Marathon Training for Beginners

Running #48

Mo and Harrison Crum here! We are new to running, and together, we are documenting our marathon training journey. This podcast is for beginners, by beginners! If you are training for a marathon or half marathon, this is for you! Most people don’t run marathons, and that’s because they don’t think it’s possible! We are here to prove most people wrong. If we can inspire others to start running, we consider this a success! Follow us on Instagram @crummymarathoners and DM us questions—we will answer as many as possible. Support this podcast:

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Recent Reviews
  • Akavkaz
    Really useful
    Our family runs so all of us like to listen to this podcast
  • Raque12c
    Helpful and detailed
    As a new runner , this podcast has helped me a lot
  • qwartin5
    Good podcast, room to grow
    I LOVE following along on Kayla’s journey because it is very similar to where I am with my own running journey and I think it is encouraging. I also appreciate the episodes that have suggestions about shoes, running form, common problems, etc. But I can tell that Harrison is still trying to grow in his coaching and knowledge. For someone like me, I would like to hear more clear suggestions for some of Kayla’s questions. I hope the knowledge will come with time, so I’ll keep listening!
  • rachelh913
    So wanted to love this podcast!
    Oh man. I really really wanted to love this! I found it at the start of Kayla’s series about training for a half marathon and I was pumped because I am a new runner who is training for a 10K (obviously less than half the distance of a half, but I thought I could still get something out of it). Kayla is awesome. I want to be her friend! Harrison is just not a good coach! I know he just got his coaching certification recently, but every episode just feels like he has a sign above his computer that says, “Do not go outside your scope!” Every time Kayla asks a question that could possibly be handled by someone in a different profession (dietitian, PT, etc), Harrison basically does not answer her question. I completely understand not wanting to step beyond your expertise, but at least edit the podcast to not include that part!! My final straw was in maybe week 12 or 13 when Kayla asked Harrison what snacks he recommends because she is hungry all the time. You guys. Harrison immediately launched into a discussion about weight loss and people taking up running to lose weight only to find out that they are so hungry that they are actually gaining weight. Kayla said NOTHING about weight loss at all in her question, and has in previous episodes stated that she is NOT trying to lose weight! It was such a misguided moment, but then!! Then, Harrison ALSO refused to answer her! Instead of giving her some awesome snack combos that he enjoys, he said, “I’m the wrong person to ask, I love food so much and running lets me enjoy a lot of food.” Guess what that actually means, if you read between the lines? The snacks he enjoys are probably pretty high in calories and he didn’t want to recommend them since they wouldn’t help Kayla lose weight. Come ON!! Just answer the question. You are her coach! As someone who is personally super super interested in finding out how to eat to maximize performance, I would have LOVED to hear what Harrison eats in a day and take into account his super heavy training schedule. Overall, Harrison: this has soooo much promise. I will be listening to cheer Kayla on, and I seriously hope that you will consider either editing your conversations to reflect a lack of expertise, or actually start giving real answers ALONG with your caveat about not being a professional. We want to hear from your experience too!! That’s what the best coaches do. They draw from and share their experience. Please please please!!
  • Lizzie3780
    This pod has been super helpful for me as I train for a 1/2 marathon. I’m a pretty new runner and have learned lots of tips and tricks. Thank you!
  • Allaround Joe
    Great information
    This podcast offers great advice for most levels of runners. Check it out for yourself and I’m sure you will learn something to make you a better runner!
  • HM740
    So helpful!
    Loved listening to this podcast as I began training for my first half. I had no idea about shoes, nutrition or anything. So helpful and I found that I would revisit past episodes as my training progressed. Thank you!
  • cgl99
    A must listen
    This couple is so endearing. Easy to listen to, valuable content, and relatable. Well done.
  • 2Anh
    Amazing podcast for runners!
