn’t know how? What’s something you’ve always wanted to say out loud, but were scared to? We're gonna talk about it! You may know host Mina Starsiak Hawk from her HGTV show Good Bones, but that’s just the outer layer of who she is. On this show we’re going to pull the onion layers back and reveal the (sometimes tear-inducing) truth underneath. While it may seem like she’s had a blessed and easy life, there's always more to every story. Mina is ready to share her story and delve into others. Mina is asking the uncomfortable questions, talking about the things we're embarrassed to feel or think, challenging societal norms and doing it all without judgment! Follow MinaAF and let’s broaden your horizons, answer your questions, and most importantly, have FUN!

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  • Velmasmama
    You do you sweetie!
    I am an “older” listener who loved your tv show and also appreciated this podcast. I will listen to them from the beginning. I like authentic people and you are truly authentic Mina, never apologize for that. It’s refreshing in this crazy world. Words of wisdom from an old lady, life is change, it’s the only constant there is. Everything is temporary. But change is good, it’s cleans out what’s not needed to make room for the new beginnings. And trust me when I say let the tears flow, they are cleansing. You will regenerate, remake and reinvent your work life, it will be fun to hear what you decide to do next. May the force be with you.
  • fanfromGreenwood
    Goodbye Mina!
    Very disappointed that you won’t be doing your podcast anymore. I have really enjoyed it. Hope things get better for you. One confusing thing, you mentioned not really having a job right now, but don’t you have a store in Noblesville? Perhaps that didn’t open?
  • Lucky123green
    Amazing podcast!!
    I have watched Good Bones for years and enjoyed it. I have also done online shopping at your shop. It was on my bucket list to go visit, and still is now that you will have another location opening. I just wanted to say thank you for being so open and honest about your life. You say what like so many of us want to say, but just keep it in. (Not healthy by any means). You are so lucky to have such a wonderful and caring husband. I love when Steve is on your shows. My heart breaks for him and his sadness from so much loss. I also am from a his/hers/our kids family. It can be very challenging at times. I hope you find peace with your family. I want to share my favorite saying that I read….. Love the people God gave you because he will need them back someday. Keep up the good work. I look forward to Tuesdays.
  • ReganSmash33
    Mina says goodbye
    I am sorry you are leaving podcasting. I love all your podcasts and how honest and real you are. We all have struggles and should not judge people. I also loved all the Good Bones show. And you could see the struggles you had during the show with each person. People are trolls with nothing nice to say just because they can be anonymous in social media. And you should not have to deal with it. I understand needing the time and space and want you to take care of yourself,Steve and your kids. Look forward to future podcasts when you do them. Love you Gail
  • Dena A
    Love this podcast
    I loved your show on TV. I never missed an episode. Your design style is so perfect. It speaks to me. I love Steve and your kids make me smile. Austin and MJ were my favorites on there. I felt that you were being pushed around a bit by your family and I felt sorry for you for the messes they made. But when the podcast came out I realized how much in common we shared. Some of the little things you say about your family just feels like you’re talking about me. The kicker here is I’m 72 years old. I wish I had your insight when I was your age. You’ve done so well in taking back your power. You are remarkable. See ya next Tuesday. I see what you did there. 🤣❤️
  • SaraSabol
    Steve cracks me up
    Steve talking about Tom Sandavol gave me life. SO funny 🤣
  • GriefGuru
    Great podcast!
    My husband and I have enjoyed watching your show for the past few years! You are super knowledgeable and creative. I just discovered your podcast and I love it!! It’s SO refreshing to hear someone who is authentic and vulnerable, that takes a lot of courage….Keep up the great work, you are inspiring and motivating!
  • Willowes
    So impactful
    This episode was so brave of you!! I think your feeling we’re so valid and you were speaking your truth. I admire you for having the courage to be yourself and share yourself. Please know I’m sure there were a lot of people who benefited from this show You are a strong light, continue the good work on business and your family. I guess I don’t know what family drama you are dealing with but I hope it all settles soon. Stay strong- you got this
  • arielcstevens94
    Look forward to episodes every week!
