Your Best Life with Anna Victoria


Meet Anna Victoria: fitness influencer, personal trainer and creator of the Fit Body app. Join Anna each week, as she sits down with the top names in wellness for real conversations on how to embrace your best life.

Recent Episodes
  • Chandler Sosebee | Collaborating With Yourself
    Nov 17, 2020 – 00:56:43
  • Chalene Johnson | A Fitness Professional but a Marketing Expert
    Nov 10, 2020 – 01:03:12
  • Mike Johnson | Self Love is the Gateway to Freedom
    Nov 3, 2020 – 00:42:28
  • Dr. Andreo Spina | Understanding Your Inner Homo Sapien
    Oct 27, 2020 – 00:52:30
  • Real Talk | Breastfeeding Breakthrough
    Oct 22, 2020 – 00:15:51
  • Alisa Vitti | From Hormonal Chaos to Hormonal Flow
    Oct 20, 2020 – 01:03:09
  • Real Talk | Answering More Of Your Questions
    Oct 15, 2020 – 00:13:09
  • Lia Haberman | A Digital Influencing Primer
    Oct 13, 2020 – 01:02:14
  • Real Talk | New Parenting Struggles
    Oct 8, 2020 – 00:10:04
  • Don Saladino | Integrity, Authenticity, and Team Building
    Oct 6, 2020 – 00:53:17
  • Real Talk | Creating the Fit Body App
    Oct 1, 2020 – 00:15:40
  • Lenore Skenazy | Free-Range Kids
    Sep 29, 2020 – 00:57:01
  • Real Talk | Breastfeeding
    Sep 24, 2020 – 00:13:43
  • Marion Nestle | The Politics of Food
    Sep 22, 2020 – 00:59:57
  • Real Talk | Listener Questions
    Sep 17, 2020 – 00:15:35
  • The Birth Story
    Sep 15, 2020 – 00:40:07
  • Real Talk | Newborn Expectations vs Reality
    Sep 10, 2020 – 00:13:33
  • Abbey Sharp | Self Love Nutrition
    Sep 8, 2020 – 00:51:42
  • Real Talk | 80/20 Primer
    Sep 3, 2020 – 00:13:14
  • Dr. Aaron Carroll | Your Baby WILL Fall Asleep Eventually
    Sep 1, 2020 – 00:51:29
  • Real Talk | Working with Your Spouse
    Aug 27, 2020 – 00:11:37
  • Jenna Wolfe | Go Ahead And Try To Tell Her "No"
    Aug 25, 2020 – 00:58:05
  • Real Talk | Anna and Instagram 2
    Aug 20, 2020 – 00:13:40
  • Dr. Spencer Nadolsky | The Science of Losing Weight
    Aug 18, 2020 – 00:51:58
  • Real Talk | Anna and Instagram
    Aug 13, 2020 – 00:15:05
  • Nicci Robinson | Lifting Weights and Spirits
    Aug 11, 2020 – 00:37:38
  • Real Talk | Kids and Food
    Aug 6, 2020 – 00:12:02
  • Liz Plosser | The Importance of Women's Health
    Aug 4, 2020 – 00:49:52
  • Real Talk - Cooking with Your Spouse
    Jul 30, 2020 – 00:13:59
  • Phoebe Lapine | Wellness with Hashimoto's and SIBO
    Jul 28, 2020 – 00:48:18
  • Real Talk | Pregnancy Shaming
    Jul 23, 2020 – 00:15:15
  • Sara Reardon | Pelvic Floor Primer
    Jul 21, 2020 – 00:56:24
  • Real Talk | Parental Expectations
    Jul 16, 2020 – 00:14:23
  • Krystal Nielson | Fight For The Life You Want
    Jul 14, 2020 – 00:44:25
  • Real Talk | Motivating Your Partner to Workout
    Jul 9, 2020 – 00:12:39
  • Robin Arzón | Asking Yourself 'Why Not Me?'
    Jul 7, 2020 – 00:42:06
  • Real Talk | Eating Healthy During Quarantine
    Jul 2, 2020 – 00:09:10
  • Latham Thomas | Birthing Alternatives
    Jun 30, 2020 – 00:51:23
  • Real Talk | Pregnancy During Quarantine
    Jun 25, 2020 – 00:09:44
  • Jean Chatzky | Focusing on Finances
    Jun 23, 2020 – 00:46:39
  • Kaitlyn Bristowe | The Bachelorette Wants You to Reclaim Your Confidence
    Jun 16, 2020 – 00:53:51
  • Dascha Polanco | Fitness, Finances, and Freedom
    Jun 9, 2020 – 00:55:28
  • A Moment of Pause
    Jun 3, 2020 – 00:01:02
  • Alan Aragon | Nutrition Myths and Misconceptions
    May 26, 2020 – 00:53:41
  • Dr. Alejandro Junger | A Detoxing Discussion
    May 19, 2020 – 00:52:09
  • Adam Bornstein | The Secrets of Supplements
    May 12, 2020 – 00:54:02
  • Dr. Lori Whatley | Staying Digitally Healthy During Quarantine
    May 5, 2020 – 00:45:58
  • Carter Good | Helping You Fake It 'Til You Make It
    Apr 28, 2020 – 01:00:18
  • Jen Widerstrom | The Biggest Winner
    Apr 21, 2020 – 00:48:04
  • Emily DiDonato |More Than A Glamour Shoot
    Apr 14, 2020 – 00:51:09
Recent Reviews
  • heeleen12342233
    Hi Anna!
