The Matt Walker Podcast


The Matt Walker Podcast is all about sleep, the brain, and the body. Matt is a Professor of Neuroscience at the University of California, Berkeley. He is the author of the book, Why We Sleep and has given a few TED talks. Matt is an awkward British nerd who adores science and the communication of science to the public. 

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Recent Reviews
  • SF-betsy
    Way overexplaining
    You're explaining concepts that are completely obvious as if your audience is thick and chronically overwhelmed. It's not that complicated. It gets really tedious with all that overexplaining.
  • Kuadratic
    Enjoyable and so educational
    Probably my favorite podcast. Matt walker ‘s advice has changed how I sleep and my entire life has been better for it . I can’t believe how much I have learned !!
  • ContrarianListener
    Thank you for making sense of 1/3 of my life
    Matt has helped me understand why my sleep has been rough recently.I appreciate his deep understanding of REM and non REM sleep. His common sense description of the sleep literature is very welcome. I have never been interested in using medications when simple behavioral changes can help me achieve my sleep goals. I mostly like his advice to ‘do nothing’ after a bad night of sleep to keep up the regular routine.
  • wallyhenry
    Dr Walker is the sandman.
    This podcast helped me a lot in improving my sleep and positively change my life. I found him in the Masterclass app and continue to follow him. Please make a podcast(s) about lucid dreaming and anything you can say about REM sleep. Thank you and I can’t wait to hear more!
  • LLB
    Can’t-miss podcast!
    Following Dr. Walker’s wisdom has improved the quality of my life, in particular, my mood and ability to focus. He breaks down the science to make to help the public make informed decisions. Dr. Walker, you might consider changing your cover art. You are a well-known public intellectual. I suspect I am not the only one who first bypassed this show as it appears to be someone else.
  • CheckpointC
    Matt got a new glamour shot
    Matt looks better. Is he getting more sleep?
  • trigve
    Self effacing is the boring part
    Dear Matt, Love the show. Just a note: you are not boring but your self effacing is. It gets old. Stop making the listener carry the burden of dealing with your self image and go to therapy instead. 💖
  • GoGreen930
    Such helpful info here!!
    This is really a great podcast. The information is given in small enough bites that I have time to listen to the entirety, and he is just now getting into some information that is helping me better understand the sleep info that I get from my garmin watch ( not that this info is particularly correct, but it’s something to go on) Thank you Matt for your clear concise and important sleep information, and I also love your calm kind thoughtful delivery.
  • roll ast
    Rem sleep behavioral disorder
    I’ve read your book and watched everything I could find. I have rem sleep behavioral disorder and have found very little on the subject Could you please do an episode on that. I’m thrashing and yelling and talking and sleep walking. During rem sleep so I’m not getting the rest I need. I need help!
  • C. Light
    Thank you so much, dear Matt Walker, PhD🙏🏻
    Thank you for your podcast and your book Why We Sleep. Also, for keeping us updated in your scientific knowledge of sleep. I have purchased your book to give to my MD. Most of my doctors don’t seem to appreciate how difficult it is to carry on with work and life when you can’t sleep. In my experience, they do not see the correlation with weight gain and multiplicity of autoimmune disorders that cause so much pain and distress and lack of sleep. You and Dr. Andrew Huberman are my heroes, You are the first to mention circadian rhythm’s the the need of light, etc. to set sleep and awake cycles. I do take L-Thiamine and Apigenin As recommended by Dr Huberman. I consulted my pharmacist and these supplements are must helpful. I sleep better . Thank you for your podcast, your generous gift of your time and hard work help us all, especially People In their late 70s, like me. God bless you, Mat Walker. Your voice Is a joy. Thank you. Mrs. A. Purdy🙏🏻💖🌹
  • Boltbot
    This podcast + Matt Walker's book is exceptionally important.
