一流の思考と嗜好に触れる『ESSENTIAL〜人生にかかせない4つのもの〜』、老若男女の人生に迫る『LIFE LIVE』、戦争体験者の肉声を残すプロジェクト『戦争の記憶』など、ジャンルを超えて様々な対談やトークをお届けします。 【早川洋平プロフィール】はやかわ・ようへい/プロインタビュアー。キクタス株式会社代表取締役。羽生結弦、コシノジュンコ、よしもとばなならトップランナーから戦争体験者までジャンルを超えてインタビュー。ユニクロ・ネスレなどCMのインタビュアーも。いっぽうで「音声」の可能性にインスパイアされ、声のメディアも創り続けてきた。『横浜美術館「ラジオ美術館」』『石田衣良 大人の放課後ラジオ』などプロデュース多数。 This is the podcast which focus various interviews. Yohei Hayakawa is a Japanese journalist, interviewer, and CEO of KIQTAS Co.,Ltd, a company that produces podcasts for Japanese best- selling authors and celebrities. Yohei's background is in journalism, and in 2008 he started his podcast career interviewing best selling authors such as Banana Yoshimoto and many more. Altogether he has conducted over 200 interviews with celebrities such as Yuzuru Hanyu, a Japanese figure skate Olympic medalist, and Kenzo Takata and Junko Koshino, world renowned fashion designers. Yohei has also traveled overseas to interview people outside of Japan. His podcast has been downloaded over 20 million times since its launch in 2009. Yohei's interviews with Japanese celebrities have been featured in TV commercials for brands such as Nestlé, Procter & Gamble, and UNIQLO.

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