Reconditioned with Lauren Vaknine


What is Wellness? Wellness is not merely the absence of illness; it is a state of complete physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being. It is Wholeness.After being diagnosed with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis aged 2, I was wheelchair-bound and head-to-toe disabled by 18. After more than a decade of intensive self-study, learning everything I could about what makes the human body & mind work and not work, I reconditioned myself back to wellness, but only after learning that I couldn’t just heal my body, I had to also heal the emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of self too.If you want to heal one part of you, you have to heal the whole self.Based on this long and expansive journey, I created Reconditioned as a hub to integrate all modalities and learnings within the world of well-being in one place, and as a result, here is where you will find information on everything from nutrition and epigenetics, to conscious parenting, trauma, neuroplasticity, inner child healing, conscious relationships, intentional entrepreneurship, meditation, manifestation, spirituality and more.Whether you are suffering from chronic illness, raising children in a world of conflicting information, you‘re an entrepreneur wanting to step into your purpose or you simply want to feel empowered and motivated to become the best version of yourself, tune in as I work to uncover the most actionable ways to recondition ourselves back to wellness.

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