    Love this podcast and information that many of us need desperately. Sleep + exercise has become a second thought in society, and that's going to cause a ton of problems. Thanks Matt Walker for inspiring me to start getting my degree in health science at 23 years old so I can join the scientific community and help myself and others with their sleep, diet, and exercise.
  • Add Free 2029
    My life is a sleep study now because of this man
    I’m 17 and joking call my bedroom a sleep lap lined with infrared sensors and a core body temperature. I bought an 8 sleep mattress and want to make sleep my life’s work, absolutely obsessed with it since I was a kid. Hopefully one day I’ll get to meet him in person 🙏
  • Alias3800
    Life changing podcast and advice
    ## Life Changing Podcast and Advice Matthew Walker's podcast is nothing short of a revelation. As a sleep expert and the author of the life-changing book "Why We Sleep," Walker has a unique ability to break down complex concepts into easily digestible and actionable insights. His episodes are packed with valuable information on sleep, health, and overall well-being, making it a must-listen for anyone looking to improve their quality of life. The podcast's engaging format and Walker's charismatic delivery make it a pleasure to listen to. Each episode is carefully crafted, providing a perfect balance of scientific research, practical advice, and personal anecdotes. The topics covered are diverse and thought-provoking, ensuring that there's something for everyone, regardless of your background or interests. One of the standout aspects of this podcast is the actionable advice that Walker provides. He doesn't just present the science behind sleep and health; he offers tangible steps that listeners can take to improve their lives. This makes the podcast not only informative but also incredibly empowering. As someone with a keen interest in health and neurology, I can confidently say that Matthew Walker's podcast has had a profound impact on my life. The knowledge I've gained has led me to make significant changes in my sleep habits and overall approach to well-being. I can't recommend this podcast highly enough – it truly is life-changing. In summary, if you're looking to transform your life and unlock the secrets to better sleep, health, and happiness, don't miss out on Matthew Walker's podcast. It's a five-star listening experience that will leave you feeling inspired, informed, and ready to take control of your well-being.
  • Blondeqtpie
    Great Info Presented Very Well
    Matt does a fantastic job of explaining the topics. He always mixes in a bit of light humor and keeps you engaged. Very pleasant to listen to…well recorded and so well spoken.
  • zgoode01
    A great insight into sleep
    This podcast has changed how I think of sleep- in a positive way. It’s especially answered questions I didn’t know how to ask about napping, caffeine, and working out. Great listens, always.
  • Wishithadcrossfitworkouts
    Exactly what I hoped
    I loved your book why we sleep but wanted more in depth information. I love the organization of the podcast into the sub-categories related to sleep & the deep dive you do into them. I also love that they are in bite-size pieces. Matt Walker does an amazing job at making very complex topics, easy to understand. This is my favorite podcast!
  • kimrieg
    Thank You
    I have been losing the battle of sleep for years. Natural night owl, but always feeling like I had to get up. Living my life on “tired” had become the norm. I was losing the will continue on like this. This was not living. I will now be staying in bed sleeping my full 8 hours. It’s like you gave me a permission slip, when the world tells you everything must start at 8am. Not to mention you should have worked out, meditated, eaten a healthy breakfast, get ready for the day, get to work all before then. I now have the freedom to make my own hours, yet still had morning guilt. I can’t wait to learn more of the science.
  • ImSammo
    Penny drop
    For some time I’ve been trying to figure why I crave unhealthy snacks around bedtime but almost have to remind myself to eat breakfast. I haven’t been feeling revitalized when I wake up and I’ve been laying in bed awake for too long. Other than these issues things are going swimmingly (not). This podcast has helped tremendously in my understanding of what’s going on in my brain/body. Next time I’m in the UK I plan to stop at the sleep center to personally offer my thanks.
