Behind the Bastards


There’s a reason the History Channel has produced hundreds of documentaries about Hitler but only a few about Dwight D. Eisenhower. Bad guys (and gals) are eternally fascinating. Behind the Bastards dives in past the Cliffs Notes of the worst humans in history and exposes the bizarre realities of their lives. Listeners will learn about the young adult novels that helped Hitler form his monstrous ideology, the founder of Blackwater’s insane quest to build his own Air Force, the bizarre lives of the sons and daughters of dictators and Saddam Hussein’s side career as a trashy romance novelist.

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  • heijcoelsbekwl
    Please Reduce the "Likes"
    I really wanted to enjoy this podcast because the content is interesting, but 2+ placeholder "like"s per sentence is distracting to the extent that I can't listen to it. It undermines the material. I'm a millennial and I'm used to hearing "like" a ton in casual conversation, but even the AI transcript can't pick up on as many as you all use. You're podcasters. You're adults. Learn to speak definitively.
  • Kelleymerc
    Love this podcast- also love that Robert always announces the ads. Topics are great- informative.
  • libhop
    Know when to laugh guys
    I really want to like this podcast. The research especially on Peter Thiel is incredible, but what they uncover about him is so chilling and terrible and the constant laughing and joking about every “bastard’s”life details detracts from the hard work they have clearly done.The non stop laughing between the hosts about every tiny detail detracts from the humor when they hit an actual thing to laugh about. I hope the hosts read this and work on filtering bc I want to keep listening.
  • Calet22
    Mostly a Fan
    ✨complex feelings ✨ about this show. I’ve come around to liking Robert, but after a lot of listening, I really don’t feel that Sophie’s commentary is a good fit for the show. I’m sure she’s a good producer and it sounds like she brings in great guests and topics, but the random interjections are almost never about the topic at hand and the jokes fall flat. I’ve really hesitated on this because I know women get a lot of unfair criticism about their voices, etc, but I really can’t stand the talking over hosts/guests to interject something that doesn’t really contribute to the discussion, just detracts from it. Other than that, I really do enjoy the show, the topics, and all the research that goes on behind the scenes.
  • suzebee
    Should be better
    The host is an insufferable misogynist who brings strong youth pastor energy. This guy is certain he’s the smartest person in any room. The premise is great but sadly I can’t anymore. Shoutout to Molly, who clearly does all the work. PS Stop saying “right” after every sentence, Robert. It’s a very annoying tic and someone should have talked to you about it before they gave you a podcast. I’ll tune in once he is fired and Molly becomes the host.
  • strideam
    Idk about it
  • Shalma M.
    Don’t Talk Over People
    Listening to the first episode of the Oprah series, about 47 minutes in, the male host blatantly speaks over the female co-host for a full 20 seconds, non-stop. Not only is this unprofessional (let her finish her sentence before you make the correction), but it’s very unpleasant as a listener, which is something to consider if you’re telling stories in an audio format.
  • Fbjoo
    These reviews are wild
    When I’ve lost all hope, I come to the comment section for this show to remind myself I was right. Five stars.
  • KatieMaygalaxy
    Too many Likes
    Once I noticed that two of the hosts use "like" more than once in many of their sentences, I couldn't listen anymore because it became a tick that I could not like.
  • judvs1519
    israel mentioned too many times
    I started off liking this podcast but as I got deeper there have been several israel mentions and praises. pretty disgusting and disappointing to hear, especially from people who seem educated. if you’re truly educated, why would you ever even consider israel to be anything but a terroristic occupation.
  • techtonix
    Climate deniers, only identity politics?
    Why is it, not a single episode covers anything remotely close to all world destroying stuff going on with fossil fuels? The closest thing was the Union Carbide episode (which was good) but not a single thing about PFAS, fracking, Transfer Partners? Y’all parents operate a refinery or something? Cmon. Just concentrate on identity politics? Go listen to Drilled.
  • Mirror_Sea
    Wow insensitive
    Calling Oprah a @bastard@ is horrible considering the original meaning of the word. In general you were absolutely horrible about her and poor people, people of color from the past, women go through so much already only to be called names by you. Shame!
  • R. Raine
    Good and funny The research is good, and same with the writing. Not the biggest fan of the full left lean some times.
