House of Cards


Analysis and your feedback covering House of Cards on Netflix. For more episodes and other shows, visit

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  • خالد ابوعمهج
    314444 ريال 39
  • The Jagerbombcast
    Great Podcast
    I am re-binge watching House of Cards as Season 6 didn’t quite do it for me. I wanted to find a podcast to go along with my watching. This one is solid, and I personally like that the hosts use whatever language they choose. The show does, so why not this podcast?
  • Dub2305
    Bald move awesome
    Great job guys! Only watched the show cuz you were casting about it
  • Cardboard_Bender
    Another low effort podcast they quit.
    Update: Like clockwork these guys are quitting to best shows to cover the ridiculous comical nonsense like the LEFTOVERS and low effort movie reviews which to most would be why even bother? Get over yourselves that show is terrible and only a small vocal group gives it praise. Most randoms hate the show on all levels. Update: Seriously don't bother covering this show as your minds are in schlocky Walking Dead & Daredevil mode. They don't even know the current story and don't put in the effort like they overdo in those other bad shows. Still anticipating The Americans coverage that should be required, but only by those who get it. If you don't like the show why bother covering it? This is bad on the level of them making fun of 24 during that podcast. These guys only pretend to like quality content yet are more into the fantasy/fake style shows than would ever admit. They have no rationale reason to talk for hours about Walking Dead or Game of Thrones but will do instant casts and go on tangents on shows that require no more than 5 min to discuss all the problems and move on. Nothing redeeming about those shows yet they nit picking on factually superior shows. I don't get that you don't get it. Another thing to note is no listener on any podcast cares about referencing reddit and that obnoxious Sepinwwall guy.
  • Eklektos51
    Awesome review
    And hilarious.
  • Aldtai
    Don't miss out!
    After listening to this, I wouldn't watch House of Cards without it. Do yourself a favor and hit subscribe.
  • GiantsFan518
    Another Great Podcast from Bald move
    These guys are simply the best. I love their coverage and analysis of some of the best shows on TV. They do a great job of recapping the episodes and are very informational about news and theories involving each show they cover. This is a must listen.
  • Mmurph71
    Great review of a great show
  • Galateia
    I love Bald Move!
    I am often times confused about situations or dynamics in HOC, but know that I can listen to Jim and A.Ron and have them broken down and explained, but without dumbing down everything needlessly. And these guys have great comedic chemistry. My only complaint is that each show covers three episodes, so have to wait to watch all three before listening to the podcast. I'll still give 5 stars, but you must promise to do one show per episode next season so we can have more of you guys! I have chosen which tv shows to watch next just so I can listen to Jim and A.Ron afterward. Seems backwards, but that's how fun they are. Thanks, guys!
  • tweetylover
    As a new listener I enjoyed the analysis except that you bend over backwards to make Claire's machinations sensible. She is s back seat political driver and is only interested in attaining office to validate herself. She has no interests other than power. Reminds me of someone. Frank at least has put time in the trenches. She is simply self-entitled and becoming a very unsympathetic character. Together she and Frank succeed. Apart Frank fails and she goes on ... As the rich and powerful always do.
  • Lil Mimz2222
    I have heard good reviews. I want to hear the older podcasts though. Why aren't they available? I'm only on season 2. I have been binge watching too!
  • JoProcter
    Forget it ...
    Why listen to this when it is so far inferior to watching House of Cards?
  • Daveyk01
    Good Podcast but not Safe for Work
    I am enjoying your podcasts for season 3, but I would appreciate it if you watched your mouths and especially avoid the "F-Bomb". This is true of your other podcasts. Clean you mouth up and I would easily give you 5 stars!
  • TejasPorVida
    Great insight, love their recaps
  • The Man, The Legend
    Nothing but love for Bald Move
    Love these guys and all the podcast they produce. Keep up the amazing work guys!
  • Meskoj
    These guys are good!
