Front Page

Find out what's on the front page of The New York Times before it's published. Monday through Friday, James Barron previews the top stories that will set the agenda for news coverage around the world.

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Recent Reviews
  • Fluffster Normalpaws
    12 Yrs Old 💀
    They need to clean up these dead carcasses out of the podcasts. This show hasn’t been updated in 12 years. Why is it still posted on here? This place is a graveyard with zombie pods roaming amongst us 😱
  • lets be honest here
    First episode is about parents complaining that other parents brought in more money that BOTH their kids go to?
  • Canavansbackyard
    A little to brief for me
    I was thinking about resubscribing to this podcast, but I see that it's departed. That's too bad, although it was a show with some flaws from my perspective. An average episode clocked in at between 5 and 7 minutes. If all you wanted was the verbal equivalent of quickly scanning the newspaper headlines while sipping your morning beverage, then this podcast was for you. If you wanted something more in depth, you needed to look elsewhere.
  • cappuccinocups
    Will Be Missed
    Excellent news show!! it was my favorite podcast..! Very sad that they discontinued. As English as second language person, this show was both challenging and educational. (+ of course quicker than to actually read the paper) Miss you, James Barron!!
  • Maddie and Bird
    Such a Great Podcast ... Sad to hear the farewell
    I loved this podcast. Hope they come up with a new version!
  • Sbalaja1
    The Best, Top Of New York
    For the past several years I enjoyed everything about this podcast, got me through the day and being located in Washington DC the morning traffic is horrendous and this little part of my everyday grind was slowly becoming my essentials of the day. Extremely sad to find out it is over now. Still don't agree with New York Times dismissing their best podcast and most advertised but I guess all good things come to an end, now I have to search for a new one, any recommendations will do but none will match this one.
  • geryz1
    Good bye
    I just listened to your last podcast. James, thank you for the daily news. You will be missed.
  • andeme
    Yay for a quick, informative podcast. Boo for doing away with it.
    So disappointed that the Big Wigs at NYT have decided to do away with this podcast. Guess I'll be switching to the Washington Times podcast.
  • lleifert
    Great Podcast
    Don't discontinue this podcast. I listen to every morning!!
  • Bsolmssen
    Please come back!
    I will miss you so much. I used to read the paper every morning and then I had kids. This podcast kept me feeling connected to not just the world, but my old life. I will miss it until I can read the paper agin in the mornings (in 16 years!)
  • Birdy 10019
    Please don't discontinue
  • Jprl5
    So sad
    Sad that front page is coming to an end. My favorite podcast .. If its money add a short ad at the beginning.
  • SailorJ
    Best morning news podcast ever. Gets to the point, if you want more visit the NYTimes. Calling all NEWSIES…. save this podcast!
  • dh104
    I will miss Front Page and I am sorry it is gone. Listened to it every morning.
  • PodKate1
    Not really??
    James Baron announced that this podcast is going away! I am very unhappy - it's one thing I NEVER miss! I hope NYT finds a way to continue it.
  • HC Scholar
    Sad to see it leave
    Just started listening to this last week and found it to be quite the find. Very very sad to hear its getting cancelled. I think it'll be pretty hard to find a replacement.
  • Newspaper Hound
    Sorry to see it go
    This was a great podcast. Not comprehensive by any means, but a quick summary of the day's events and of that day's Times. I must have purchased the Times 3 or 4 times a week based on this Podcast, which, I suppose, was its main function from the perspective of the newspaper. I can't understand why they are discontinuing such a useful information source and marketing tool. Good luck James Barron, and thanks.
  • Jlhuang
    Don't stopt it
    I'm is reporter in China and this pod cast has been very useful for me! It's precise and well cover the world !
  • marvea
    Sad to hear you're no longer going to produce this podcast. I like to get my news from a variety of sources, and this podcast's brief reports would often provide me with the starting point for seeking out a story.
  • AnnasCat
    Sad to see this end!
    VERY sorry to hear Front Page is being discontinued. It was well-produced and well-narrated. What will I do for a replacement!!!!!!
  • Akatz123
    Keep the podcast!
    Great podcast that I listen to regularly. Sad to hear it's being cancelled.
  • inaword
    Thank you James Barron for the New York Times podcast
    I appreciate the daily podcast, it's been a great way to stay abreast of the news headlines while I'm commuting to work. I wish there was a way that you could charge a small fee through iTunes so that you can cover your costs.
  • mouvement
    Front page disappearing?!?
    After 4 years of adding the NYT's Front Page to the top of my podcast playlist every morning, my heart sank when I heard James Barron announce the podcast was coming to a close. Sure, the program was brief, but it filled a terrific niche of 6 minute news coverage. RIP NYT FP.
  • Sr. Doc Diva
    Brief and to the point! Please don't discontinue!
    I am sad this podcast will be discontinued on March 31st, 2012. I listen to it every day - its like a morning cup of coffee! Yes, its brief but to the point. I can read the rest of the paper online. This podcast has been very convenient for me and like I wrote above, I really don't want it to be discontinued.
  • RaymanB
    Keep the Podcast! Please.
    This is the only podcast I listen to anymore and I'm really sad to see it go. Like many others here, it's part of my daily ritual.