    I’ve always loved watching Good Bones and even more after my husband and me moved to Indy for a short period of time (and plan to move back one day) but this podcast has caused me to like Mina even more than before! I love the raw and realness that this podcast is about. I look forward to a new episode every week and love being subscribed to Mina on instagram also. All the episodes so far have been amazing! Keep it up! I love following your life journey.
  • Marty949
    Bye bye mom
    I’m sorry Mina but I’ve never been able to stand watching your mom on the show. All the corny stuff she makes and stupid projects she thinks up are basically trash. I always hated it when you were taking people through for the reveal, and she would, but in and make them look at one of her dumb projects. Yikes! I read that she moved back east, which is probably good for you. If you start a new show, hopefully you’ll do it by yourself or with your designer. Families are just not usually like the Waltons or the Brady’s. Don’t feel bad just live your life. And please don’t do anymore plastic surgery. You’re a beautiful woman just as you are.
  • PodListeningGuy
    This Isn't Just Pitiful, It's Disgusting
    I'm sure it wasn't her initial intent, but to have a podcast where it seems it's entire focus, beyond her need to further inflate her self-imporantce, is to bash your family, is sad. Who wants to hear this despressing crapt? From the public eye, we can't know who is right or who is wrong, if anyone is. But why should we know? Why should we care? Don't you fans have enough drama in your own lives?
  • ChrystalLee14
    I just want to hug you!
    Mina! I am so sad to hear about Good Bones ending. I have always loved your show, and have looked forward to every new season. But, as someone who doesn’t know you, I love you so much and understand completely why you are ending it. Hearing about everything you’re going through just makes me want to give you a big hug! I’ve been in your shoes, where everything around you and in your world feels like it’s crumbling around you. The bad news is, sometimes you have to hit rock bottom, but the good news is, you’ll come back out on top… even better, stronger and wiser!!!! Stay strong, keep your chin up, and know you have a lot of people cheering you on. Love you girl!
  • Jaycie Kaye
    Reply to “blood is thicker than water”
    Hi Mina, love your show, Good Bones. Sorry it’s ending but understandably so. I saw one of your followers was shaming you for not forgiving your family. Girl !!! I have an abusive dad that seems to think he can still control me now at 59 years old. But here is what I learned along the way. 1, forgiveness is not for them. It is for you. Ever heard “he who angers you controls you”? Forgiveness breaks that control, and that manipulating power over you. Forgiving someone does not mean that you have to go around them after you forgive them. It only means that you are free of their chains that hold you back and drag you down. 2, your mental health and the mental health of your kids is far more important than fixing things with them. Forgive them for your sake, forgive them for your kid’s sake, but move on without them. 3, old time wedding vows used to quote a Bible phrase that when you get married, you LEAVE your father and mother and cleave to your spouse. You can leave! You don’t have to be around them. And plus now you have a new family cling to. A new family in which the blood is thicker than water. Treat your family (husband and kids), the way you always wanted to be treated and be the best person you can possibly be for your husband and kids. Finally 4, I heard a motivational speaker once say: “love them from afar”. You do not need to be around them. You do not need to hang out with them. And you certainly do not need to feel guilty about those choices. But most importantly, you do not need to subject your children to their toxicity. In reality it is your God given momma bear nature to protect the innocence of your children from anyone, (family or otherwise), that have nothing good to say about their momma or who treat you/your kids poorly. Take back your power. Be brave. Be strong. Be courageous. You have tons of support all around you. It may not be from the people it should be from, or even from the people you want it to be from, but it is there. Fill your life with positive encouraging people, good mentors, who can help guide you in life’s journey. Jaycie Kaye
  • Madge Artist
    Sept 18th show
    Just found you a few episodes ago. A wise therapist once told me to divorce my parents and when I engaged with them ( both dead now) to keep it just light and airy. Don’t engage in heavy conversations and just do what it took to just get along. It worked for me. We gone along great and when they died I was able to love them the best way I could and they the same. You have friends who you can complain to who understand the situation. My parents grew up in an age where you didn’t engage in anything serious. I was surprised how easy it was to just relax and not talk anything serious. Also, my parents were so close to my two sons and I was thrilled that their relationships worked. Your mother not wishing your kids happy birthday or stopping by to give them gifts would have been abhorrent to me and my parents would never have done that. Hope you feel better about all your decisions. One more thought, kudos for working with your mom. My mom had a great business and I lasted one year. When I couldn’t wrap a UPS package right, I quit.My sister tried it and lasted one day.