  • mr teaspoon
    As with the other podcasts Jim and A.Ron host, this one is half great and half awful. A.Ron is a great example of one of the best aspects of podcasts - a (presumably) non-professional who is truly passionate about the subject matter and has really interesting insights, that we would never have gotten to hear in the years of 'old media'. Jim is the flip side of that coin - someone who would never be paid to do this for a living if he had to get the job on merit. Jim is inarticulate and it seems like most of the time is simply reacting to A.Ron's well thought out ideas and conjecture with 'uh, I dunno' or 'sure' or 'totally'. He brings nothing to the table and both the podcast and A.Ron would be much better served if he were replaced.
  • reba8577
    where are the full casts?
    Great instant take reaction podcasts, but they are only 20-30 minutes in length. But still insightful as always.
  • Pop Analyst
    Your instant casts for the 2nd season were so clutch! I felt like I had a friend to talk to while I took a break between episodes (I finished by the end of the weekend). Amazing, so great, I want to support you guys forever! Btw, I watched your Q&A on youtube and I just have a lot of feelings now but mostly its that you’re both so funny and work so well together!
  • Nhhs18
    A New Era
    Jim and A.Ron have figured out the best way to podcast a binge-worthy, streaming tv show. I listen to their full cast on many other great shows, but the instant cast works with this format as you feel the need to watch multiple episodes at a time and take a quick breather in between to recap what you just watched.
  • DrJeffNewman
    I really hope their fans continue to grow. The instant casts after the episodes of all their shows are amazing for the commute in to work. Not only does it act as a nice water cooler type of talk it also gives you an idea on where their heads are at on the episode which gives you the chance to write in to them with questions/comments that they will discuss on the full cast.
  • PsychNerd12
    The best
    The freakin best
  • Alura_84
    So far so good
    The instant cast was great, can't wait to check out the full cast.
  • Tolan_Chef
    Another great Baldmove podcast.
    I'll pretty much listen to Jim and A.Ron talk about anything. They are witty and hilarious and I love their take on TV shows. I really like House of Cards and am very happy they are doing a cast on it. I only wish it was longer, however I guess with Netflix's delivery method it makes longer casts more difficult as all the episodes are released at once. Great podcast guys, love your work!
  • Drannor420
    Great cast
    The bald move team does it again. Great cast. Very entertaining and insightful. Just like talking about the episodes with old friends.
  • Lufritzy
    In depth?
    I’m almost done listening to Season Two (rewatching the episodes and savoring the last 5 podcasts) but am confused. At the end of each chapter, Aron says something like “well that’s the last of our insta-casts, next week we’ll do an in-depth one.” Where are the in-depth podcasts? Can’t find them. Those short half hour ones that skim over the plot and characters just don’t do it for me. Help?
  • Joanna32
    You, guys, are awesome, as usual. Show House of Cards is great but with your commentary it is even better. Can't wait for the full cast of season 2!
  • L7Weenie8
    Great recap
    Awesome to hear others thoughts on the show. These guys are great with every show they cover.
  • Rino53s
    Darned Good
    Very good insight on the plot and characters of the show. Would like to hear even more than the instant take they are that good
  • Wendimyb
    These Indiana Boys rule
    I love/hate the walking dead but I love listening to Jim & A.Ron's Watching Dead podcast. It seems like we get bent about the same things. I am a huge Mad Men fan but I don't necessarily get the symbolism in the show. Jim and A.Ron are my Mad Men Cliff Notes. I was hooked on House of Cards from the first episode that I saw on Netflix. So when two of my favorite podcasters start reviewing one of my favorite shows, I was definitely going to listen. Another home run by two of the coolest podcasters.
  • MAGiardinello
    Best TV podcasting, period.
    There's Bald Move, then there's everybody else. Great personalities, smart discussions (but not pretentious like others), solidly consistent, and excellent audio quality.
  • Who's ur nina
    Smart Funny & Funny
    Love these guys!
  • jzbean
    House of Bald Moves
    These guys never disappoint. Intelligent and focused, not to mention HILARIOUS! Ps new name for podcast???? See subject line :)
  • Dharma.Schmarma
    These guys kill it
    I've got a long commute to work so have time to listen to many podcasts. The Bald Move series of podcasts (Game of Thrones, Walking Dead, Breaking Bad, etc) are all great. Highly recommended.