    This is an amazing podcast for so many reasons! I love this married couple hosts Mo and Harrison talk about their experience with running, they are both so relatable and I can hear their genuine kindness. I have listened to about 5 episodes now and they are so so helpful, great guests interviews and great questions and explanations to get us straight to the things we need to know. It’s edited so well, smooth transitions, great music choices, and I love MO-tivation moments done by Mo! Thank you so much for these helpful tips, especially with specialists that talks about injuries, dietitians that talk about nutrition and my favorite part of the podcast and when you guys talk about your experience with half-marathons and marathons on race day, both the fails and magical achievements! I am a new runner, living in NYC and training for my first marathon, the NYC Marathon in less than 6 weeks away! One day, the San Diego R&R marathon (my hometown!) thanks again guys! ❤️
  • katieruns
    Great Race Recaps!
    You two did a great job recapping your races. I had a similar experience to Mo’s near the end of my first marathon at the RNR San Diego Marathon in 2005. I saw a balloon arch and picked up the pace, only to discover that the actual finish line was still 400 yards away! I didn’t t cry, but I did curse a bit. 🤭. Also, it took me 14 tries, but I qualified for Boston at 49, 13 years after my first. Im 53 now, and I’m about to run my 3rd Boston (as a qualifier) in less than two weeks. Anything is possible!
  • Cole4399
    Didn’t learn anything
    Episode 25 didn’t give any real advice to first time marathon runners
  • ghscolts07
    Barney Style
    Hey y’all! I just wanted to say how much I enjoy your podcast. I started my running journey in May 2021. I ran my first 5K in more than a decade. My buddy convinced me to run my first half marathon. I am currently training for that and it will be the first weekend of October. I have loved listening to your podcast and learning so much! Y’all really break it down Barney style so a brand new beginner could really understand and relate! I’ve even decided Lord willing that I will run a full marathon next year! Keep up the encouraging episodes! Y’all are awesome!
  • Beebsman
    Never miss an episode
    Very informative for runners of all levels and just a pleasure to listen to and share in their own running achievements.
  • Jen Lynn W
    Great to listen to while running
    Are you interested in running a half or full marathon, but have questions about nutrition, strength training, race experiences? This is the podcast for you! The hosts are friendly and down to earth and get great guests and experts to share their wisdom so your first race is a success!
  • Chrisi W 47
    I am so glad I found this podcast!
    Training for my first marathon is hard enough, but Harrison and Mo are definitely making it easier and more fun! Their insights and information help so much!!!
  • P&W Leader
    Loving your podcast
    I love listening to running podcasts and yours really stood out to me. I’ve been running for 3 years and consider myself a beginner. I love that you don’t assume that everyone knows about running while listening. I often feel left out and discouraged when I listen to some podcasters claiming to help beginners because they act as if we’ve been in this world for years! Thank you for this true beginner runner podcast.
  • CourtCanRun
    The BEST podcast for a new runner!
    I love listening to Mo & Harrison, I am coming back to running after having my 3rd baby and have found their podcast SO motivational! I have also learned so much about training plans, random newbie tips, and even things about carb loading and hydrating before a race! I’m schedule to run my first half marathon this fall - and when I finish, I will definitely give all the credit to the Crummy Marathoners!
  • Liz Friday
    As a beginner runner training for my first half, I so appreciate this. I’m also in AZ so it’s cool to hear other runners’ experiences here! You guys are awesome!
  • E. McC
    Keep them coming
    Great podcast
  • RachelModrow
    Wonderful Podcast for Beginners or Anyone!
    The Crummy Marathoners has quickly became my favorite running podcast! I have done many half marathons and I am signed up for my first full marathon this summer. I still feel new to running so I am learning so much in this podcast and love listening to it! If you are new to running you will learn a lot from Harrison and Mo! Definitely recommend!
  • itsmomojean
    Great for running beginners!!!!
    I am only on episode 6 and I love listening to Harrison and Mo. they are super relatable and helpful, sharing all types of tips on form, fuel, hydration, planning, etc. can’t wait to listen to all of the episodes and get caught up!
  • Mo Crenshaw
    Marathon Training
    I’m currently training for another marathon and am looking to PR my time and also wanting nutrition tips. I came across this podcast and it has quickly become my favorite!
  • ericanko83
    This podcast is great!
    I have enjoyed all of the episodes from both seasons. I have taken notes and bought some of the products you discussed on the show. Really enjoy all the content you put out...guests,tips, stories from your journeys. It’s all relatable. Thank you!
