Verdict with Ted Cruz

All Genres #215News #31Politics #7

Join Senator Ted Cruz and co-host Ben Ferguson as they break down the most important news stories of the day and reveal what they mean for you. On "Verdict with Ted Cruz,” you will go behind the scenes of the political debates that define our country.

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Recent Reviews
  • Nit-whit09
    Excellence in podcasting!
    Ben and Ted do a great job of going over the relevant political news every week. They break things down and explain them well for those of us who aren’t in that world. Everything they say makes sense. You can’t listen to these two, understand them, and still be a liberal. Thanks guys for all you do! Keep it up!
  • Hypnotropia
    Too Smart for the Left
    This is a great show if you want to get deeper than the surface-level pond scum of the left wing DC/media cesspool propaganda machine. The 1 Star reviewers below are confused. I’ll clear it up for you guys: they’re asking you to rate this podcast, not estimate the number of functioning brain cells between your ears.
  • Postage45
    Tell the truth.
    Sorry man you lost me when you said the FAA is using 1950’s technology. Yes RADAR “old” technology but GPS is still used. Disingenuous and deceptive at best. 5% of the DC workforce not going to work?? Have you ever ridden the commuter train in. Tell your listeners the truth. You owe them that.
  • whataputter
    Marketing Professional
    These guys just mesh together perfectly! I love how they complement each others staments, as well as enhance what was just said!
  • Emory carlson
    When Herman Cain was running for president he put forth the idea that any bill brought to the president to be signed should only be a few pages long. None of this ,for instance bill, on veterans care that is a great bill then 1000 pages of things added to the bill that have nothing to do with veterans care but is hiding what the other side wants to hide. Hence stuff that Elon Musk is finding now This way the Americans can see what our elected leaders are doing
  • damonras
    Not helpful
    Ted Cruz is a looney tune.
  • WFT in Saudi Arabia
    Weak Sauce
    If Ted Cruz had been president, we would have lost the Cold War. This podcast, and Ted Cruz, are utter nonsense.
  • missuspenguin
    Political garbage
    There is nothing worse than hearing a man who has been brutally mocked by the current administration trying to get to their good graces by spinning the truth. Listening to this guy’s rambling is just too painful. There are more valuable political podcasts out there, don’t waste your precious life on this one.
  • Big E©
    Should be called gaslight with Ted Cruz
    If you enjoy Fox News and drinking from the toilet this is the podcast for you! Cruz shows you how to tonsil massage the fascist caucus like a world champion and convince your friends you’re not a traitor.
  • tgayer
    Verdict is so informative and eye-opening. I never miss an episode and am thankful I found this podcast. Thanks!
  • RockinJake24
    Always been a fan of Ted Cruz and his stance and take on things and I’m so glad that he and Ben are doing this podcast! It’s always good to have an inside view of what’s going on rather than just the outside lies from the media. I highly recommend this podcast to anyone who is looking to truly stay informed and I hope Ben & Ted continue the good fight of pushing the facts to the American people rather than propaganda like the mainstream media outlets. 🇺🇸
  • thechetnet
    Keep up with current events and news
    Senator Cruz gives amazing insight.
  • SickAceRC
    This is not the place for Ferguson’s podcast. It should be a stand alone download.
  • Gerry
    Please stop going to Ferguson’s update when tryin got play Cruz’s Verdict!!! Very Frustrating
    I listen to and love both podcasts (Verdict and 47 Update) so please stop putting both podcasts on on both podcasts! When you unfollow either it stops giving you both podcasts on either podcast. It makes it harder to keep track of which episodes you have listened to. Besides wasting storage space on my phone. Why have two podcasts if you’re going to put the same episodes on both? I can assure you that 47 Update will stand on its own merits.
  • hoppy56
    Ditch Ben
    Ted Cruz is a master communicator, a senate leader, a superb strategist and politician who brings the inside scoop. Ben is none of the above. I subscribed to Verdict with Ted Cruz not the 47 update. Please correct this.
  • Guinnessron
    If I wanted Ben Fergusons show I would subscribe to it. Now I don’t subscribe to that or Verdict. It’s a shame.
  • 1929Chevy
    Is this Verdict or 47 update
    Is this Verdict or 47 update you should keep them separate
  • dship123
    This is the most politically informative podcasts I’ve heard.