  • Teincilove
    Another great show covered!
    If not for these guys I don't think I would've taken the time to tune into game of cards. Great show and this podcast really covers it well. Listening to the casts after watching the episodes makes them all the better.
  • It'sSpartyTime
    Bald Move Rules!
    Great podast as usual! Bald Move are organized and provide pods with great sound quality. Thanks for all the hard work you guys do to make your casts entertaining and make my commute and runs more enjoyable.
  • Reenie...D
    i LOVE u guys. Should i leave reviews 4 all ur podcasts or do the reviews "carry over"? (i'm the really old person, so i have NO idea how it "works")
  • Mikevayne1
    Loving the new format by the way
  • parachuteoverme
    Let loose the dogs of war
    I look forward to A Ron and Jim's podcasts every week. Thanks for putting up your instant casts so fast for HOC! This is an excellent addition to their Mad Men, Breaking Bad, and Walking Dead casts. Excellent work all around.
  • Jeans Machine
    Love this podcast!!!
    If it's not Bald move then don't bother listening!!! Great episode recaps
  • Shoey67
    Another Great Podcast by Bald Move
    These guys knocked it out of the park with the new podcast about House of Cards. 13 Instant Takes in 2 days. Once I finish a show, I go right to the podcast to get Jim and A.Ron’s take on each episode. Great show. Subscribe and you will enjoy it!
  • KyleRen1138
    Instant take podcast perfect for binge watching
    Thanks for the podcast experience with this one guys. I know it must've been a huge challenge. It took about 1.5 weeks to finish and was a lot of fun tuning in to hear your take and jokes every step of the way. Can't wait for more content once you both start doing this full time in April!
  • Dennis621
    Good but….
    I must say there are some duos who are so uncomfortable with each other but these two are good together and intelligent. That said they are crude and vulgar. It’s okay when their language parrots or directly relates to the show but come on! The intro to “Chapter Six” is enough to make you unsubscribe. Keep it intelligent guys.
  • MRHash8
    PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE KEEP DOING PODCASTS LIKE THIS! I know the marathon may kill you, but it's helped me get through some grueling weeks at work lately and I cannot thank you enough for this stellar podcast. As always, Bald Move delivers. Couldn't recommend more!
  • ebeth23
    Love the format!
    I really enjoyed hearing instant feedback on episodes as I watched HOC. Looking forward to more in depth analysis of the show. Found these guys for final 8 Breaking Bad episodes and was thrilled when I realized they were covering HOC. Great work - thanks for the podcasts!
  • tarabv
    Thanks for being there for me with the instant-take casts! It was really fun to hear your thoughts after watching each episode. I especially loved when A.Ron's jokes crossover all the other shows we love. Keep up the great work!
  • StacyeJ
    Mostly, it's the +*^%#&$ podcast
    LOVE the chemistry with these guys! It feels like they've been friends since kindergarten. They're obviously above average intelligence but can still get down with some hilarious, goofy tangents that I thoroughly enjoy! While I could absolutely do without the occasional "G-d***" I try to block it out as it's my only complaint. Love Love Love Jim & A-Ron! (subscribed to their Watching Dead podcast as well)
  • Stevenwix
    Miss the Breaking Bad coverage--but this is good!
    Hi Guys!-- Realy enjoying your brief mentioned on the podcast you were soon going to begin releasing more in-depth coverage. Where should we look for that? I wish you two had time to cover "True Detective" too--I think you could add a lot to the discussion about that great show as well. Great chemistry and respect between the two of you! Good job!
  • ellispoo44
    Good Stuff
    Love the show and Podcast - Even when Aron whines too much lol
  • Laura McP
    I've been going through Bald Move withdrawal since Breaking Bad ended and Game of Thrones and Mad Men haven't started again yet. I marathoned House of Cards in two days and I was so happy to see the instant casts up right away.
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