  • G. Luv
    This Podcast is INVALUABLE for Noobs like me!!
    Once I decided to commit to running my first full marathon, I thought to search for a podcast that might help me out. There are a few out there, but Marathon Training for Beginners quickly became my favorite. Practically every time I listen I learn something new and I’m taking notes like mad! Harrison and Mo are just so relatable. They were fairly recently newbies like me and I love the variety of guests they have on. There are SO many sources out there and I don’t know which one to trust. I feel like listening to this, consolidates that vast amount of information into an easy to listen to and very enjoyable show. I just wish I had more time to listen and get caught up! I started listening a couple weeks ago at Season 1 Episode 1. Thank you Mo and Harrison!
  • AlyK090118
    Finally a helpful podcast for beginners! 🥰
    I’ve been hunting for a good podcast since I decided to train for a half marathon. After multiple podcasts that left me more confused than I was before, I found this one! After the first episode I was hooked! Not only is it helpful that Mo is also training for her first half marathon as well, but I also love how genuine this couple is! They are so sweet and real. With Harrison’s knowledge of races plus Mo’s “newbie” status, I finally feel like I’m not alone and get solid advice. They also explain things that other podcasts just assumed everyone would know! VERY helpful and such a fun listen! :)
  • stfbjfho
    Hidden treasure
    Mo and Harrison are awesome. They inspire me so much to get out of the door and run. I am a beginner and could Totally relate to them. Keep them coming. Audio quality can be improved 😁
  • Lkvega
    Runner’s Delight!
    I found this podcast while searching for running inspiration on social media. I was instantly hooked after listening to the 1st show. I have not ran for over 20 years and have been on a health journey since January 2020 but needed to step it up. I am grateful for the down to earth and non intimidating tips for beginners. Since I have started listening I have committed to running more and even ran two 5k’s this month. I’m excited to always share my progress and to get get positive feedback from the other runners and from The Crummy Marathoners. I continue to train for my 1st half marathon and look forward to listening and utilizing the advice and motivation I get from this podcast. This podcast makes a difference.
  • Mpasillas81
    Great podcast for runners!!
    This podcast has really inspired me to train for a half marathon. Never have I dreamed or wanted to run that type of mileage before ...until I started listening to this fun loving couple! Not only is it very educational for us beginner runners but they break it down and make it fun! You really feel apart of a running community with them! Also through their IG page and FB page , you can communicate with them , sharing stories of your running journey and they cheer you on! Really happy I started listening to this.
  • kaeshake
    The Ultimate Motivators
    These two are just good, genuine people that truly want everyone to succeed! Greatest couple, greatest running podcast to help power through the hard parts of training. Will be recommending this to anyone I know that is training for or wants to train for a race!
  • Crythm15
    Love these guys!
    Harrison and Mo are so relatable! It’s awesome to hear someone who’s not a professional runner have the discussions they do. Keep up the good work!
  • EmmyAnder
    A Great Listen
    Although I’m not a marathoner, but I’ve been an avid runner for over 10 years. This podcast is great for those who just love running as well! Harrison and Mo are super relatable and down to earth and couldn’t be more genuine. I love all the information they present because it’s applicable for every type of runner!
  • I am maticus
    Running made by runners for runners
    This is a great podcast! The hosts are very personable and make it a fun listen. Highly recommend to anyone whether you run or not.
  • Amco1110
    Amazing Podcast
    This podcast is simply amazing and I am mad that I just now found it. I listen to it on my commutes to and from work. This is a great podcast and makes us understand the fundamentals of running and how it’s ok if you are new to running or have ran several marathons already.
  • Trixterlynne
    These are my kind of people!
    I decided to step into the present day and download some podcasts to run to. I had been using my 1985 Walkman and listening to NPR on my runs when I wanted to run longer and distract my naysaying brain. This was important because I had just signed up for my first full marathon. I needed training tricks because my half training was truly just the motto-Just Keep Running. WELL from the opening of my first episode I was sucked in! The banter and relatability of the hosts kept me listening. Then the content began to lay out the groundwork of my training plan. I think Shoe-gate was what sealed the deal. Being a member of a running community here in Delaware I had had the shoe and sock conversation multiple times over the past 9 years. I felt like I was listening and talking to my friends. (I wear Hokas now but I ran my last half in a pair of borrowed Brooks so the urge to buy a pair for myself is there.) I am looking forward to many miles of looking like the crazy running lady because I will be joining in on the conversations that no one else can hear! Thank you for a wonderful tool and I look forward to every achievement we all achieve.
