Rumble with Michael Moore


Academy Award-winning filmmaker and political provocateur Michael Moore offers his subversive and humorous take on the issues of the day and talks to a wide range of people from comedians and politicians to the people who’ve tried to kill him. Plus various mischief with Mike’s friends, family and the neighbors who don’t work for the NSA.

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  • Burdyblue
    And What Are You Saying About Eastern Women?
    NOTHING and the campuses say nothing about the covering and destruction of women either. Hypocrites.
  • Stardust 9
    Miss your voice!
    Miss your voice! It is so needed right now! Listening to this podcast was like hearing from a dear old friend. So comforting to hear from you again! Thanks for all you do Michael!
  • Waste of time, better off dead
    Don’t Look Away, Run Towards It, Be A Helper
    Mike, where are you? We need you.
  • cinderelochka
    The best 🧡
    I’ve grown up with this man’s voice of reason since I was 14 years old in 2000 when he first made waves by speaking the truth. In 2024 he remains a steadfast on that goal, and for that I am so grateful. We need your voice, Mr Moore. Also, may I add how eloquent and remarkable his latest episode is (7/6 “elder abuse” one) on Biden…. He voiced every single sentiment I have been feeling… he did that when I was a confused teenager 24 years ago, and he’s doing it today when I’m a scared adult. Thank the universe for this man and the gift he has!
  • pinacoloda
    Micheal speaks the truth! Love the insight!
  • BGDem
    No more “Trickle down”
    Love you Michael Moore! The Dems must win in 2024. The republicans will give us more “trickle down”. The rich get richer, and they already own 90% of the wealth. The middle class would struggle even more. No more Republican trickle down! Life in the middle class is already so hard in America!
  • @sustainabledeco
    You narrow view on the Israel-Hamas conflict is dangerous
    I got to say that you have been wrong before and this will not be the last time that you are wrong. The Jewish people are in danger at these college campuses and your praise for the pro-Hamas crowd is frightening.
  • Briard girl
    Palestine and Israel
    I’m sick of your one sided discussions week after week. You are sealing Trump’s victory with your own one sided focus.
  • shannonsophia
    Disappointed in narrow views
    I greatly disagree with the Israeli government’s response to the horrific October 7th attack by Hama’s. What is happening to the Palestinian people is horrific. However, I also find your praise for protesters lacks balance because there is far too much anti semitism mixed in these protests along with praise for Hamas. Additionally, to make this issue more important then our countries democracy is Stupid! No matter how Fd up I consider Biden’s choice to continue to stand by Israel’s government I will vote for Biden because the alternative is too unthinkable. Maybe helping college students and other young people understand this would be helpful. And, seriously where is the outrage and major protests over the attacks on women’s bodily autonomy?! Where is the outrage at the Supreme Court and Republicans that have no problem taking away our rights? Furthermore, Americans need to get on the Biden bandwagon. Maybe consider there would only be four more years of Biden. And during that time they can work towards creating the government they want. A choice for Biden isn’t forever but any other choice might be. I sure hope young folks wake up and choose to vote for Biden or they will likely end up living in a Dictatorship.
  • DustinSD12
    From A Jewish Person
    Extremely disappointed how closed minded he is on Israel’s war against Hamas. It’s barring on obsessive. Bring on someone to have a balanced debate about this. The situation is tragic but is not as black and white as he claims. He is dangerously simplistic on this issue and is unknowingly helping Trump by continually bashing Biden.
  • Braelynnharris7
    5 stars
    Free Gaza
  • Drew Review 4U
    Cancer … good enough reason for your false accusations dumb dumb?
  • Siphonalspark
    Why the gossip?
    So disappointed you decided to share mean salacious gossip about Kate Middleton. That seemed beneath you 😕. But when you claimed Harry and Meghan were good people doing great things, it made sense. Makes me wonder what else you are misleading us about. Think I’ll sadly unsubscribe for a while…
  • Herbiefortynine
    RFK JR suckers
    Michael, I’m a long time fan of your work, in fact, my wife is former Flint native, Flint Central class of 1970. I was pretty bummed being referred to as a RFK sucker. You of all people know how the establishment works and how the full court press by the mainstream media has almost put a total blackout on RFK Jr. Thank god for the alternative media of which I thought you were a part of. I would strongly urge you to have RFK Jr on your show to allow your viewers to make up their own minds as to weather we’re being suckered. I, for one, think he’s the most unifying candidate for president in my lifetime (74 years). I’ll continue listening to your shows and watching your movies. All I ask is a fair shake for a independent candidate who is really resonating with millions of people in this country. It’s time for a peaceful revolution and to actually drain the swamp.