  • Reviewnamekr
    If I wanted to listen to Ben's podcast
    I'd listen to his podcast. But I don't. Can you please stop uploading it here? People subscribe to listen to Verdict, not "Ben's morning update"
  • Jeltz12
    Morning Update - Afuera!
    Please stop posting The Morning Update on the Verdict feed. Thanks
  • Kbullfish
    Hate Ferguson
    Ben Ferguson is totally ruining the verdict podcast. If I have to hear the 47 update for every single podcast that I click on for Ben Ferguson or Ted Cruz anymore I’m gonna stop listening. This used to be a good podcast, but IHeart… You’ve gone way too far.
  • Sebringchad
    Ben is an anchor (dragging down)
    Need to split the podcast and move the Ben daily off of this feed please. I’m sure he’s a fine fellow but it is torture to listen to him talking with Sen. Cruz, and there is no way I’m going to listen to a Ben-only podcast. Also too many ads, FFWD button gets a real workout in this podcast.
  • Jimmy-E
    Regular listener
    I’m pretty let down that this good podcast has started sending me episodes of ben’s radio show, which I never followed. So I have unfollowed this show and may check back in a while and see if they have stopped shoving ban’s radio show down my throat. I’m an adult and can go look up bens show and subscribe if I want to do so. The fact that I haven’t is an indication that I am NOT interested. Pretty paternalistic and disrespectful, so I’m not listening anymore.
  • Ldsoldier
    Good podcast, would like to hear the Senator’s opinion on the drone ban
    This is one of only a few podcasts I regularly listen to. While I agree with others that the ads are starting to get out of hand, I thoroughly enjoy the Senator’s explanation of procedure, internal politics, and the general sausage making in Washington. He’s a good storyteller that makes dull and boring things interesting. I am interested to hear the senator’s thoughts on the DJI drone ban in the NDAA. He’s been mum on that topic which while small is also fairly significant. <update 1/2025> How do I unsubscribe from the morning update and the weekend summary? I only want the original episodes with the senator in them. Thanks.
  • myname0
    Feels more like a radio station then a podcast
    There are 3 different podcasts in this one podcast. Separate them! The normal podcast is a 3-4 star. Content is good but it’s a 15min podcast stretched into 30-45. Weekend update is a 2. It is just a cash grab and should be a separate podcast. Ben Ferguson’s podcast is a 0-1 star. He has his own podcast already if I wanted it I would have subscribed to it. This is a podcast not a radio station that has multiple shows at different times and it should be treated as such.
  • 0regonmusicman
    47 podcast being distributed from Verdict podcast platform
    I signed up for the Verdict podcast. I did not sign up for the 47 podcast. The 47 podcast is being included in the Verdict podcast downloads. How do I update my subscription to exclude the 47 podcast?
  • jcooterc
    Guess this is the Ben Ferguson show.
    Terrible. And ignorant.
  • tom from Lagrange
    Tom from ky
    Love you Ted could smack Maddie for me tell him he better vote for cash he well loose my vote and all my friends that listen to me
  • DinosaurSpeaks
    Great show…if only not for the profanity
    I have listened for quite a while but just can’t stand the profanity. Clean up the language and I’ll be back.
  • pattii
    FANTASTIC podcast
    Have subscribed to this podcast for 45 episodes, It’s informative—and funny! Cruz has an awesome sense of humor that makes the time fly while listening to this podcast, and it’s evident he has far more common sense than the average politician. His take on issues and inside view of “how the sausage is made” in Washington is quite informative. Listening to it has revealed to me that there actually are some people in Washington with common sense—who knew! The length of the episodes is usually just under 30 min, perfect for not needing a huge chunk of free ear time to listen to it. I highly recommend this podcast, you’ll actually look forward to the next episode. I do. UPDATE: Still a great podcast but sad that you promote a tobacco product (cigars) that causes cancer. Remember cigar fan Rush Limbaugh, taken too soon by LUNG CANCER? Don’t put yourselves on the same early death path. Find better sponsors that don’t kill you or your listeners. UPDATE: why, suddenly (Jan ‘25) has this become Ben Ferguson’s (by himself) podcast? I’m here for TED CRUZ. If I wanted Ben Ferguson ONLY I’d subscribe to his podcast. Please stop doing this. Now, the minute I hear Ben’s podcast music I scrub to the end and move on.
  • lieut. 4 1976
    Who’s show is this?
    Doesn’t Ben Ferguson have his own podcast? Don’t get me wrong, I like Ben but I come here to listen to Sen. Cruz. This “47 podcast” just flooded my already crowded podcast library. Good info, good show, let Mr. Ferguson take to his own pod site.