  • MartiniG09
    Excellent podcast
    Thank you Dr. Walker for sharing such valuable information! I’ve become an avid listener of your podcasts. I have sleep apnea and use a cpap machine, I don’t really like using it but after listening to your podcast, I won’t complain about it anymore. On a different sleep topic, I wonder if you could clarify something for me, recently I’ve started to use my Apple Watch to monitor my sleep, they have three stages of sleep, rem, core and deep, it looks like my sleep is mostly on the core stage. I haven’t heard you talk about that, or would that be the light stage of sleep you mention in your podcasts? My apologies for the lengthy message, I really look forward to your reply, thanks again!
  • AMetricFan
    Science-backed, informative and actionable
    I had read Dr Walker’s book a couple of years ago (excellent!) and was happy to find out about this podcast. It’s a great complement to the book and brings additional and updated information. He sometimes apologizes for his “personality”, which is completely unnecessary…his idiosyncratic style adds charm to the podcast and makes it fun to listen to. Thank you Dr Walker and please keep sharing your knowledge on this essential topic!!!
  • Spellrider
    Informative and charming
    I love this podcast especially as one who struggles with sleep. I felt both vindicated and relieved by the series on chronotypes because I have tried and failed many times to shift my night owl sleep schedule. And the host is charmingly kind and self-effacing. I appreciate his reassurances of no judgment.
  • Princesaapacible
    Delightful and Educational Listen
    Thank you Dr Matt! This is a wonderful podcast. The richness of the content along with your soothing voice and marvelous manner of speaking have moved me to recommend to several of my friends and holistic health colleagues. 🔥💕
  • deguylo
    Small time investment
    Small time investment for such terrific information that you’re not going to get anywhere else. I would love to know how to stop taking Ambien and get a good nights sleep. i’ve been taking it for a long time but I’m just finding out about the terrible effects of it. I would like to know what Dr. Walker would suggest. and how do you know if you’re really sleeping well? Sometimes I lie in bed and I have these dreams but I don’t know if they’re thoughts or am I having a dream. How can you tell the difference?
  • MsLiteBlue
    Sleep and Women’s health
    Love this podcast. Would love a series on sleep and Women’s health, particularly perimenopause and stages in a woman’s monthly cycle where sleep can be disrupted due to changing hormones. Thank you. Keep up the great work!
  • Boomer Doc
    The best sleep podcast I have listened to
    This is a Fantastic podcast! I have attended countless lectures on sleep and treated hundreds of patients with sleep disorders, this podcast is by far and away the most complete and easy to understand of all time. Each episode is limited to 10-12 minutes and confined to a single sub topic. Anyone with or without a sleep problem will find each episode fascinating and motivating information and can start to make changes in their life to really make a difference. I enthusiastically recommend the Matt Walker Podcast. David Bernstein, MD
  • IndependentMitch
    Like many other reviewers of this podcast, my introduction to Dr. Matt Walker was via his extraordinarily interesting book “Why We Sleep.” I recently found his podcast and it is fabulous! The podcasts are brief, usually around 10 minutes each and are very informative and engaging. Dr. Walker’s passion for the topic of sleep is infectious. I also love his humorous comments. His twitter account is a must follow too.
  • Yellowyak2
    My insomnia is going to hate you
    As a long time to suffer with insomnia, finding good and trustworthy sources on ways to deal with it can be a challenge. He may not be a doctor, but he is a scientist and that is what I am more interested in because he really knows about your subject! This is very easy to listen to and I love the very short shows because it makes it possible to listen to it even when you don’t have much time. There’s lots of good solid information without it being an inaccessible for non-scientific people.
  • Vermont sleep
    Informative and accessible
    Thank you for this excellent content and for the incredibly accessible way I which you present it. Good sleep is something I took for granted when I was younger, and something that has grown increasingly difficult to attain as I get older. I’ve found your research incredibly useful. I apologize if you’ve covered these in your later episodes (still listening!) but I hope you might be able to discuss the effects of other potential sleep enhancers such as meditation and yoga nidra, as well as those of pharmaceutical options such as those that include atypical benzodiazepines (z-drugs), trazodone and orexin receptor antagonists. Many thanks.
