The Job Interview Experience

Careers #65

Do you want actionable job search guidance from an Executive Recruiter, Search Firm Owner, and Director of Talent Acquisition? 

The Job Interview Experience Features Interview Preparation, Job Search Advice, Insider Insight, Listener Questions & Answers, Common Mistakes, and Industry-Leading Guests.

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Recent Reviews
  • Mostdef5
    One of the best podcasts for job preparation
    I have been listening to your podcast for two months now and it has helped me so much in terms of how to interview. Generally, I’m great in person, but during interviews I often bomb out because my nerves are on edge. Granted my nerves are still on edge, but listening to your podcast has helped me immensely. I received a job offer on my second interview that I had in two months (the first job interview I had was awful and I was well aware of that). I owe a great amount of that to your podcast. It helped me reinforce what I already knew, but how to reframe how I respond, because that was a big problem of mine. Thank you so much!
  • vks1234
    Lots of good information. Will listen to all the episodes.
  • Linda Ugelow
    Great advice and inspiration
    This podcast offers endless inspiration and tips that keep the job seeker feeling confident and prepared!
  • susanr0120
    Exceptional advice
    Covid was hard on my career. While I have a great job right now and doing well, I believe I should always stay ready to have a professional conversation about a great opportunity! Thank you Matthew for all you do, much appreciated!
  • MGP Terps
    Thanks Again
    Matt Thank you for this podcast and all the great advice, tips and resources about landing a new opportunity. 4 times laid off since spring of Covid 2020 and I continue to listen because you never know when you will need it. Again
  • SJinBK
    Thank you, Matthew!
    On Monday I start a new position. The salary is more than $40,000 more than what my previous organization offered for the upcoming year. Plus, I negotiated more than $12,000 in bonuses. When I was offered the job, the hiring manager named that my strong preparation was one of the things that convinced him I was the right candidate. My prep was totally driven by this podcast’s Aug 17, 2023 episode "Crucial Pre-Interview Research..." Moreover, throughout the interview process, I listened to this podcast and practiced my responses during my commute, and I'm sure that gave me the confidence that helped me land the job. THANK YOU! This new position will be a major quality of life improvement for me and my family.
  • ferasa
    So many great practical career tips!
    f you’re looking for a career change, if you’ve been laid off and are on the job hunt, or if you’re undecided about your next step, Matthew’s podcast is for you. Matthew and his guests not only provide valuable interviewing and job hunting tips, but they also cover topics on mindset and what it takes to stand out from the crowd and advance your career.
  • ML2424791dhsy
    Highly engaging and informative!
    I’ve been listening to this podcast for the last six months and I’ve learned so much about how to approach resumes, searching online and applying for jobs in a meaningful way, and interview techniques that are highly successful. I am still in my journey in finding that next great job, and feel better equipped because of Matthew’s content.
  • Keepin It Real Diehl
    Excellent Host!
    Matthew is an incredible host who guides his guest to give his audience the best possible content. You must listen to this show! As a guest, I was blown away and am now a raving fan! - Erin Diehl - The improve it! podcast
  • El Padrote de los padrotes
    Great podcast with top notch advice!
    I love this show and Matthew is a great interviewer. I love how he brings out the guest’s true personality. Highly recommend.
  • Brandon Bramley
    Great career insights!
    Matthew consistently brings on knowledgeable guest and is an expert in this space. I love that I always gather tangible advice from his episodes.
  • MommaSci
    Practical info!
    I’m new to the job market after working for 10 years in one position and 10 years in another. I have not had to do many interviews in my 20 year career and it felt like a scary place to be after a recent layoff. This show has practical tips to help me refine how to interview, especially because I already know I can be great in the job from my extended experience!
  • eaboe13
    You Are My Interview Guru
    Over the last few months, I’ve been queuing up your episodes and listening to them repeatedly for their honest, intention-driven advice. I am proud to say I’ve just landed my dream job, and while it’s my background and experience that brought me here - it was this podcast that put me into the right headspace and mindset to seal the deal. Your insights, your collaborators and your truly applicable and action-oriented advice are so relevant and spot on. I would go for trail runs as I prepared for multi-round interviews with my new employer and you kept me focused and sane when emotions and stress were high! I want to say thank you for sharing your tips and tricks with the world in this way. I literally felt like I had an insider’s advantage during my conversations and was able to be so much more present and authentic - which further excites me to know I vetted the company to fit my needs as much as they vetted me…I already know it’s going to be a good adventure. Thank you for what you do, and good luck to all of the fellow listeners pursuing their next dream job, too.
  • mistimisti
    Thank you!
    I recently re-entered the job market after selling a business I started and ran for 15 years. Over the past decade plus, I have interviewed staff for my company but never been the one being interviewed. I was completely clueless when preparing for an upcoming interview! I can’t say enough praise for how impactful your podcast has been over the past month in prepping me for all aspects of the interview process. Today I had my final interview of the 4 interview process (whew!) and it was with the CEO. This morning, as a last step in prep, I listened to your episode interviewing Johnny Walker at Executive Edge and it quite literally got me the job offer! I NEVER would have prepared an answer for the specific “why not how” discussion and, because I did, my response was seamless. Thank you for giving me the confidence to represent myself in the best way possible! -Misti
  • Michael OReilly
    An investment in yourself
    I could not be happier with the impact of this podcast. Informative, exciting and motivating, this podcast provides such an excellent foundation for success within the job interview and personal development process. Thank you for giving all of us your skills, expertise, and wisdom, as we navigate scary but invigorating experiences. Proud to say, I got the job because of this podcast, and you can too!
