Dear Gabby

Education #53

Dear Gabby is a weekly show where #1 New York Times bestselling author and international speaker, Gabby Bernstein, offers up real-time coaching, straight talk and BIG LOVE. Episodes include unscripted Q&A sessions where she coaches listeners through life-changing transformations, plus free-flowing conversations about personal growth and spirituality with unique and inspiring guests.

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Recent Reviews
  • Nd cake
    Big Ego
    OMG the ego and narcissism on this woman is ridiculous considering this is a spiritual podcast. You would think she would be further along the path for all the years she’s been “teaching” other peoples work. It’s all about marketing and money. She mentioned she could do more in one hour than people could do in months. Bragging as if you’re better than others is NOT being an example to your followers. As well as pushing books and apps on people. She says it’s not pushing, it’s sharing. Why is she still writing books. Self Help doesn’t have her picture on the cover because it’s all about us. She’s writing for us. Lol. She stares at herself in her stories like a teenager. Her books are surface level filled with inconsistencies and lies to relate to the everyday person. But if it gets her money and a good life style, so be it. For someone who claims to have only an eighth grade English and can’t string a sentence together, makes no sense since she has a college education. If she helps anyone in anyway then great. Adios
  • sacramentoL
    Thank you Gabby for your extraordinary ability to speak to the soul of those of us who recognize and accept it’s time to heal ourselves. This podcast is a MUST for those who are ready to do the hard work to become the best version of you!
  • Babbsdyy
    It’s really hard to respect what she and her guest are saying about perimenopause when she uses such non-inclusive language. Non-binary and trans men also experience a wide range of these issues and “women” are not just married and partnered with “men”. It’s 2025, come on.
    Long time listener/follower
    I have been with Gabby for a very long time. In the last year I feel like she has become more sales than a coach. I get it. Sales are important. Every episode now is just a commercial for a book, the app, etc. Again, I get it. Just a turn off, for me, that I have to sift through all her sales to get a little bit of coaching. Brilliant because most would join the app, buy the book, and sometimes I do: I would rather buy from a coach than a sales person.
  • lovely 85g
    Thank you Gabby
    I came across this pod cast this year and fell in love with her true authentic talks, it was comforting to me because she talks about her path as well and that feels relatable. She always feels like a good friend talking to me. I recently just got her Gabby App and it is helping me stay on track with caring for myself.
  • KellyMo3GirlMom
    Episode 232 11:11
    Gabby and Josh! Omg, I can’t make this up. I was listening to this episode in my car. Towards the end of the episode, Gabby mentions writing a review and says something like who knows you may see you write it at 4:44. Right after I heard her say that, I liked at the car in front of me and saw the license plate ended in 2444. I knew it was a sign that my Angels were with me. Thank you Universe!!! Love you Gabby and Josh 💗
  • SarahShaw13
    Thank you!
    I stumbled across Gabby from a friends IG story and am so glad the universe led me here. She’s helped me make sense of my world and become more in tune with signs and situations. After reading “Super Attractor” I realized everything good in my life had come when I was living in alignment and wasn’t pushing for things to happen. Just finished the latest episode on 11:11 and have to say - on 11/1 I checked into a hotel and my room was 1111. I was speechless. I had been travelling for work to this hotel for months and this was my final weekend. I knew I was supposed to be there for a reason and I also knew this particular job may not be why I was there, but that something else was meant for me. The next night at work, I looked at a clock that had the seconds shown and it was 11:11:11 - I just smiled and thanked the universe for showing me that my thoughts are aligned with my situation. Days later, I received a call from my boss saying I was going to be put on another project, different from the one I had been doing. Nothing is a coincidence. Thank you Gabby for helping me recognize these moments from my spirit guides.
  • just a girl trying to rise!
    What happened to Gabby
    This used to feel authentic, but feels like a like a long advertisement now. Been listening to Gabby since 2020.
  • JGrace88
    More marketing than substance
    I’ve listened to about 3-4 episodes and have found each contain at least 50% ads + marketing. I’m wondering about all of these great reviews, because it’s not possible to sit through a single episode without constantly skipping to get to what I actually came for. She sounds disingenuous, and again, continuously marketing herself so much that it devalues what she may actually want to offer.
  • Holistic Harmony
    More ads than content
    I enjoy the content, but I honestly feel like more time is spent on sponsor ads than anything else and I feel cheated.
  • Scooching in Here
    Wasting Time
    16 minutes prior to getting to the content of the episode. I waste my time listening through these
  • fyrdyuc
    Infomercial dressed up as a podcast
    I’ve listened to dozens of episodes over the last couple of years and I’ve finally reached a point where I can’t stomach anymore. Every episode topic is spun to sell a membership, a book, or a course on Gabby’s website.
