The Joe Walker Podcast


Joe Walker hosts refreshingly in-depth conversations with founders, scientists, scholars, economists, and public intellectuals.

(Formerly 'The Jolly Swagman Podcast'.)

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Recent Reviews
  • Repton Dude
    Well-planned interviews with excellent guests
    For example, in the recent interview with Richard Rhodes, Walker had read and studied his topic deeply. This allowed Rhodes to respond thoughtfully on a large range of topics related to Rhodes’ book on atomic weapons and their past history and future risks. Walker’s is an excellent host and allows his guests to go where his questions leads them. They are one of the best ‘long-form’ podcasts and are highly recommended.
  • taos toad
    Wishing the swagman would have a more USA centric podcast as I find him exceptionally intelligent and balanced on every cast. We could use more of this here.
  • PjL1512
    Get around this!
    This is a great podcast that was recommended to me by a friend. Incredibly accomplished guests and a diverse range of topics which keeps things interesting. Joe and his guests do a great job simplifying complex topics into easily understandable and digestible episodes
  • Bwv878
    A Thoughtful for Grownups
    This is one of the more thoughtful podcasts I’ve found. Joe, please keep up the good work.
  • Brachthune
    Swagman MIA
    Yo Dawgue, where you at? Hope all is well. Thx for the wonderful conversations.
  • fede19653428
    Great podcast
    I really enjoy this podcast . The selection of topics and people interviewed is great. And the host really studies the subjects and comes out with great questions for them.
  • TOchristophe
    Intellectually engaging, great discussions
    Host Joe Walker us an affable, well-read Aussie who regularly amazes me with the depth of his interviews with some of the planet’s best minds. There’s an economics bent, but Walker is underselling his show by calling it an Australian business podcast. The topics are usually of global relevance and are worth listening to even if you think they’re not.
  • gamenets
    Joe is a world-class interviewer!
    One of the best interview podcasts out there. Joe is an amazing, thoughtful interviewer and the guests he bring on the show are top notch.
  • pam6481
    What a treat!
    Joe, the Robert Skidelsky interview is remarkably good. Wishing I could hear both Judy Shelton and Stephanie Kelton’s reactions. Cheers!
  • NomadoftheWorld
    Delightful and intellectually stimulating.
    Listening to Joe wax poetic with extraordinary guests is a wonderful experience every time.
  • jj wx
    Always illuminating and insightful
    I listen to this podcast whenever I have time,-which is also short these days. The topics are very far ranging and always informative and enlightening. I am always stunned by the amount of in-depth preparation that the host does for each of his interviews and he makes his guests and his listeners feel very welcome and tuned in.
  • ricksalvatore
    Terrific interviewer, terrific guests, terrific podcast.
    Joe is a fantastic, well-prepared interviewer. I didn’t think I would be drawn into conversations about housing bubbles, but like the best discoveries, “The Jolly Swagman” podcasts opened my eyes and ears to subjects that are broader and more compelling than I had considered. I was hooked by his interview with Yaneer Bar-Yam in the spring of 2020 and have been looking forward to episodes ever since, ranging from chats with biologists, journalists, economists, sociologists, physicists, and more. I think this is my first podcast review, and I’m happy to spread the word.
  • Tii'er
    All Jolly Swagman’s podcasts
    Great very enlightening
  • Ezra Las Vegas
    Incredibly well researched
    Joe is a very thoughtful guy. He has unique questions for guests that have appeared on other podcasts I listen to, but also really works hard to find unusual guests I have never heard of. I came here mostly for the investing related content, but stayed for the fascinating subject matter experts in other areas. Joe has helped me expand my interests, and has done so by being a classy character. His research skills reflect a deep respect for his craft. Thank you!
  • BearMtnPowder
    Spectacular Content - Mind Opening
    I thoroughly enjoy listening to JSP. I’m in the investment management industry and find myself gravitating towards this versus others because of the breadth and depth of subjects and speakers that come on the JSP. The content is not just for investments but life in general. For example, he had on the author of the book - Strangers in their Own Land, Arlie Hochschild - which was a fascinating podcast. So much so that I went and bought the book. Certainly opened my mind up to the subject matter. Look forward to learning more from your show.
  • D Portnoy
    A must listen podcast
    A very eclectic and interesting collection - Joe is an excellent interviewer
  • WoodchipMaple
    Great topics & guests Econ and beyond
    An entertaining long form podcast where Joseph interviews interesting people. I most appreciate how he bring with him his own learnings and interpretations and refines them over time.
  • FloridaMan911
    Joe is the 🐐
    If you like rationality and value investing, you'll like this show
  • juan2018888
    Excellent show
