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GGAmberReliving the showI found this podcast long after Smash was cancelled, and now I am reliving the series by listening to each of these episodes. Thanks!
thefalloficarusMy favorite after buzz show!Hey guys! First I wanted to say you all are my favorite afterbuzz show, hands down. You have really interesting conversations about the show, you have good insights on the characters, and I think you have fairly balanced opinions. I look forward to hearing your podcast as much as I look forward to watching the show. Keep up the great work! On the show side of things, I like that we finally saw some regret in Karen this week. She obviously doesn't fully regret leaving Bombshell to be with Jimmy the Jerk, but we finally saw that first real flash of "I have up something huge". For someone who believed in Bombshell so much that she gave up a potential recording contract in the first season, just so she could sing in the ensemble, I thought it was ridiculous how quickly she just gave up on the show. It was such a deviation from her character last season and NOT in the good way. It was also really nice seeing Leo this week. I was actually really upset with his complete departure from the show before and I thought it was sad that the new direction the show decided to take, was Julia basically abandoning him. Yes she and her husband split, but a mom like julia doesn't just move out on her children. Especially when she and Leo had such a good relationship by the end of last year. There were bumps in the road, but in the end Leo and she always made up and he was always ready to forgive her. I don't think Julia would give in so quickly on her child and I think they took too many liberties on her character in that respect. They rushed to get her away from her "bad" storylines from last season. I'm glad she is growing and moving on from all the affair drama, but I wish they had handled that whole departure a little more gracefully. And my last comment for this review is, poor Derek. I feel like he has lost his mojo this season. I have rooted for he and Karen even since the beginning of season 1, so I was glad to see him taking the creep-vibe down a notch and becoming a real boy this season. To that end though, I feel like he has gone beyond normal man to just sort of sad and lonely. He was being run through the mill at the beginning of the season and no one stood up for him. Karen and Ivy stood by him, but even Karen left him for Jimmy (which seems like such an insult. Dev and she had history and I genuinely liked Dev until the end, but Jimmy is and always will be a whiny man child.) Now even Ivy has pushed him away. I think his most obvious cry for help was thinking Ana was the diva (especially after she got poor reviews at the fringe). Even his directing is suffering. I feel like he needs to start getting his groove back (and he needs to squarely put Jimmy in his place as his first act of business). Last season Derek wouldn't have put up with half the crap Jimmy and Karen have pulled (don't even get me started on what a bad influence Jimmy has been on Karen). I don't think Derek needs to be the villain to be strong, and I think everyone would enjoy watching Jimmy brought down a peg in the process.
@ThereasonsyAlmost ThereHey team: I think you guys have some valid points but the four things that we disagree about are 1. Ivy and her mom. She is trying to get her own career and "mommy" coming in to be in the show completely makes it seem that Ivy can't do anything without her name. Not to mention she was publicly FIRED as Marilyn before. Best decision for the show, bad decision for Ivy career wise. 2. Original is what Broadway calls the I want song. Every musical has one where the protagonist shares with the audience this is what I want. Amanda wants to be original and strip herself of the rich girl image she has and be taken seriously as a Singer. We learned that Amanda will not stop at nothing to become that. 3. Julia is being PLAYED. Scott revealed that he has the most to lose because of the situation and how it took him 15 years to get here. Does he have feelings for her, maybe, but she cost him his career in his mind and he will stop at nothing to get it. 4. The Diva issue, sorry ladies but little Wednesday Addams is a good diva especially with the changes that the story is taking in a darker turn. They barely have a story so changing the show to being stronger about the characters and adding the Diva is exactly why Scott is manipulating Julia and Kyle to make the book stronger because remember, there was no book. Moral of the story is Broadway is a tough business and it is called Show Business not Show Friends.
Just.FionaDerek + Karen!I don't understand why I why I NEED them to be together so much. So much of what happened in the past makes me dislike Derek, and yet… I am obsessed with the notion of them ending up together (or at least making out). Perhaps this is just my own personal bias (and the type of person that I tend to be attracted to). I just feel like he really cares about her. He does not show this is good ways that often, so I understand those who don't see it. They have such scintillating chemistry. I don't know… I just obsessed. Love the show! (SMASH, and this podcast). It is my morning ritual to download this the morning after SMASH and listen to in on my way to class. Much giggling. And, it's nice to get other peoples views on the show. Thank you.