  • JT-MA
    Very insightful and well-researched recommendations, presented in an accessible manner
    This podcast provides extremely useful and fascinating information about the value of and recommendations for maximizing sleep. Sleep is examined from a variety of angles and in relation to a number of biological and environmental factors. I also find it extremely helpful that most of the podcast episodes are 12 minutes or less.
  • DDWens
    Great info!
    Just started reading Why We Sleep and really enjoying it. I was happy to learn there is a podcast as well. Love learning about sleep !
  • WCHall
    Sleeping better…
    My sleep has improved after listening to Matt’s podcast and applying the information. Love the shorter time frame content and topics. Thank you.
  • maitrigirl
    You are amazing…your personality is Amazing, your book is amazing and I am just grateful for everything you are sharing. You have a simple (and very kind) way of sharing the science and making things so understandable for those of us who love to dig deep and understand everything…yet maybe aren’t scientists or drs. I find myself rewinding and replaying each short episode over and over (so my mind can retain…ha!) and I never wanted to stop reading your book and listening. It all makes SO much sense to me — as just like water — I understand why truly restful and full sleep is vital to every cell and function in my/our/humanities being. You are the BEST! Thank you for sharing everything so ‘freely’. I am grateful.
  • pbx090
    Excellent use of time!
    Thank u
  • Redr00m
    Wish I’d found this sooner.
    Dr Walker, where have you been all my life? I have suffered from many sleep issues since I was a child - sleep paralysis, insomnia, lucid dreams, false awakenings. I’ve thankfully gone out of the sleep paralysis. I’m only in episode 10 but hope you cover sleep paralysis, sleep walking, and false awakenings. I’d really love to understand these better any why I might’ve experienced them so regularly for so much of my life. And PS. LOVE your personality. No need to apologize.
  • Lauren Rentz
    An inspiration for future scientists
    Dr. Walker’s contagious passion for sleep science and educating others has been a major influence on my research career and an inspiration for pursuing my PhD. When I was forced to read his book 5 years ago, I had no idea the impact it would have on my future. He breaks down complex concepts into digestible pieces with relevant applications that makes learning easy for everyone. Sleep was the first topic I came across during college that I WANTED to learn about, and his book ‘Why We Sleep’ jump started that interest. It has been the only book that I’ve ever been forced to start reading, and have finished by choice. Years later, I share his same excitement for science; I’ll talk about sleep to anyone and everyone that will listen, repeatedly incorporate sleep into journal club discussions, and intend to pursue a career that allows me to educate people the way he does. After years of reading the published literature, there’s still plenty that I learn from each of his podcast episodes. Thank you, Dr. Walker, for sharing your passion for science with others and for inspiring me to pursue a career in research.
  • B from Oakland
    Life changing
    A profoundly life-changing podcast. Can’t say how grateful I am to have found this and to Matt Walker for providing it. He is such a warm and caring speaker.. very soothing and helpful. This podcast is a gift to all of us humans struggling with insomnia.
  • Bill.Mazzoni
    This is such important and practical information
    Dr. Matt Walker is supremely ‘easy’ to learn from, whether as the author of the wonderfully readable book, ‘Why We Sleep,’ TED Talks speaker, guest interviewee or podcaster. He is enormously skilled at making sleep science ‘accessible’ to all of us. He's at once impressively humble while at the same time supremely knowledgeble about sleep research findings.
  • rubymemphis
    Brings awareness to the importance of sleep
    I first heard about Matt Walker when Joe Rogan said it was the most interesting podcast he’d ever hosted. Since then I’ve been ferociously devouring Matt’s content and have found it remarkably useful and insightful. I appreciate how he simplifies complex ideas and breaks them down into actionable steps. Well done!
  • Oilcraft 🤍
    Thank you
    I read the book Why We Sleep. I ignored your recommendation to take sleep seriously my words.) I regret that. The feeling with malaise, getting colds often, and more I made a decision that a full night sleep is as vital as drinking water. I’m thankful for the scientific research you are communicating to us.