  • slamber86
    So many ads
    It took 16 mins to get through the intro and first round of ads before getting to the actual content of the episode. Then, another round of ads. I used to love this podcast but the ads are so excessive I’m beginning to be turned off of listening. Been a long time listener but this episode kind of pushed me over the edge.
  • Michigan_is_cold
    Why so many ads?
    Not sure why…it’s half ads. Plus things that are a little confusing. So sad as the Gabby I have seen at kripalu was not like this. 😔
  • staylor527
    I love Gabby
    I’ve been following this podcast for a few years now and it’s my #1 go-to. I keep up with the weekly episodes, replay the order ones, and shuffle through them randomly for that extra guidance. I love Gabby’s energy, her confidence, her awareness of self, and her ever-evolving perspective. I love that science and reliable research is a huge part of the foundation of her practice, but intuition and spiritual connection is just as important. OH and I own almost all of her books! Gabby is my GIRL! What a life changer.
  • BarnabyMom
    Beautiful podcast
    Gabby has helped me in so many ways. Her podcast is insightful and informative. And has giving me many tools on how to be better and manifest the life of my dreams. I highly recommend this to anyone looking for spiritual guidance and spiritual community. ❤️
  • _tiny_lift_queen
    Light Worker
    Gabby is an incredible person. I had the privilege of watching her speak and she truly commands and transforms the room. Her energy is powerful and full of wisdom. Thank you Gabby.
  • BeIntheMomnt
    I freaking love Gabby! Go get her app! It’s truly remarkable!
  • Tinka
    So. Many. Advertisements.
    There are so many advertisements in her podcasts. It takes away from the flow of the episodes with the constant interruption for ad reads.
  • Dern79
    I like Gabby but …
    I have found Gabby’s podcast and meditations to be so helpful. What I struggle with is how full of herself Gabby seems - talking about herself in the 3rd person, inserting her own stories into the conversation when people are talking about themselves, the fake “sweetheart” and “baby” she uses when talking with guests. I honestly find a lot of value in this podcast but I could do without the ego. T
  • bhviss
    From stuck to happy
    My life was mess due to a break up from my partner of 7 years…I was desperate, depressed, nothing in my life was going in the right direction… I was so desperate, I was listening to tarot readings every single day and every chance that I would get, all in hopes of reconciling with my X… the more I was listening the more depressed I was getting, one day I listened to this reading and the reader mentioned Gabby .. it so happens the reader’s name is Gabrielle too… Immediately I looked Gabby up and started listening to her videos on YouTube …I understood then that, that was sign, the sign that Gabby talks about… Gabby's way of talking and motivating resonated with me so much that it instantly changed my thinking, my beliefs and my energy… thank you Gabby for giving so much!!!!
  • Grateful918
    Love that I found Gabby
    Two months ago I came across Gabby on instagram then found out she had a podcast. Her podcast has helped me so much. And because I just love hearing what she has to say and teach, I got the gabby app. Gabby and all of who she is and teaches, comforts me every day. I am learning and discovering so much about myself. I am working on my self worth and I am grateful for Gabby. I feel like I am really changing for the better on so many levels because of Gabby. She inspires me.
  • Paulie6588
    Spirit guides
    I have been journaling when I can and I felt once and believe it was spirit coming through. Been having having troubled dreams a couple weeks ago. Maybe something wasn’t lined up I took notes after I woke up. Thank you for your spirit guides episodes. It’s appreciated. I also use an archangel tarot deck. It’s really beautiful. Have a great day! Thank you for your show!
  • ABW1111
    Excellent! Don’t miss this one
    I’m obsessed with this podcast I get something great from every episode. Gabby was put on tgis Earth to help people and boy does she deliver! Love this!
  • SunnyXOXO1
    Gabby’s the real deal
    I can’t thank Gabby enough, and I recommend her to everyone I talk to. Two years ago I was at rock bottom: lost my job, had to move back in with my parents, little money, no love life, no self-esteem - you get the picture. I found her books, started applying her teachings to my life, and although it took some time, my life has greatly improved. I now think positive, meditate regularly, pray, release fear, and take spiritually aligned action. I’ve lost 20 lbs and counting, regained my confidence, and landed a new job that doubled my income. Folks, the mind and spirit really do come first, and everything else follows. Peace and love XOXO
  • Snoopy in DC
    Right wing
    Her guests keep quoting right-wing personalities admiringly: Russell Brandt, Jordan Peterson, etc I certainly wouldn’t take guidance from someone who admires these horrible people.
  • gryffindorg
    Great podcast!
    I love this podcast for all things spiritual. I just wish it was longer and had less ads.
  • Kelly U.L.
    Changed my life
    Dear Gabby has changed my life. It has helped me align with the Universe in ways that I never thought possible. This podcast truly helps you to achieve your greatest desires by changing your relationship with life. For the Dear Gabby team: My question is, “How do you act as if, if you do not have the financial resources to do so?” Thank you!