    I love this podcast I’m an OG FBG girl we met one. I’m so happy to hear more from you. You have some amazing guests on the show so impressive. I especially loved the episode with chandler. Maybe you can have her come on more often? Like a shorter episode in between of you two chatting about what’s now in the Fit Body community or in your life’s or in the fitness world? Or pick a topic & chat about it, it would be fun to get a less structured version of the two of you. 💕💕💕💕
  • KLB3293
    Episode 36
    I was so grateful for episode 36 with Alisa Vitti and the discussion on hormones. I have been struggling to find a normal cycle since March when I came off of birth control after 12 years. This was a great resource to help guide me to what I need to look for in order to help regulate my cycle as well as TTC. Thanks Anna Victoria!
  • BeckRhodes
    New listener
    Love this! I am in the middle of my second pregnancy and have tried to live a healthy lifestyle. I have always respected Anna Victoria for how she is soooo honest about how her body is not perfect and it doesn’t just happen. I love listening when I go for runs! 21 weeks pregnant and a seven mile run but listening to the podcast helped me through it!
  • SaucyVL
    Fun relatable content!
    I loved the cooking mini-sode. I have the same dynamic with my husband-he loves to cook and I hate it! But it doesn’t mean I won’t, don’t or can’t. I just simply prefer not to if I have the choice! Anna and Luca, you guys are great and always keep it real! From myth busting, exploring western vs eastern medicinal practices, to hosting doulas and giving us the need to know info, to chatting with a bachelorette to the vagina whisperer, you have such a varied platform and I’m into it ALL! I especially love the format of the minisodes and appreciate your honest, positive, but realistic attitude and how you present and carry yourself through even the most difficult conversations :)
  • alexsflorida
    Better than expected
    I have been following Anna in fitness for 5-6 years now. I love everything about her message but when she came out with a podcast, I was not interested. I have work podcasts and entertaining podcasts o listen to every week and o don’t have a bunch of time to listen (work commute is 6 minutes each way) so I am selective about what I spend my non driving time listening to. I listened to the pelvic floor episode and it was amazing!! I am definitely going to catch up on what I’ve missed. Definitely recommend!!
  • sarahliz930
    Favorite podcast!
    I LOVE this podcast! Anna has such a good variety of guests, each talking about relevant topics. There is a positive take away from each episode. I HIGHLY recommend this podcast to all of my friends and family. I just wish she had more than one new episode per week.
  • Mrs matsche
    Loving it!
    Your recent podcast about Hashimoto’s was so great because your guest was very informative and was able to explain a lot of things to your listeners that people disregard when it comes to weight loss and autoimmune diseases or thyroid disorders. I was so glad to hear her say she disagreed with the calorie in calorie out mentality because it’s simply not true for people that have widespread inflammation and/or autoimmune disease.
  • umnfit
    I’ve been following Anna Victoria since my teenage years and I’m now into my young adulthood. The reason I love her so much, and have found her more relatable than other influencers is how humble she is. She always seems like someone I would love to just hang out with, and this podcast is exactly what I was hoping for. Also, gotta love her hubby and his perspective on things. I love it and look forward to it every week 😊
  • Cwamne
    What a show!
    I love the guests that are on the show. There's so much great information to gain from listening. Anna is a great host, and I love how honest and engaging she is. This podcast has something for everyone.
  • crissy629
    Uhhhhmazing Podcast
    I came across Anna on Instagram looking for fitness inspiration & I’m so happy I did. Her content is filled with so much honest information, her energy his amazing, she keeps it absolutely real & I love her for that. The topics in this podcast and all her guests are so informative and interesting and I just love everything about it. Anna and Luca and literally the cutest couple & I wish them all the success and happiness. Please keep creating content, keep being you, you’re beautiful you’re so relatable and we love you girl !
  • Marissa Marchena
    Love Anna & Luca
    I’ve been following Anna for years and love her fitness insight. I feel like she and Luca are part of our family now. I can’t wait to hear all the topics and guests she has on her podcast. I’m also an avid FitBody workout follower.
  • Dragana Z
    Relatable and diverse
    I’ve followed Anna for years and absolutely LOVE that she now has a podcast. She has such a variety of guests and they talk about a wide range of topics in a way that someone who is not well versed in the fitness and health industry can easily understand. I would really love it if Anna would talk about the relationship between getting your proteins but staying healthy in regards to cancer and other diseases linked to meat. I’m an omnivore but have become more concerned lately with how my increased meat intake is affecting my cardiovascular health. Thanks for everything Anna!!