  • Amy_gsw
    Too nihilistic
    Really appreciate the research done to make this show happen. Nevertheless, with every episode I’ve listened too, I find myself having to overlook their blatant disregard for anything even nearing the spiritual. I finally had enough after listening to them berate Eckhart Tolle in the Oprah Winfrey series. They’re missing the bigger picture. Not every spiritual teacher is delusional and woo-woo. Eckhart is a profound and highly conscious human and his work is deeply committed to helping people heal their fraught interior landscapes. I don’t want a podcast (or anyone of that matter) to share my own outlooks on life, but this show sometimes feels narrow minded. The host and guests have condemned spiritual beliefs too many times for me to derive interest from its biographical aspect. While I would never ask someone to change their personal beliefs, I do find blatantly mocking spiritual beliefs upsetting. Especially Eckhart, when his practice is more focused on being in the present moment than it is anything otherworldly. Maybe you’d realize that if you did more research on him and had more of an open mind. I have truly appreciated and respected the podcast, and still do. The mocking of Eckhart was just the tipping point for me. And no, I do not idolize Eckhart nor I am some woo-woo cult member, if that’s how I’m coming across — but I have read Eckhart’s work enough to know how off base these comments are.
  • DazShayd
    Cool content but long frequent ad breaks and awkward guests
    Far more ads than normal podcasts, and the guests mostly waste the space in between rephrasing Robert’s lines. Prop is the worst, he just repeats Robert’s lines in blaccent and then does that “AH AH AH” fake laugh after everything like a sociopath, but rarely do any of his guests add anything insightful or funny. Hire your best guest, leave him in the hot seat so he improves over time like Gareth from the dollop, and pile your ads at the front and back, otherwise you’re just playing games.
  • Kathleen Paige1990
    Almost good
    Oof, invalidating childhood memories in the Oprah episodes was NOT IT. Took the words right out of my abusive parent’s mouth. Be better.
  • Suli Iraq
    2 people is enough, Too much fake loud laughter distracts you
    The horrible laughter is so unnecessary and it really destroys the quality of the podcast, I stopped listening because of the fake laughter!
  • McMewz
    First Oprah episode gets pretty weird for abuse victims just FYI
    Incredibly interesting episode, but honestly triggering for those of us who went through pretty extreme/extensive abuse throughout childhood. Obv not gonna trauma dump here lol, but Andrew questioning the legitimacy of memories when you’re six -and *especially* Robert’s little quip at the end about how the past is “a fantasy/fiction novel that you’ve been writing your whole life without even knowing it”- are particularly (inadvertently) clumsy…especially when the nature of your abuse forces you to avoid/invalidate that it was bad for the *vast* majority of your life, until you get into therapy and discover just how bad it actually was (despite the fact that you have so many external sources, like court records/dates/witnesses/etc who validate just how early those memories actually were lol). To anyone who’s listening to this ep and questioning the legitimacy of your own abuse (or questioning if maybe it *was* actually abuse and not normal 😅), please look into a therapist who specializes in trauma. It was life-changing for me (especially to realize that I was living most of my life with pretty major PTSD that inhibits every aspect of my life due to just how bad it actually was lol). Also, it’s incredibly common for abusers and victims of abuse themselves to refuse to believe when others have been abused. I believe there can be inconsistencies in her recollections, but this doesn’t negate that the visceral/sensory aspect of truly traumatic memories due tend to be *very real* and it’s pretty rare to just completely fabricate them lol. It would have been particularly interesting had he looked into research on traumatic memory in children, especially those of us who “Ace the ACE test” 😂 and have external sources validating this. Excited for part 2, though!
  • WhereDoISign?
    Love the podcast. I know my opinion isn’t as good as yours but I’d love to hear an episode with Josh Johnson as guest.