  • nicodemus145
    Keep the Front Page!
    I love this podcast. I only just found out it was being cancelled this month as was stated in today's cast. I don't understand why. It's so brief you can probably find a VOLUNTEER to host it every day. It's a good way to promote the paper -- I listen to a lot of news podcasts at work, and a lot of the smaller stories on the Front Page don't get coverage anywhere else. And ending it won't get anyone to buy any more NYT papers than they already do. Please stay on the air!
  • BarthPhoto
    NYT Front Page Podcast is Canceled
    I just listened to today's podcast 3/27/2012 and learned that the Times is canceling the pocast. This is the last week of the program. Very short sited of them. Sure they don't make money from the podcast but it draws readers like me into their website.
  • *Longtime Print Subscriber*
    Don't End It
    This is my favorite podcast to listen to in the morning. I hope NYT changes their mind about canceling. If it's because of freeriders, they should know that print & digital subscribers listen too. I'm more interested - not less interested - in reading the articles after listening. If I wasn't already a subscriber, this podcast would make me MORE inclined to become one!!!
  • 212nycgal
    Don't end this podcast!! It is part of my morning ritual. I've been listening for 4 years now! What will I do without it?
  • FastNews
    I listen to lots of news podcasts but this is by far and away the best. James Barron has a great voice, a great GREAT delivery. PLEASE keep it going.
  • SadAtTheEnd
    NYT, what are you doing?
    Why does NYT always find it a good idea to terminate their good programs? I subscribed to laugh lines and they terminated that. I subscribe to this great podcast, and they decide to terminate this. Is it from greed? Do podcasts not net them enough $$$? Or do thy honestly think that the US's top news podcast was not benefiting it's audience?
  • O
    Don't drop this program!!!
    Why is this podcast being stopped? Whyyyyy?
  • Paul in Virginia
    Going away?
    I just listened to today's podcast and am disappointed NYT has decided to stop the creating these at the end of the March. This has been an enjoyable part of my mornings as I wake up each day. BOOOOOOOO NYT
  • Holden0623
    Favorite of Mine
    Great source of news and current events! I tune in daily.
  • Ipnone description "It's Magic"
    Part of my morning ritual
    I take a commuter train into work and this has become part of my morning ritual.
  • aurora australis
    Good short podcast, BUT can't bear James Baron's voice
    I enjoy the short broadcast, but James Baron's voice is getting on my nerves so much that I may stop listening. It's so harsh--like fingernails on a chalk board. It's always a relief when someone else substitutes from time to time so that I don't have to listen to Mr. Baron.
  • Kookyjgtffy
    I love it!!
    Love to listen to in the morning as I walk my dog before work.
  • Julidoxy
    Quality information
    This podcast is already part of my morning. I read the New York Times online but it's amazing listen the main news before my day starts!
  • Mark Wusinich
    Everyday pod cast
    This is the first pod cast I listen to any time I listen to podcasts
  • charlievice
    Great News podcast.
    This is so great that I don't even mind getting it a week late. I understand the promptness from some listeners but as long it doesn't go away I'm happy with it. However, I listen to it everyday then look up further on the news myself.
  • 2KittyLuv
    Good overview
    Thanks for providing this service. Keeps me updated with what's going on, then I can get more info later. Great alternative to visual options.
  • chihuly11
    I love this podcast. Lately, we've been missing days or having them load a full day late. Makes me worried it is going away!
  • loucharb
    Good but lately they're bad about updating
    It's a good podcast but last week several of the updates were a day or two late, which made it useless. I noticed that as of 8:20am EDT this morning, the May 2 podcast still wasn't posted. Too bad, because it's an excellent podcast when it's available and was always the first one I listened to during my half-hour bike ride to work...
  • MissinPeter
    has it gone behind the paywall?
    It's exactly what I want to launch me on my day; I can listen to the actual news later. But it's been missing for two days now. Sigh.
  • Robbie&Martha
    Just enough
    Just enough news to keep you informed each day.
  • MarkPek
    Is it gone?
    Am I the only one who can't get episodes after January 10?
  • NYTfangirl
    Get rid of the ads in the middle!
    I understand NYT needs to monetize its podcasts, but two ads per >10 min. podcast? It's excessive, and that's why I don't subscribe anymore.
  • Bloom Radio
    Two many ads
    Two ads for the same product in a 6-minute podcast? Ridiculous. As I listen(ed) to this podcast every a.m., it especially hurts the head to be shilled to so shrilly first thing in the morning.
  • Pulp Minded
    Morning Paper...
    I rise and shine in the morning, prepare my first cup of coffee, turn down the I-Pod, and toss this on when I am getting to my routine. Use this to aid in my overall decision on wether or not to purchase the full issue of the times for l8r. Great Way to rise up to the world, expecially when you live in an isolated part of the country and refuse to throw down for cable (news networks are beyond the point of biased at this point). Big ups to the New york times, big ups to the front page podcast.
  • Christo911
    Part of my daily routine
    I listen to this every morning on my way to work. It's so much more to the point than morning radio news. I could stand it a little longer, up to 10 mins maybe. So far only one ad per 'cast is tolerable, and understandable. Any more and I'd go in search of another news update.
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