  • alex_brin
    Thank you for your voice of conscience
    Thank you for your voice of conscience.
  • Mental pod
    Vital! Always great
    Must listen. Such important issues are fleshed out and his guests are all special people. Learn what people are doing to fight for a better society. Makes you think. We need more of this kind of thing!
  • Juliawave
    The only voice that helps me stay sane
    Thank you for being here for us. I watched Roger and Me in my high school ethics class. And its been 20 years. You are a main reason I aim to live from my heart
  • 😉💙🙃
    14 January 2023
    But Catholics are not WASPS… I’m afraid we are the Sixth Extinction, and have known it for awhile, we must enjoy while we can… 😉🥰🙃 Say a little prayer for you.
  • Phoenix hiker
    Trump derangement synd. has fried Michael’s brain
    Please tell me what has happened to Michael Moore? He used to speak to the working class including Trump voters. He understood it was us against the 1% of Both parties. Now he spews Democratic Party elite propaganda without any nuanced analysis. He upset them by speaking out against the corruption in the climate crisis movement and now he is groveling to get back in the tent. So sad.
  • pgodkin
    Amazon is greedy
    today I received notice that Prime will begin included ads ADS in prime video … or you can pay an additional $2.99 to receive it add free. I called Big bad Amazon to ask them to waive the fee of course not a choice. Don’t they have phenomenal profits?
  • Szychap
    Silence is violence
    Absolutely brilliant Please continue to send that message You’re an honorable man
  • peacemouse
    liberal safe zone
    Don't worry liberals, Michael only lightly caresses the safest talking points, so you won't be offended. Not as bad as the cooing and sweet nothings the Democrats offer in place of actual changes in policy, but you can safely continue sleepwalking through your holidays without getting your precious demeanor ruffled
  • cupcake 54
    Where are you, Michael?
  • DishguyLA
    I would think that he would have spent his time researching the actual history of how things got to where they have. Disappointing to hear his one sided views when he himself begs for people to listen to one another. Of all people to make claims of oppression behaviors, Michael should look in the mirror. A majority of those that worked with him do not have fond things to say about his leadership styles.
  • Annedach
    Needs more episodes
    Great podcast but he doesn’t do enough episodes.
  • Lucylulu5
    Thank you
    Thank you for the War No More podcasts. Thank you for expressing what many of us have been feeling. This is our world. We have a say in PEACE. We want PEACE. No more killing.
  • Kieran Klern Keeks
    New episodes?
    Mike is missing some podcast worthy's mid October
  • mtnmliver
    where ya been
    Michael? watch ha up to?
  • janiwanichickenpotpie
    Thank you Michael!!!
    I am sharing this far and wide to the few people that believe in what is right!!!
  • papdav
    “Doctor Mike” the Perfect Therapist!
    Thank you “Doctor Mike”for bringing me back to reality. I know I have been paying too much attention to the “Monster” in the room. Like many other Liberals I fall prey to the Media’s negativity. But in my heart I know we have beaten the Monster time and time again and we are not alone, we will beat him again and again. I will do my part and spread the word “We are the Majority”. Your podcast was perfectly timed and was the perfect message! I would like to thank you again. I will now referring to you as “Doctor Perfect”
  • Critical American
    Force for good
    Michael Moore cares about being a good citizen. He has high degree of empathy, kindness and truth, which sets him apart from the seemingly endless supply of outrageous podcasters who only appear to care about being outrageous. He cares about what’s right….not being right. In my opinion he is a great American patriot and is a fighter for Justice and truth. Moore is a champion for the common man, the environment, civil rights and strong unions.
  • keepagrin
    Heart of the invigors games…
    Hello was so wondering what your thoughts were about Prince Harry new documentary on the games for the Vets ? Thank you as it’s on Netflix if you haven’t seen it yet. I will be excited about your opinion and again thank you.
  • lowdown
    Michael Moore Used to be a Treasure… then he started going on MSNBC
    I cannot overstate how disappointing the modern Michael Moore is. He went from speaking truth to power and embodying a real American left. Today he’s just a mouthpiece for the Democratic Party.