  • Daisy's & Cocoa's Dad
    Always timely
    Sponsors seem inappropriate for the stature of the man
  • MattR759768
    Shutting down TikTok makes sense for our national security. What about Temu???
  • Dijo44
    Love the podcast but…
    I’ve been listening from Day 1 and I don’t ever miss it. Sen. Cruz is fascinating and his explanations, especially when discussing Senate process, history, or the law keep me intrigued…until Ben interrupts him. It seems as though when Sen. Cruz gets a rhythm going or gets on a roll, Ben jumps in mid-sentence. I appreciate Ben’s hosting and his views and I’m not suggesting that he be replaced (although I loved Michael K.) but this show is Verdict with TED CRUZ. I find myself yelling at Ben when he interrupts because it happens so often and we don’t get to hear what Ted was going to say. Ben, please back off a bit and allow Mr. Cruz to finish speaking. This pod is easily a 5 if you can do that. Thank you for this podcast and I look forward to continue to listen.
  • Turbo 732
    Great insight
    I have been listening since the beginning of this podcast. I rarely will miss a week. So much insight , and inside baseball. Just waiting for the accountability of the crooks to come.
  • The_duck_taper
    Fallen From Grace
    Ted has standards and stands up for our principles in the Senate. Ben is a two bit host that regurgitates content and plays ads to no end. Ted’s decision to have Ben on his show has made it unbearable. If you are looking for Conservative Content, look elsewhere. Ben has sunk yet another show.
  • Small voice in Texas
    Friend in Texas
    Not just the open border alone, but also how our vets have been treated versus the illegals. So wrong
  • Big Sincho
    Jimmy Carter
    Worst president until barry o or biden. His campaign slogan was, “Trust me.” Bad idea! We had very little to work with in the military and his poor planning got a bunch of people killed in a hostage rescue attempt that was poorly planned. Like biden, he made us a laughing stock. Reagan delivered the military and country from ruin. Carter was a weak man. Democrats have a tendency to get people killed. To them, we are pawns.
  • Bob_W.
    Supreme Court
    If Trump gets to pick the next Supreme Court justice and wants to make little leftist heads explode, he should nominate Ted Cruz to that position.
  • grandcamp
    shutdown podcast
    appreciate the explanation but the way it was done with spending, pay raises, email disclosure protections is unacceptable. we just helped you beat Allred and if you dont find another way we are done supporting you
  • CoolDUDE!!!
    Excellent podcast
    Five stars!
  • moneycomingback
    That is all.
  • dratherb
    Content great. Too many adds. Ted’s P’s popping, back away from the mic!
  • Jws1974
    Deep dive
    I like Cruz. He brings his perspective and opinion. I respect his insight and appreciate the stories he bring to light. He has the most up to date information before the press even releases it. The inside of the Senate is an outlook on the current issues you won’t get anywhere else.
  • TKBorgo
    Why do GOP continue to allow democrats to CHEAT
  • Christian Cappetta
    Best political commentating since radio began !
    Ted and Ben do a tremendous job highlighting the biggest pieces of news out there three times a week and commentating on it in a way that is easily digestible for listeners and with a common sense approach that certainly appeals to broad audiences, including myself and independent listener that leans Republican, but doesn’t always vote that way. Ben asks Ted great questions about the subject at hand and it is always fascinating to hear Ted’s well articulated in depth responses. I also enjoy the way that they have structured these podcasts where in a short 30 to 35 minute timeframe, they will cover the most important two news topics and usually a great bit of fun drama in the media at the end. I would love to see this expand to a full hour although I know that’s probably a lot to ask for Ted Cruz And we greatly need his time and focus on the Senate floor, I appreciate him taking the time to deliberately talk to America three times a week in this very enlightening and highly recommend it to all areas of the political spectrum.
  • beingplayed
    Absent from Washington DC
    Why aren’t you and the other Republicans in Washington DC voting against liberal judges!?! I listen to your show. You talk a good game. Is it all a bunch of baloney?
  • Platte River Ranch
    Ted Cruz
    Excellent Podcast Strait to the facts, honest commentary. and focused on real issues that matter to the American people. Thank you Ben Ferguson and Ted Cruz for putting on this show.
  • Rettabug1
    Get back to DC!
    Shouldn’t you be in Washington blocking judges?
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