  • bigtimepartytim
    Best podcast!
    Best tips and guest interviews! I really enjoy listening to both Harrison and Mo. They are so informative! I have learned so much from the guests and insight these two deliver! A must hit , like and subscribe podcast!
  • dcgenius3
    Perfect for Anyone
    If you need motivation to begin running or to even stay in the sport, this is a podcast for you! It’s full of knowledge, fun, and so personable. Love this podcast so much!
  • sjf825
    Love it!
    What I love most about this podcast is they really make you feel like there’s never a dumb question. I feel like we’re in this together. Second, I love the guests they choose to interview, and are following them on IG too. Very inspiring stories. Third, I love the conversations between Harrison and Mo. Always positive. Keep up the great work!
  • Mrs.CruMB
    Phenomenal Couple and Podcast!
    Harry and Mo are so relatable and very helpful with real life advice and expectations! They’re advice encouraged my husband and I (very novice runners) to attend a 5k race and eventually a 4.2 mile race. We used their week-by-week guide to work up to those races and met our goals! We are so excited continue using their guide! I definitely recommend this podcast if you’re new to running!
  • Susie McQ
    Great running podcast
    These two are super relatable! Working, parenting, and aspiring to be a “runner” - they are us! The interviews are interesting and full of valuable information. Listening definitely makes longer runs way more enjoyable! Thanks guys!
  • Jenn_the_RN
    Love this podcast!
    This is a wonderful podcast for those just starting to run. I’m not new at running, but I’m new at running longer distances. I’ve loved all the guests with all the great tips and tricks! Keep up the great work!
  • @ffaithwhite
    Love listening to a podcast related to real runners and hearing about the peaks and valleys they have. It’s giving me the motivation to step up from half marathons and run a full! Thanks guys! ♥️
  • maw22415
    Amazing Podcast for Runners
    I stumbled on this podcast early this year and have been hooked since. Such a fun and relatable couple. So many wonderful and inspiring stories, insights, practical training tips, nutrition, gear, etc. You name it and they are on it. Harrison and Mo are exactly what you need to stay motivated or even getting started with your running journey!!!
  • Sarahe1026
    Amazing for beginners!
    If you’re new to running and have been terrified of it your whole life like me, you have to check out this podcast! Mo and Harrison do a great job breaking down the steps of running I never even knew I had to consider. If you’re looking for advice on where to start or support and tips as you, this is definitely the podcast for you. Highly recommend!
  • amymiddlebrooks
    Great for Runners!
    Great podcast with helpful tips for. We and intermediate runners!
  • Nick.Led
    THE Running Podcast
    This podcast has tremendously been a joy to listen to while on my runs!
  • nevaeh59
    Great Podcast!
    This is a great podcast for beginners or anyone looking to improve their running. Mo and Harrison are great to listen to, especially during long runs. Can not wait to hear more!
  • Mlheath91
    Great podcast!
    I was looking for a podcast to help keep me motivated and train for an upcoming marathon. I love these guys! They are super relatable and have such positive personalities. I’ve already listened to every single episode and have gotten great tips from them! Looking forward to hearing the new content that you guys come up with!
  • Brit_B_G
    Super Real
    I love Mo and Harrison’s podcast! Love their honesty and diverse community that they bring onto the podcast! Keeps me motivated to continue on my training plan despite the hiccups that come my way!
  • Cocotte2.1.19
    BEST podcast for beginners!!
    Seriously the best podcast! Love these two.... makes me feel like I’m getting running advice from some best friends. Seriously, I went from NO motivation to run, to sticking to it because they keep me accountable & they address EVERYTHING I’ve ever wondered about running. So glad I found the crummymarathoners 👏🏻💗
  • Marathoner480
    Cutest Couple!:)
    Harrison and Mo are so great together, and I love hearing their running journey! Keep up the great work!
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