  • Tibear
    Not much content in episodes
    This is 30ish minute podcast and Gabby and/or her guest only actually speak for about 15 minutes. This podcast is HALF ads and Gabby speaking about her own app or herself. It’s barely any content. I want to hear what her guests have to say but I’m really becoming disenchanted with this podcast.
  • KylaP
    Too many ads — Follow your own INTUITION!!
    Much love to Gabby. She has been a light and has Introduced me to so many modalities. But this podcast has gone down a lot AND I have a word of caution. Everyone has already stated the ads are obnoxious with them taking about 25% - 50% of the episodes and I can’t tell what Gabby stands for anymore. It lessens the authenticity for me. Plus as has been said, the content of the episodes has gotten much shorter, especially since the format has changed from the “Dear Gabbys” lecture plus Q&A to the current format of a short interview with a notable guest. Word of Caution: I also want to say to everyone…. no matter what any teacher tells you ALWAYS listen to your own intuition. Learn to act on your INTUITIVE INSTINCTS and inner guidance system. I did Gabbys manifestation challenge two years ago when “allowing” and “surrendering” were cornerstones of her guidance. It worked really fast but I surrendered myself into what became a manipulative, domineering, and hurtfully imbalanced multi-partner relationship with the man with whom I had been in love with for years (and friends with for even many more years). A man of such wisdom and spirituality that it was easy to fall to his influence when in a flow of “surrender” and openness. When it ended the whole situation almost killed me. I was never as depressed nor as suicidal in my entire life. This is not blame. This is a cautionary tale. I would not wish that dark time in my life on my worst enemy. But that deeply deeply suicidal time brought me to one valuable place.. I finally came to this truth…that I want to live. So I put any bit of strength I had into surviving, so I could help others. So consider this review a start: So I say to you…. Do not surrender yourself into something that is not aligned with you. When manifesting and you cant discern what God is telling you, go with your gut. Two reasons I got in that situation… #1 ”Surrendering.” The guidance at the time was, “when you feel like taking an action, you need to surrender MORE.” This was teaching us to ignore our intuition. And then, “even if what comes into your life isnt what you said you wanted, surrender and allow the flow of the universe” because you don’t know how it may be bringing you closer to the life you really want. This stuff is dangerous guys!! The problem with this is that you MUST know when to walk away. This was not talked about much in the manifesting challenge with Gabby at the time. You do need to go through unnecessary trauma!!! By surrendering and allowing, I gave up my agency. I became much more supple and maleable and a strong, very convincing force was able to direct my outlook and mind. I am a strong minded person. So if it can happen to me. It can happen. So instead of Gabby’s mantra, try this: “If you feel like taking an action, get deeply in touch your body and determine if that is your inner wisdom or fear.“ Ask yourself: Is this old programming doing what it has always done, keeping me where I have always been as protector mechanism. Or is this my wisdom guiding me to the best choice for me? Secondly, #2 I didn’t get as clear as I needed to be on what I was a ‘yes’ and ‘no’ for. At the time of the manifesting challenge, I thought I was super clear and specific! But I was soft around certain areas like monogamy. I always pictured just two of us. But I had not explicitly wrote that in my visualization. For me the communal aspects genuinely sounded really really nice to me and I wanted to explore that, but I did not believe that my partner had enough compassion to do it in a healthy way. So I did not get clear on how much compassion and equity I needed in my relationship. The latest manifesting challenge hinges more on clarifying Deal Breakers. I wish that was a stronger component a few years back. But I learned a lot. I am clearer on what I want. And most importantly, I fiercely and mercilessly listen to my INTUITION in all areas of my life. I don’t do a thing without checking in with my body and listening for that feeling of yes or no. For me, it came at heavy cost… lost 3 more years off of finding my mate at the twilight of my child bearing years, lots more trauma to heal from, and just such intense pain. So I say to you all, teachers are just people. Gabby is wonderful and is a great guide. But no matter what, learn how to listen and ACT on your own intuigion. Even if it means walking away from a deep desire. Peace and love and blessings to you all. You are special and meant to be here and to shine your light. Thank you Gabby Bernstein for your lessons and work!
  • julieq03
    90%+ Advertisements, Very Little Info
    I’ve been a long time listener and the information the episode is actually about has decreased substantially. This morning, trying to listen to a 25 minute episode and had to stop 13 minutes in because she had only talked for 1 minute about her topic and the rest was a continuous loop of advertisements. Yes, I understand shows needs sponsors but this is out of hand. So sad to see Gabby’s work has become ALL about the $$$ first and not about her mission.