  • Stable genie
    Thanks for speaking truth about so many things, love your podcast ☺️
  • POD Hungry
    Voice of Clarity
    Michael Moore has a perspective that should be expressed on a national level. The most thoughtful podcast I’ve ever had the pleasure of listening to
  • Informed optimism
    July 5th
    Supreme Court Wow what a education I got today! We’ll done Michael we need more of you out There…..I’m spreading the word to younger American women who have to really get angry about these decisions that we’ll affect them!
  • BulletMikey
    Love the podcast
    Love your podcast....please, please, please do a show on The No Labels program who is run by Nancy Jacobson. They want to run a third party candidate to take away votes from Joe Biden. Please report on this as people need to know what is going on with this organization.
  • AllHailKAllHailK
    Cancel culture
    Michael, I hope someday you can do a doc on Woke and cancel culture. We need your spirited insight on these issues. Love your show.
  • diana va 18304
    Mic Drop
    Love it. Drop it on them.
  • Dog Lady from NH
    You really got me
    Wow, if only wishes came true! Well I guess if we don’t put it out there, there’s little chance of it happening. (Fox News closing up shop). My birthday wishes for you are that you never lose your keen intuition and your God given Irish sense of humor. Happy Birthday, Mike!
  • melmlb
    NO TRUST! Here too???????
    When we live in a society where there is NO TRUST anywhere, no even in ourselves, and when we have come to trust you, Michael, to give us honest, well sourced, intelligent information, and then have you prank/spoof/trick us it only reinforces in me the need to be always on guard. Even with folks I so desperately want to trust. This was not cool.
  • VMSMama
    What… was that?
    The 04/23/23 birthday episode was about as factual as Bowling for Columbine. This form of satire is not for me.
  • Blue Huron
    Happy Birthday Michael best b-day gift ever!
    Really was a miracle this morning of what happened with Fox!😜
  • Scared but dealing
    You had me going there
    Hi Michael Moore, happy birthday, many happy tidings on this day. You really had me going there a while till I had to look it up my self. I’m such a fool :-). Here’s to that actually happening someday soon. B
  • Shaycr16
    Emergency Podcast about Racist Tennessean law makers
    Thank you so much for your podcast! When you were informing us about what was the cause of the ouster, you stated what the republicans accused them of and that they broke a decorum rule, but you didn’t mention that the fact that the person who is not allowing them to speak, and turning off the microphone, wasn’t that freaking also a rule of congress? I understand that the Republicans would not consider it that they were breaking a rule, but in terms of the actual rules, didn’t they violate a rule? Michael, can you plan a March? I’m going to find out here in Los Angeles is Black Lives Matter is already organizing a march. Thank you!
  • Spoopymom
    Blue wave
    Happy New Year! We are the for the people, peace and planet! Shame on the cranial lithic house of Tennessee!!
  • Chad Columbo.Not!
    04/07/2023 - More Republican Mayhem To Come
    Podcast #287 EMERGENCY BROADCAST SYSTEM - Democracy Suspended In Tennessee: I watched this play out last evening and I was appalled. Things like make me more determined to NOT vote for a Republican. They are dirty, lowdown liars, thieves and absolutely racist to their core. How ca anyone not see the Trump party are sick sick people. But when interviewed, they always say; that the Republicans they are voting for share their values or speak for them or “they say the things I can’t say. This is a sad day. There will be more to come. Oh, how can you violate decorum “during a recess?”
  • TN Mormor
    Reagan the Traitor
    I was living in Idaho in 1980. I was driving home from Boise and planning to vote when I got home. I heard on the radio that they called the election for Reagan! I was so angry! The polls were still open for several hours! And people in Pacific time zone had even more time left to vote!! I voted for John Anderson, the 3rd party candidate, hoping he would ear enough votes to get some campaign funds. Disgusting.
  • Da IEEE
    Michael, always my voice of reason. Thank you for this podcast as I thought I was going crazy as I have heard NOTHING regarding the situation with the prisoners…. It literally made me sick, and for the lack of reaction in our media was mind blowing to me!!!
  • bunion injury i
    Miss you in Kentucky
    Michael, since I’ve started listening to your podcasts I feel like I’m finally learning the truth of things. I look for your podcast everyday and get disappointed when there isn’t one. I wish you could do one everyday. I know that’s a lot to ask so I’ll take whatever you bring. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and ideas with us and for the truthfulness in every episode. Love you in Kentucky, BJean
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