  • liberation4all
    Should’ve gotten Prop
    I usually listen to this podcast to learn so that why I tuned into the Diddy episodes. There are really two Americas. Idk if it was the mispronouncing of Jodeci or the guest calling Faith Evan’s Faith Hill but yall should’ve gotten Prop for the Diddy episodes. The guest was so wrong with a lot of info. Anyways, the show is amazing but I don’t think yall should cover anything else Hip Hop related 😂
  • LFC in NYC
    Please…enough with this kid
    Wait until his voice breaks or tell him to stop saying “totally” I’m like many others who consider him as the reason why we don’t listen as much anymore. It’s honestly a hard listen that I can’t do anymore. Sorry for the tough love. Thanks for all you do to move the ball forward. (Pretty sure I don’t need to use names)
  • Matocaster
    Trying So Hard
    I’ve given this podcast a fair shake. 41hrs now. REALLY trying to find something valuable or informative. What we have here is a guy desperately trying to be a “new” Conan O’Brien while copying EVERYTHING Conan did 25 years ago. It’s sad. On top of that they are ad crazy! It’s so lame how they try and disconnect themselves from capitalism, yet stuff ad after ad after ad every ten minutes down your throat. Then reading stuff he pulled up on Wikipedia. Do yourself a favor and move on. Look these guys up on Wiki like this did and save yourself the 30 or 40 ads. Just another money hungry hipster trying to pretend he’s not just another money hungry capitalist.
  • dixensider
    Low IQ
    “Intelligent” discussion for the Price is Right audience (If your response is “Hey, what’s wrong with the Price is Right? You’re proving my point.)
  • loloooollolo
    7 minutes of ads
    Last straw for me. The show itself is barely tolerable with pompous Portland Robert. But 7 minutes of ads before I even hear a word of podcast is ridiculous. And don’t give me a lesson on how these podcasts are paid for. I get it. But you aren’t Lex Fridman.
  • ABN_Blue
    Holland’s Tunnel Vision
    This would mostly be a solid 4 star history podcast but for Tom Holland’s crusade to center “Christian values/morals” in as many “positive” movements or happenings as he possibly can. He is very interested in pushing the narrative of the civilizing Christian or the moral Christian (even though I doubt he would agree when stated explicitly) and is apparently blind to, or averse to talking about, the terror of the colonizing or hypocritical Christian.
  • DavyJones00758
    Tough to listen to
    It's difficult to listen to these hosts. I checked out the Diddy podcasts hoping to learn something. I didn't. Constantly talking over each other, interrupting each other, self congratulating on really stupid life experiences. Just not the info or entertainment it could or should be. If you guys need help producing a better product, I'm sure really anyone could help you out.
  • Summatime3
    Good content, but
    Enjoyed the content until ignorant political nonsense including laughing about the murder of United Healthcare CEO came out not 15 minutes in. Trash.
  • lupamannara
    Favorite show
    This is my favorite podcast when I have capacity for terrible things and dark humor, otherwise it’s Cool People Who Did Cool Stuff. Every show on this network is absolute gold.
  • AWheeler84
    Excellent @ Holding Sean Diddy Combs Accountable for his sexual assaults.
    An excellent set of episodes. Robert’s ability to produce excellent investigative reporting time and again is nothing short of impressive.There is nothing more satisfying to a law student such as I, as seeming a defendant aptly held accountable for his crimes. Sean Diddy Combs is nothing sort than a grotesque sexual predator who used his money and fame to conceal his rapes. Not unlike Jeffery Epstein in that regard. I hope justice is served and Combs never once again is access to minors or woman. If only mass rapists were placed on Death Row, where they rightly belong.
  • JudeRanch
    Fake laugh so annoying
    Is Robert auditioning as a stand-up comedian? His fake laugh is nerve wracking & would not survive a real audience.
  • AVatchinsky
    Ads are getting out of hand
    I just skipped 7 mins of pre-roll ads. Relax w this.
  • Greg435434
    So many snowflake reviews
    There are evil aholes across the political spectrum, but it’s just the conservatives that get all butthurt in their reviews when an episode deals with any of the numerous terrible conservative figures today. Either “Ummm I like the show but can you leave the politics out of it??” Or some completely unhinged rant about the left. There is no bigger snowflake on the planet than the modern American conservative.
  • 27162527
    Another iheart media abortion. These people don’t even pretend to approach historical people and stories (or modern and current people or stories for that matter) from an objective lens. Leftist and extremely kosher drivel.
  • SetR4U
    Want a funny spin on history’s greatest monsters? You’ve found the right place!