  • Meyermaddie89
    Anna = Amazing
    This woman is incredible! I was so excited when I discovered this podcast (it’s my new favorite) because I love Anna’s content and messages. She discusses so many real struggles of fitness/health - both her genuineness and huge amount of knowledge make her easy to trust when you’re looking to further your education in fitness and health. Thank you for being such an amazing human💕
  • coolhandjane
    I mean, isn’t she the best?
    First, kudos to you Luca for stepping outside your comfort zone! Anna & her husband, Luca, do a little recap for every episode and it continues to be my favorite part! I’m one of the OG followers and I’m honestly surprised to be learning so much more, even after years of following this superstar. Great podcast with truthful, authentic information. A pleasure and a real joy to listen to when I’m out walking.
  • mynameisbg
    Great Insight
    This is a really great Podcast. It has a lot of great insight and leaves you with a wealth of fitness knowledge, “real talk,” and inspiration. Highly recommend.
  • Alaina28
    I’ve been following Anna Victoria for a few years now and I can honestly say she is the most inspirational fitness influencer out there. Her podcasts are just another wonderful extension of her platform that delivers a wealth of information and motivation to anyone looking to lead a healthier life. Thanks so much for sharing relatable and real content that changes lives.
  • JessicaBlair220
    One of my new favorite podcasts
    I was so excited when Anna announced she was going to start a podcast. Her podcast has quickly become one of my favorites. She is a great host, has fun guests, and the shows are informative but delivered in a lighthearted and enjoyable way. I look forward to listening to her shows each week!
  • cokeaddict93
    Listen to Anna Victoria!
    She’s well researched, kind hearted, and has had so much life experience with different facets of being a woman. She knows so much about fitness and health and she’s very relatable. She has surrounded herself with good people that she has on the podcast, and I love hearing everything she has to say!
  • Kim_CH
    Great podcast!
    Love Anna and what she is doing for women and in her industry! A great listen, highly recommend.
  • ATre23
    Love what I’m hearing!
    I was so excited to see this podcast come out! I follow Anna’s socials and am a FitBody girl! So much great information. Could listen to her talk about anything all day. My one criticism would be to be conscious of how much you and your guests use the word “like”. As a listener, and a stickler about filler words, it’s hard to listen to. As it would be with any word that was constantly repeated 😂 just my two cents! As I’ve said, absolutely love the podcast and can’t wait for more! 😊
  • moconnas
    I love Anna!
    I have been following Anna for a long time. I love her insta chats and I am so happy she started a podcast! If you want to feel like you’re having a deep chat with one of your besties this is the podcast for you!
  • oliva&sammy
    Very informative and easy to listen to
    Love her
  • StevieP10
    I love this podcast! So uplifting and full of positivity and inspiration!!
  • cresman12
    Thank you!!
    I have been following you on Instagram for a while and recently restarted my Fitbody Journey! I am so excited to hear more from you and your guests. The most recent episode about birth control and the pill was so informative and eye opening! Thank you!!
  • Allie090205
    Puts me in such a good mood!
    Started listing to this podcast during very hard and uncertain times (read: COVID-19) and it’s exactly what I need to not feel overwhelmed with life and to pause and be given a space to reflect on my own personal thoughts and well being. Anna creates such a positive space for all individuals and having Sarah as her first guess impressed me so much with the tone of where she is taking the conversation. LOVED IT and I am so appreciative of this new podcast that has so much promise. So worth a listen!
  • Hellbells29
    Great listen
    Such a inspirational first episode! So excited to listen to more.
  • Jeepgirl143
    Super Excited!
    I am so excited for this podcast! I’ve been following you for years and absolutely love you & Luca! Cannot wait to see where this journey takes you. Luca, of course we love your accent! 😜
  • CourtEliz25
    Loving this podcast!
    The first episode really exceeded my expectations! Can’t wait for more ☺️
  • Nicole_Goding
    All work no play
    Thank you so much for everything you have done. You inspire me everyday, I appreciate you so much. Nicole
  • aimeerc3
    So happy about this podcast!
    Anna is such an inspiration I could listen to her all day!
  • LemonSpade
    Keeping it real
    Anna’s podcast has not disappointed. If you follow her on Instagram and know what she’s about, it’s that times a million because she’s bringing others into the fold to expound and expand. Her motto has always been that fitness/healthy lifestyle isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution for people, and her podcast is just another way to help us share what different successes look like for different people, and how they got there. This pod isn’t fitness-focused; it really is about finding your best life where fitness is just part of that. Can’t wait for more.
  • Cbryant0729
    Blown Away!!!!
    Oh my goodness Anna. This has been the best podcast I have ever heard. I have taken away several things from your guest and will change how I post of social media forever. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ #fbggirl
  • sallyherrod
    The podcast I’ve been waiting for
    I love Anna Victoria so I was so excited to hear she was launching a podcast. Can’t wait for more approachable advice, it’s a breath of fresh air!
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