  • Katherine Butts
    Mina, The healing is a lifetime commitment. Go with your gut. Boundaries can be fluid, but protect yourself and your family. Do not feel guilty if you choose to drop a boundary for someone’s joy. Revel in the fact you did what was good for another, without having to deal with the guilt. Even though I am old, 64 and a survivor of childhood trauma, the work never stops. Kudos to you for putting in the hard work. Your family will be in a better place for it. K
  • Amy7111963
    Dear Mina, I, too, am a child of divorce. Like you it was an accumulation of things from ages 10-45 that culminated in me ending my relationship with my mother. I am one of 4 and I always advocated for my siblings. When my brother died of alcoholism at 46 I was just “done.” He had been sexually abused by our stepfather. At no time should you feel guilty or be made to feel guilty about your choice. I just chose to end the insanity at my generation and not expose my children to further craziness. The hardest part was hearing from my dad (they have been divorced since 1973), you should heal this relationship. I had to tell him, “look, if you want a relationship with me, don’t bring this up anymore.” Stay strong and don’t apologize. Safeguard yourself and your children.
  • KimJonesCPO
    Sober episode
    Thank you for sharing your story with us about sobriety! Your experiences were very relatable to me and your perspective is enlightening and gave a lot of things for me to ponder about. Although I’m sure it was hard to share, it was much appreciated! Thank you!
  • TK Momma
    Love This Podcast
    I can’t tell guy how much I look forward to Tuesday at work. Honestly I wish it was twice a week but love the show, the rawness, diverse content! Keep it up!
  • Kberg68
    Great pod, real talk
    It’s a great pod but like so many others, it really needs to get its volumes equalized. Apparently it’s tougher than I feel it should be since so many are awful, in this case Mina was much softer than her guest and especially the ads. It’s annoying and distracting to have to keep adjusting volume as you listen. It seems like this is a pretty professional podcast with a producer, I just don’t understand why this happens
  • annamagnerxo
    The hard things to talk about
    LOVE that there is no shame to address grief and the hard talk talk about topic of death! Plus, thank you for supporting Erin’s House!
  • JJFlock
    5 stars
    Love this podcast. Mina is so real…and relatable. It’s nice to hear that others have the same issues, concerns, whatever it may be…So thank you! I look forward to these podcasts each week!
  • tinasap
    Amazing content!
    I absolutely love this podcast! Already a fan of Good Bones so this podcast makes me so happy.
  • zkisbell
    I absolutely love how raw and non apologetic Mina is on this show. People forget that just because your on TV, your not a “real” person….smh Keep grinding it and being a rockstar. The world need more strong women in the spotlight like you.
  • birdcolor
    Well done
    Love the episode about grief
  • kfhhdbtkfhd
    I love good bones and MinaAF!! Can’t wait for future episodes and love the content.
  • csa1035
    Love ❤️❤️❤️
    Being raised by a traditional mom where you do not talk about sex or sex is bad. Your honesty is refreshing!
  • Graysnan
    Thank you for your honesty
    Watching “good bones“ from the beginning. I’ve always been a fan of you, Mina! The more I hear from you the more I see from you the more I adore you! I respect your right to talk about whatever you want to talk about and appreciate your honesty always! I’m 53 years old very insecure with myself, always have been, even at my lightest weight. Sex has never been a comfortable subject. We didn’t talk about it at my home growing up, I love my husband, but he is pretty selfish in that department, so I struggle with this kind of thing a lot. Your openness and honesty is appreciated! Keep it coming!
  • kout33
    First Review I’ve ever Done
    Ha! Love me some Mina! I think the fact that she does talk about everything makes her a fantastic role model! When you teach your children not to talk about things it is typically to their detriment. Thanks Mina for all you do on all platforms!