  • Dancheff99
    Absolutely Recommend! Straight to the point 10/10. Listening has helped me elevate my response to interview questions.
  • CaptainHiltz13
    Dream Job
    Can’t say enough about Matthew and the Job Interview Experience podcast. I have spent the last year applying and interviewing to no avail. I would get a phone screen or face-to-face interview but nothing was coming my way. I started listening to Matthew and the Job Interview Experience a few weeks ago. I would replay the episodes over and take notes. My first interview after listening landed my dream position!! Can’t thank you enough Matthew, keep up the great work!
  • B Ahlquist
    This is great!
    Thanks for putting this together! It is keeping me positive and I take away a little something with every episode.
  • AimSLu
    Great Resource
    Sound advice from professional host and guests. I enjoy the content and feel it has made me a more attractive candidate. Thank you!
  • Grnberyl
    Specific, applicable, relevant advice
    Provides lots of practical info for job search, career, and interviewing. I got hooked from the episode on work/career baggage. The concept resonated with me and the advice was exactly what I needed in that moment. The show is great! I know a lot of listeners like the shorter episodes, I personally prefer the longer ones which go more in depth.
  • najflh92948
    Thank you!
    I wanted to improve my interview skills and ended up in this amazing podcast. Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us.
  • Tbone74
    Such a valuable resource
    The podcast offers such useful insights regarding the interview process. I recognized the need for a more comprehensive approach to my interview preparation. The strategies offered felt far more useful than a lot of the alternatives offered elsewhere.
  • Tysooon28
    It’s never too late! Long review but worth it!
    Where do I begin! I quit my job before I had something secured because it was a toxic work environment and I needed to get out. I hadn’t interviewed in over 10 years and was heading to an interview for the job of my dreams at a company I could see myself retiring with! I found this podcast the night before on my 2-hour drive to my hotel. I listened to as many as I could trying to prep myself. I was nervous and scared, but this podcast really made me feel relaxed and comfortable. I walked away from that interview feeling extremely confident! However, I didn’t get the job! But that is all right because the confidence this podcast gave me, had me feeling better about my next set of interviews! Over the next few weeks, I had multiple interviews and sure enough the offers came rolling in. Within 2 days, 4 offers were at my feet, and I was in control of my situation. I was able to weigh them out and take a job that raised my salary by 30k/yr. My start date was still weeks away and sure enough, my dream company called and wanted me to interview for another position! I crushed it because I had continued to listen to Matt and The Job Interview Experience. The offer came through and my life changed. I was able to pull out from the original offer I accepted, double my salary & moved to a city closer to family. Thank you, Matt, for everything! This podcast is responsible for changing my life. To those wondering, just know its never to late to start listening, the night before or as you are sitting in the parking lot talking yourself up, The JIE has something that will be beneficial to you. I still plan on listening to grow more skills & knowledge because in this new role, I now have to sit on the other side of the table and interview candidates! Thank you for everything Matt!
  • Rae090909
    Very useful tips and examples
    Your podcast has very useful tips to answer common interview questions , and make the answers stand out . The examples help a lot ! Truly effective !
  • pkio845677
    Thank you
    Hi, Thank you for sharing your wisdom. I appreciate your support. Simi
  • SassiSteph
    Life changing podcast!!
    I’ve been listening to podcasts for well over fifteen years and this is the first review I’ve ever written, which speaks so highly to the incredible experience I’ve had as a listener! Although I was happy in my former role (spoiler alert), I felt I had so much more to offer an organization and that my trajectory for advancement was limited. Although I wasn’t actively looking for a new role, I came across a job posting on LinkedIn for my dream position, literally my DREAM was as if the description was written specifically for me! As often happens when faced with a new opportunity/challenge, fear crept in and convinced me of all the reasons I wasn’t qualified for the role. So I didn’t apply, I dragged my feet, I listened to self-doubt, and three long weeks went by until finally, FINALLY, my spouse convinced me to throw caution to the wind and put my hat in the ring. And you’ll never guess what happened? I got a request for a first interview with their recruiter! It had been over ten years since I’d interviewed for a new role and I knew the competition would be fierce! The role I was applying to is not only very well compensated, its also an amazing opportunity for a creative innovator! To say I was nervous was an understatement but I knew what I needed to do..PREP!! I started that preparation by searching through your your extensive podcast history and finding the shows that were most applicable to my current interview needs. I listened, took notes, and tried to apply every principle you shared. Obviously, not a shocker to anyone who’s actually listened to and then applied the advice that Matt provides, I got another interview! And another..and another..and ANOTHER..! And eleven interviews later, all of which I I was fully prepared for and aced, I got the offer for my for dream job! Not only that, based on the amount of times they described me as a “unicorn”, I knew I had some bargaining I asked for more money..and a sign on bonus..and I got BOTH!! None of this would have been possible without the advice that I got from Matt, his guests, and the entire interview experience. I’m eternally grateful for the guidance and insights and know I wouldn’t be where I’m going without it. Thank you SO MUCH, Matt!