  • apippiw
    Good info but a little off putting
    I like Gabby's content but she has this habit of calling people she doesn't know by endearing terms: "love" "gorgeous". I find it distracting and insincere. I struggle to stay focused when she uses these terms for her guests.
  • Merc0306
    Amazing KW Interview
    Listened to this podcast for the first time because I’ll literally listen to anything Kerry Washington has to say. I did not expect to cry my eyes out. I loved this interview so much! Gabby certainly brought something very special out in this interview. OP to decompress resonates so much with me. I learned something really interesting about my self today.
  • 10 Feeders
    Gabby! You have life changing views; youve lived life and the universe respects that, sooo encouraging!!! im just one of those old souls that your wisdom touched, and definitely then some! Thank you! Just please please please, less commercials. Lawdy!! Just a thought. :)
  • StephE999
    Great podcast but way too many ads!!
    The amount of ads in contrast to the content is out of balance.
  • Coconut2222222
    Justice for Miracles Now lol
    Love Gabby, have read (almost) all of her books and rarely hear her reference Miracles Now. This book has been a godsend for me when I need relief or a quick tangible practice to implement. Team Gabby-I think it could be a super impactful add to the podcast to share a random skill from Miracles Now at the top and/or bottom of the episode. Similar to how she used to pull a card each episode. Love and appreciate you all!
  • Marie20065
    Used to love it…
    This used to be such a good podcast. Now it feels like Gabby is rushing through each episode, content isn’t as great or insightful, feels like there arent any takeaways but way too many ads. Wish it was how it used to be!
  • ellie dillon
    It’s a commercial every 3.5 min
    I wanted to listen more but the constant plug or tie into her online app is every 3 min then there are commercials for her sponsors or she is talking about buying her book. I know there is so much goodness but for me I just skipped so much to get to the content it wasn’t worth it.
  • FormerFan408
    Too many ads for random products
    Maybe put all ads in the beginning or towards the end? So many ads throughout is a bit annoying. Content is great but could get to the point faster at times.
  • notjoebuck1
    Love Dear Gabby, but…
    6 Ads in a half hour episode is ridiculous.
  • Flowermama11
    Way too many adds
    The last episode on manifesting had way too many adds of Gabby promoting things. Also, I am a Gabby fan from way back and you sounded very rude to your guest today. What happened to Gabby!?😢
  • Shaski82
    I am really enjoying this. Trying to absorb it all so I don’t have a lot to say. Just that I’m trying to be better and this gives me a lot to think about.
  • Sarahkates
    I have never felt more connected or understood than I do when listening to your podcast. Yesterday the universe gave me a sign when you spoke of your Grandmas Fritz’s passing… my maiden name is Fritz. Life is hard however listening to you provides the guidance, love, & understanding that I need. Bless you soul I’d love to have an opportunity to be on the show.
  • amggratitude
    18 year sober episode
    Thank you so much for this episode and congratulations on 18 years. I have a feeling I am going to come back to this episode again and again 🙏🏻
  • Lift for life
    So thankful for Gabby!
    Love everything from Gabby! She is my favorite spiritual teacher. The coaching app had changed my life!
  • Ko3k10
    Thank you so much!
    I never write reviews but I had to reach out and say thank you so much for your Big Talk with Maria Menounos! I’ve always really admired her, all the way back to her Channel 1 days (IYKYK lol). Listening to her story about finding meditation and how much she just wanted to do it all the time, really resonated with me so much. The way she explained her journey to finding peace, health, and even more happiness was so beautiful. I’m happy that she and Kevin finally have their precious baby! ♥️
  • sera.sera.
    There’s an ‘S’ in Emotional Freedom TechniqueS
    Gabby—I love your content, books, podcast, etc. but 1) wayyyyy too many adds: it’s redundant & disruptive & brings down the energy *le sigh* and 2) it’s not emotional freedom technique but TECHNIQUES (with an ‘s’—there are multiple techniques used in the EFT Tapping). Why not bring on an up-and-coming certified EFT Practitioner to highlight & share in the overflow while gifting your audience a deep & transformative Tapping session? That’s abundance, yes? 🤩 also, would recommend inviting EFT experts like Jennifer Partridge or Brad Yates to share the love.
  • Jsjejjwkkbvc
    There are just too many ads!
    Gabby has so many great insights & tools to offer- but this podcast is so full of ads!! I would say charge more for the collaborations and include no more than 3 advertisements throughout the podcast- and shorten them up a bit!!
  • Painter-gal
    I am so grateful I have found Gabby’s books, & podcast… this is a game changer. Fan for life! I needed her ‘ she’s here! ❤️🙏🏻
  • BearerOfBeautifulThings
    Love Gabby
    Dear Gabby popped up in my podcast feed as a suggestion and I have been binging everything Gabby! I just finished Supper Attractor and I love the messaging. Thank you.
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