  • lynchdom
    The reality in the title isn’t for reality star it is for reality as in the real world. Very open and honest about what we all deal with and as a 63 yr old woman I appreciate the reality of your conversations.
  • Kal317
    But you ARE a feminist
    Mina, you’re awesome! You’re funny and you own who you are. And now you’re promoting owing you’re own sexuality! Girl… everything you represent… you are a feminist! You don’t have to not shave or burn bras to be a feminist.
  • NCKarrie
    funny story..
    My son (4.5 yrs) was asking about death and afterlife after we read some history books about important people in history. Anyway- i also didn't know how to answer, not being particularly religious. I ended up with a some vague answer about going to heaven to which he replied “or they can come back as a new person!” So now embrace some mixed up version of Christianity and Hinduism 🤷‍♀️😊
  • Cindy Sleppy
    I really enjoyed listening to your podcast on grief. Your connection to Steve is so honest and to the point. But kind and caring.
  • crystalHECK92
    I just listened to your newest podcast and was instantly in tears because i related when steve said he fell to the floor when he heard drew died. When i was 16 my cousin took his life and when i found out i also fell to the floor bawling and screaming. that was in 2008. I am so sorry for all of your losses. You two are such an amazing couple. Thank you for opening up to all of your fans in this way.
  • Addicted to scrap booking
    LOVE MINA !!!!!
    Mina . I love you and your family and how you put yourself out there . You’re 100% REAL. I LOVE your show and might love your podcast even more !!!
  • JillianMOB
    I am very touched by your openness and willingness to share your experience with grief. We don’t often talk about uncomfortable topics in our culture, but doing so gives us permission to be human and know we aren’t alone. Thank you!
  • Kappynotkathy
    Great Episode!!!
    Steve should be a regular guest! I loved his candidness and raw emotion. You don’t hear that from every man out there. Keep doing what you’re doing, Mina!
  • Khdjddkz
    Honest discussions
    Thank you for being willing to share this side of yourself and really great honest conversations about difficult things and fun things. ❤️
  • lindy luvs music
    Mina is so refreshing!
    Wonderful podcast! Mina is so honest and I love listening to her stories. Loved listening to her chat with Ashley. Looking forward to more.
  • DawnRey from MD
    Two of my favorites on one podcast! I thoroughly enjoyed listening to Ashley and Mina talk and share. Looking forward to more amazingness.
  • dnkneer123
    Love it
    Very interesting- thanks for sharing your life with us!!
  • Beccalud1
    Thank you for this! Loved the first episode. I, too, live in Indy! Oh how it would be AMAZING to be friends with Mina and Ashley!!! ♥️ Congrats!!!
  • SHag111
    Refreshing, honest & fun!
    When I saw your Instagram post about having a podcast, I jumped over SO fast to listen to the first episode. It was wonderful by the way and I can’t wait to see what else you bring!
  • diannepatterson
    Thank you for being so open
    I enjoy listening to your stories! I applaud you for your strength and endurance through life. Hearing about your childhood brought tears to my eyes. I love watching you and Steve parent your adorable children. I wish you the best!
  • BrittfromOhio
    Love love love!!
    Thank you for being so so honest 24/7!
  • Layla's grandma
    Love your candor!
    Huge fan of the show and so looking forward to more episodes of the podcast! Mina you are so authentic, and I truly appreciate your openness and honesty. Can’t wait for the next episode to drop!
  • Thesnake7
    Mina is awesome
    How incredibly authentic and interesting to listen to. You think you know Mina but this is a whole other introduction. Loved it and can’t wait to hear more!!
  • Sugainmytea
    Good bones and good podcast!
    Not everyone needs a podcast but Mina sure does! I am looking forward to hearing more from her
  • erk1520
    Mina is awesome
    Love Mina’s good bones on hgtv and love getting a peak at her personal life through this pod!
  • iheartmemegod
    love mina
    i can’t wait for this!
  • sammiefromohio
    love mina !!
    can’t wait to listen to this podcast
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