  • hhgasmn
    Great resource for quick learning.
    Thank you for your examples and how to think through what might be in the minds of our interviewers—as well as our minds! It helps make the content relevant and applicable, actionable really. Kudos to you for sharing your experience and making a business out of it. Keep it going.
  • Milli Tw
    A gift for transitioning teachers
    As a teacher transitioning out of the class into corporate, I have this podcast to be EXTREMELY helpful! I’ve never had to negotiate a salary, deal with multiple offers, nor had insight as to why it’s so difficult landing the job altogether. But I found this podcast to be super helpful. They are easy to follow and understand, and they have really helped me navigate this new career transition and journey. I’m so grateful for this podcast. Thank you and keep it up!
  • Estrelar
    Powerful advice
    Thank you 🙏
  • TxFLGal
    Practical advice
    The episode addressing why one can’t get an interview was super helpful! Situations and what applicants can do to rectify are explained. If the situation is out of applicant’s influence, that is also detailed. Thank you!!!
  • Humane HR professional
    Recruiters and EI
    ‘Frumpy cranky HR person’ ?? Also please learn to pronounce people’s names. I really think career recruiters need to have more EI and connect with candidates. Rejection can be done kindly 😊
  • Z.R.O.
    Great podcast that has legit advice
  • Better Discovery
    Great info
    Great advice, concise and usable for everyone!
  • hdkwoeb
    Great actionable advice
    Thank you to Matthew for providing such great information that I can easily put to action.
  • Doroli S.
    Exactly what I need to nail my upcoming interview
    This podcast gave me the ideas, tips and advice to move forward in my interview. It allowed me to shake the nerves, and truly make this my own. Great tips and advice. I just love how he keeps it concise and entertaining, while delivering key points to help with upcoming interviews.
  • Wiwinegirl
    Great advice
    Thanks for having this channel. I like the themed episodes to be able to peruse what is most pertaining. Still searching, but have gotten more interviews since listening.
  • Rp2chil
    Just what I needed
    A friend recommended your podcast last week. I’m so glad he did. I want to go back and write down the notes as I was listening in my car. Thank you so much.
  • KBerry808
    A must-listen for all job seekers!
    This podcast was instrumental in helping me land my dream job. Every episode is jam-packed with tips, insights, and words of encouragement. Matthew’s delivery is so positive and down-to-earth, and each episode left me feeling more motivated than ever to pursue my passions. Highly recommended!
  • gary. bulldog8
    One of the best resources out there to prepare for the interview.
    Without a doubt, I learned a lot from these episodes; things I would have not paid attention to otherwise. The podcast helped me understand how to prepare for questions, how to remain calm during the interviews, and how to gain self-confidence. It’s all presented in short and concise episodes that don’t waste your time. I hope more people can benefit from this great resource.
  • srevz
    Super actionable advice!
    I like how digestible the show is and there’s always something of value you can use right away.
  • Matilda1313
    Self-promotion and nothing else
    Literally nothing but self promotion. Don’t waste your time!!
  • Leeems0611
    I’ve been eating this podcast up for the last several weeks in preparation for my interviews. I have my final interview tomorrow and believe I am as well prepared as I am because of this podcast. Thanks!!
  • DiannaNJ
    Thank you so much!
    After months of looking for a better job, I stumbled across this podcast and started listening. By putting into practice the tips I learned in the past month, I just got an offer for exactly what I was looking for! I’ll be making 30 percent more also! I’m so very thankful for this podcast.
  • delaina0822
    Worth following.
  • parksman22
    Game Changer
    This guy is a stud 🔥 Landed me a job with a $30000 increase in salary from my last position. No joke. I was listening to this the day of interviews and also throughout my drives. Didn’t realize how many trick questions these recruiters and interviewers ask. He helped me navigate the waters! Yay! Thank you sir.
  • Vanity😍
    This podcast has been so helpful to my job search. So many topics are discussed and listeners questions answered. Thank you for creating this space to educate the workforce !!⭐️
  • edytaklima
    Interviewing is my weakness. I’m learning so much that I can apply not only during my next interviewing process but also to my career development. A+
  • sg2225
    Thank you so much for this podcast! Im not usually one to review but I binged this before 2 interviews and nailed them both! I was able to accept a position today that I've always dreamed of. Your tips built my confidence in what to say, how professional to keep things and bringing my energy to the room! Oh and I negotiated a 20% increase in the starting salary 😁😁😁
  • Savethemonarchs
    Best podcast for getting my dream job!
    Thank you Matthew and your team! I received an offer for my dream job due to content and knowledge you shared in your podcasts.
  • nightwish-century
    Tremendous job interview preparation resource
    This podcast has amazing guest with good insight and tips. He also has listener question and answer podcast which are quite helpful with preoparing for my interviews.
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