Barry WallaceSo frustratingI enjoy the Smash After-Show Podcast, and I'm glad you guys are honest about the frustrations you see with the show in its current state. I wanted to lay out what I think are the essential problems of this season: 1) It seems that Smash, as good as it can be and no matter who the showrunner is, seems to pick one glaring "implausible" plot point each of its two season. Last season it was that Karen was inexplicably better than Ivy at being Marilyn. This season it's the strange unknown quality that has made Jimmy a major part of everyone's lives. You've all said it numerous times - he's childish, he's petty, he has a chip on his shoulder, he's immature and he seems proud of all of it. Yet both Karen and Derek are drawn to him as some kind of paragon of great character, talent and worthy of affection and loyalty. All the viewers are left wondering is, why? How are we supposed to believe a professional director like Derek would ever give him the time of day, or stay with a project so rough and untested, no matter his attraction to Karen or beef with "Bombshell"? How are we ever to believe that a young ingenue like Karen would for two seconds think of giving up a first-time starring role on Broadway for a guy like Jimmy and an art-house show like "Hit List"? There's suspension of disbelief, and then there's ridiculous. 2) I am not a fan of any of the music from "Hit List" and after loving many of the "Bombshell" songs from last year, these all, to me, fall flat in originality and execution. None, to me, make me want to download or otherwise remember after the show airs. Again, we're expected to believe that Jimmy and Kyle are writing phenomenal songs but the quality - like Karen's potential to play Marilyn - is manufacted in the writing room and not on the screen. 3) I'm not making a prediction or setting an ultimatum, but to me the only way they salvage the season and the status of "Bombshell" is to combine the best of both scripts - the original spectacle-driven draft and the emotional powerhouse Julie later wrote - into one coherant work, and use Ivy and Karen as the two sides of Marilyn. The side she saw, and the side the men saw. That way they both get to play Marilyn and everyone's take on the character is satisfied. Anything less and all this work has been for nothing. Thanks for letting me rant - keep up the good work. Barry
MurftoonzCompetitive...In your show about S2 Episode 6 you talked about Ivy being competetive with Karen in Bombshell because the situation called for it... It also comes to mind that Ivy has always been competing with her Mother. She wants to be judged on her talent but is always competing with being a famous star's daughter..
toatallyaddicted05But why so negative on JimmyGuys keep in mind that Jimmy and Karen are still in their 20's they are still growing up. Both new to the scene, and Derek with his power play made me kinda mad wanting to say "doesn't Karen get to have a say in this!!" I feel like Karen/Derek can be/will be so destructive. They are good as partners karen/derek but anything more might just be too destructive, Jimmy and karen are at more the same pace. Yes Jimmy has his fits but its b/c he's passionate and emotionally entangled.
sassy721Love AfterbuzzI listen to all the related afterbuzz for my fav here's something I wonder if you've the end of season 1 Karen was "sick" and throwing you think the writers were leaving a door open to her being pregnant after the affair, but when the story line was dropped, it wasn't mentioned again? just wondering if you all picked up on that...
Eddie McGheegreat showgood show girls team j-hud
KariB93Technical IssuesI wasn't the only one who had problems with the latest podcast, right? The sound kept cutting out, and (it says this below) the sound coming from the earbuds switched from left to right. It was really quite annoying. I'm just hoping that nothing's wrong with my iPod! Great podcast, though. I love the creative insights you give.
bcbeattyGreat podcast, until last episode.Great banter and knowledge of musicals in the real world. Not to catty. (Team Karen vs Team Ivy) But, On the last episode for the shows season 1 finale. The sound mix was annoying. The left side kept going in and out. I even changed headsets. I gave up and listened into only in right ear.
ajvandykeExcellent podcast!I haven't been able to keep up with Smash, but I am keeping up with this podcast. I love how well thought out this podcast is. Thanks!
lycheeloverSo entertainingI was inspired to watch Smash after finding the afterbuzz show. I kind of forgot about that this show was coming! I look forward to watching the show and then listening to the aftershow right after. I live the commentary and I hope the writers are listening because Smash could be amazing with a few tweaks.
AMChimeLove Smash - Love AfterBuzz TVI subscribe to at least half a dozen Afterbuzz podcasts. Listening really helps make my workday buzz by! I appreciate all the intelligent conversation but on the Smash podcast I get the impression the podcasters aren't big fans. It's such a fun show and there has to be a suspension of reality. Of course these people wouldn't burst into song or work through their problems as quickly as is portrayed. I think the insiders view of the podcasters may have some bearing on how they view the show. Personally I know nothing about the behind the scenes workings of the entertainment world so whatever they show I just roll with it. Thanks for all your hard work!
beebs7x7Love your lively character..Keep it up guys..
Julz19929Fabulous!I am loving your podcast!
SCBU64Fun podcastNow when I watch Smash, I start thinking about this podcast will say. You ladies are funny & have helped me to think more about how the show is put together. When I watch it, I think "IMPLAUSIBLE"!
SanLynnTerrific PodcastThis show is, probably, the best reason to watch Smash in my opinion. When the show is silly or I just want to punch Ellis in the face I know I will be able to tune in to this podcast and laugh and agree with the wonderful hosts who feel the same way I do. One of the best podcasts on iTunes.
Holly, M, KLove this podcastYou guys are great!!! I love hearing what you have to say about the show, I look forword to it every week!!
aat345love afterbuzzgreat overview of the episode. i think the hosts have a lot of insight on this show and it is really interesting to listen to
Deison Rios GutierrezLove you guys!!I love this podcast and I love smash. Every time I watch smash I'm looking forward to listening to what you guys have to say about it:) I want to know if you guys can see Karen doing the numbers that ivy has been doing. Because so far, I can't. Like in he cost of art, I couldn't see Karen getting up in front of everyone out of the blue and sing and dance and flirt with the crowed like ivy did. I am team Karen and I want her to get the part and to be huge because shes so talented, but I feel like ivy is Marilyn body and soul. And I would not be able to stand it if Ivy got kicked off the project and had to go back to being a background dancer because she is just as much a star as Karen.
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