    Yes. This is a comedic but informative podcast about terrible people. It isn’t exactly great to listen to long form media about doom and gloom without injecting some comedy into it. Robert is a goofball, it helps to provide entertainment along with information. Taking these topics seriously is important, but too seriously would be detrimental to Robert and the audience. Many people also don’t seem to understand Robert is the host. Sophie is the producer and her commentary is greatly appreciated, love you Sophie! However, she isn’t the host. Robert writes fantastic scripts and reads them to his guest, Sophie, and us. Robert is more than accommodating to the guests and Sophie and genuinely values their input. As I assume many listeners do, I love when Sophie contributes to the conversation and I love her dynamic with Robert. With that said, they have limits and a script. This isn’t for the guest to ramble on, it’s for them to react and provide their view when appropriate, but ultimately for Robert to read the script he spent so much time on. Thank you Robert! I also saw some people complaining about overtalking. They do the podcast through Zoom, there’s input lag, it isn’t purposeful and it’s periodic and hardly noticeable. I delivery for work and I’m so grateful for this podcast, it really helps me get through my days. And of course they have left wing views, it’s because they know their history. You want a funny podcast about history’s greatest monsters? You’ve found the right place.
  • Denice0617
    Faith Evans not Faith Hill
    Good episode I love listening to guys every week.
  • mysterymach
    Yeah I agree that the people they take down need to be taken down, but the hosts are always talking over the one female and she is always the one to prompt the dudes that its time for a break. Insufferable. Got tired of hearing the hosts have a blind spot on this- like most liberal dudes, they are complete chauvinists while pretending to be liberal. Extremely unimpressed with that, and with their poor tasteless jokes and general lack of awareness. Do better. Stop being choades.
  • Funman2008
    So so
    Their leftist attitudes do come through. But somewhat interesting to listen to.
  • ScottyPNoregerts
    Word vomit
    This should be comedy the hosts are so ignorant. Bless their hearts
  • JoeyScmor
    Too many ads
    Look I get that podcasts need to make money but there are too many ads
  • takennicknames99
    Dec 3rd show
    Mr. Roger’s is the Mr. Roger’s of Pittsburgh. He’s from Pittsburgh. Rick Seback is too but he is no Mr. Rogers. Signed, Pittsburgh
  • candrim77
    Fascinating subject - Everyone else(except Jamie Loftus) needs to stop talking.
    Sometimes the guests are tolerable, but when Sophie stumbles into the conversation I have to fast forward - nothing against her as a person, and she seems good at her job - but she rarely if ever has anything meaningful to say and her slow breaking words tumble out at a snails pace.
  • Textdgh
    Some people are horrible and some people have a podcast. Some people are horrible and have a podcast. This is them.
  • BrejieG
    Annoying hosts
    Interesting topics. Hosts are so annoying. Ramble on and on…
  • Slimfast270
    The host has tunnel vision and isn’t open to ideas that don’t agree with his beliefs. The Hitler episodes are good.
  • PaggieGal
    A history podcast for dark humor enthusiasts
    If dead baby jokes make you angry or upset, this podcast is not for you.
  • lms1007el
    Info Delivery
    Listening to the RFK Jr podcast. I don’t understand the giggling and constant (forced) laughing when often the story is sad and disturbing. Please stop the giggling. It’s very disconcerting. I felt the same during the Lawrence of Arabia podcast.
  • HurricaneBrax
    Cackling and drivel
    This podcast is just a bunch of pandimensional gender studies drop outs geek laughing in an echo chamber of idle pro-communist chatter because they think they’ve figured the world out from mommy’s basement. They just prattle about which identity they’ve picked for the day and how the government is both the devil and the cure to all societies ails. While they occasionally do diligent research, the inevitably arrive at the most “spoiled child” conclusion possible. Almost 100% of the contributors are bandwagoning whatever the most progressive virtue signaling is that day and utterly refuse to use any version of critical analysis, just spew about how “queer” they are while conforming to whatever the current Portland group think is. Don’t waste your time.
  • Bilas Peles
    Gives three dimensions to evil
    We tend to reduce people who lead others to commit terrible evil to two dimensional images. This podcast tries to give us a depiction of those people as fleshed-out three dimensional humans. In doing so, it reminds us that we are all capable of going down the wrong road. A great listen.
  • Maxine712
    Love the podcast but Robert, you don’t need to say “Right?” after almost Every sentence! You sound insecure which you are absolutely not. Plus it’s annoying.
  • Clayton Hollingsworth
    Crumbling Vernacular
    "Guess that's just how the"--what did you tell me once--"vernacular crumbles." RIGHT? LIKE RIGHT? RIGHT LIKE,RIGHT,LIKE,LIKE, RIGHT? See,Jerky, I'm not the only one that finds your speech patterns unbearable!
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