    Got hooked a month ago and you can hear the quality progression. Insightful guests, interesting questions, lots to learn. Get your voice heard across the pond in the states mate!
  • Haberdashers
    Very insightful and thought provoking.
  • San Diego Stephen Dedalus
    The Hempton & Shiller interviews, my first two listens, were fabulous. Going to add to the short rotation. Great podcast.
  • Igwah
    Makes you smarter
    Listen to the Hempton and Cahodes podcast at a minimum. You’ll be smarter afterwards
  • Jessjensen
    Volume is a problem.
    This is the only podcast where I can hardly hear it even when the volume is turned already up. Since this isn’t an issue for other podcasts/music/radio that I listen to, it may be an issue with the quality of the recording.
  • Tex312
    Great, informative, entertaining podcast
    I love this podcast. It is very entertaining and informative.
  • Cswice
    Fantastic podcast
    World-class podcast I just recently ran across. I was surprised when I saw the roster of high quality guests but it’s clear why: Joseph is razor sharp, well-prepared, passionate, and has this really infectious enthusiasm for learning. I love how the interviews are ong-form too, there’s something special about having more than the usual hour to hear him and his guests go deep. Keep up the great work Joe.
  • psumarkopolo
    Great pod
    From the US. This pod is absolutely amazing. Does a great job interviewing great guests. Not the most active, but the interviews are generally super in depth but easy to follow.
  • SRQuire
    Pod casts don’t get much better than this one.
  • Evan BW
    Hear me out
    Based in the States, I don’t always find the purely Australia episodes interesting, but Joe has done some of my all time favorite podcasts - like his 3 hour interview of John Hempton. I highly recommend finding and listening to it if you haven’t already.
  • ANDY83943
    So entertaining and educational.
    The Marc Cohodus and John Hempton interviews were amazing. This podcast is a must listen for those interested in the stock market. Some of these interviews are three hours long and I can’t wait for more.
  • 123andrew321
    Best and most thoughtful interviewer around
    Love this podcast and it’s obvious he comes very well prepared for each interview to make it the most productive and interesting discussion
  • NfkxjgahdNfwisuu
    Loved the John Hempton episode (#69)
    Normally, I don't go for ~3 hour long podcast episodes, but this was worth every minute. I've also listened to and enjoyed the Marc Cohodes (#49) episode. Currently listening to the Kevin Rudd (#68) episode and learning a lot about China.
  • User 123123
    Love this podcast!
    Covers a diverse range of thought provoking topics. The latest one with Kevin Rudd on China covers a topic near & dear & important for the current "interesting times".
  • Aaron MacWilliams
    Strong host and great guests
    Wow! Stumbled upon this show through a search for Bret Weinstein interviews and I’m really impressed with the hosts ability getting the guest to really dive deep and stimulate them. Great show if you want to listen to intelligent conversation on modern issues.
  • Hardrock Fracker
    Thoughtful Aussie host of International standing
    Joseph doing fantastic job finding top thinkers and does his homework preparing for them! Delight to listen to, intellectually stimulating
  • GustavK
    Great Interview with John Hempton
    I really enjoyed the interview on the Australian housing price run up...Mr. Hempton is always insightful and interviewer really listens to the previous answer before asking the next question!
  • rasterisk
    Top Stuff
    Always impeccably researched. Detailed podcasts on interesting topics!
  • Derivatives Trader
    Kevin Rudd
    The interview with Kevin Rudd was fantastic - what a statesman
  • Grvr2G10
    If you are a lifelong learner, this is the podcast for you.
    I discovered this podcast from a twitter recommendation. My first listen was the interview with Marc Cohodes. It is amazing. I then dug into the library and found more great episodes (for example thinking about probability and another on dunbar's number). All are fascinating. This is one of the rare podcasts that's worth subscribing to.
  • Strepsil24
    The Jolly Swagmen.
    I was asked to write a review for the Jolly Swagmen Podcast. I really do not like to be asked to write reviews, about anything, but especially about podcasts. By necessity a review, if it is to be thoughtful, and considered, takes time and requires a certain amount of public sharing of thoughts and feelings which are probably best kept private. Whilst I really have enjoyed the podcasts, and I find Angus & Joe's approach to the genre both refreshing and entertaining, well, I still did not want to invest any time in this review. But Angus was insistent. He can be like a force of nature. He's been like that his entire life; so have his brothers. I think I must have over indulged them and now they have become a trio of over achievers. So there it is. The dreaded full disclosure. Angus is my son. Not Joe. He is someone I met through Angus and I can vouch for his smarts, sense of humor and focus. Hard to say about Angus. Always hard for the parent. But I can promise you that the Jolly Swagmen Podcast will not disappoint you. Download, sign up, listen in.
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