  • Kimball S
    So very human and helpful
    Just want to thank you for your warmth, great teaching skill and subject matter. I had been on an antidepressant for many years and over the last year tapered off. The lingering withdrawal symptom is difficulty sleeping. Your work is so important.
  • BLJSchoolPsych
    Applicable, interesting SLEEP SCIENCE!
    Love everything this man records or writes. Extremely useful for the lay person and just enough science for the nerds.
  • Olshansk
    A fair alternative to the book “Why We Sleep”
    There’s no debate that Matt Walker’s book, “Why We Sleep”, is the best resource on the everything sleep related: importance of sleep, sleep optimization, etc… Second to his book, are discussions where Matt Walker is interviewed at length on other podcasts. This podcast is an easy-to-consume introduction if you haven’t read the book or listened to his conversations on other podcasts, but I personally find it a bit too slow, repetitive, and do no enjoy the format of the 10-20 minute episodes.
  • Luna the Night Owl
    Enthusiastic and educational
    This short-style podcast is educational, based in science, communicated so all can understand easily whether their background is in the sciences or not, and filled with Dr. Walker's unabashed enthusiasm for learning and teaching. I love the short and to-the-point episodes. They are just right for listening to when you have a spare moment, and the information sticks well. His enthusiasm is contagious and a wonderful mood booster during the long days of the pandemic. Hopefully, these will be continued for many more episodes to come--and hint, hint, maybe will accompany a second book in the future (no pressure!) with more information on advances in sleep science. Highly recommended :) Updating 3/18/22: Love the Sleep Is Bloody Remarkable episode and hope for more in this style to come in the near future! Updating 6/18/22: Really enjoying this series and putting the knowledge to use. Having taught at the college level, I understand how much time and effort goes into producing an excellent lecture and so thank you so much Dr. Walker for all the heart, soul, and enthusiasm you put into this podcast :)
  • mzmatai
    Sleep is therapy!!!!
    I found out about Dr. Matt Walker through Sam Harris’ Waking Up app, and the episodes on The Kingdom of Sleep! I listened to them all and am so impressed with his level of knowledge and ways of explaining things to his audience. Sleep is so critical to our mental health and I would love to see more talk about the benefits of sleep in the mainstream. Amazing work, Dr. Walker!!! I love what you’re doing and I love your personality and authenticity shining through in your speaking. Malee Van Wie
  • DeniseW1955
    love the sleep series--more please
    I think you only touched the surface of what we know. I would appreciate a deeper dive into sleep and dreams since you are one of the foremost experts. I would enjoy a conversation with another expert to delve into more about why we sleep and dream and what happens when we are deprived of them. I really enjoyed the series so far. If I can think of specific questions I had come up while listening that you didn't explain or explain enough, I'll message you on Instagram. Thank you.
  • Jacquelyn M Higgins
    Thank you!
    I first heard you on the Megyn Kelly Show. and learned so much. This is such an interesting podcast and has been helpful for understanding sleep and health. One question, what about the bed? Are mattresses and the new fad, adjustable bases, as important as advertised? Thanks! JMH
  • sbannmarie
    “After all, I’m British”
    And so Matt humbly and succinctly speaks. Great podcast, keep ‘‘em coming!
  • Amaholic5
    Easy Listening and Interesting
    Matt speaks with slow, calming, and articulate prose. Helps me relax, learn about sleep one of my favorite topics, and focus on health. The book is great too.
  • DMR525
    Matt Walker Never Disappoints
    I have been following Dr. Walker and his research for years. As always, his way of breaking down complicated neurological/scientific data is brilliant! He is clear about methodology and how and what the data suggests in our every day lives! I use the information I learn from him when working with people from 6 years old to 96 years old.
  • ukiddin
    love this doc
    he is fantastic! I learn so much
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