First Time Dads


Two first time dads - Daily Mirror journalists Richard Innes and Steve Myall - discuss the joys, challenges and general lunacy of raising your first child and supporting a first-time mum… and ask some famous faces and qualified experts for advice along the way. Nominated in Best Podcast category at 2018 Online Media Awards.

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Recent Reviews
  • tycbee
    Love First Time Dads!
    I love this podcast! Started listening as a first time mom and then recommended it to my husband who started listening as well. We are now parents to two little ones and still enjoy listening. Love the hosts and hearing from some really great experts on lots of different topics. I am so sad to hear that this may be the end of the podcast! I hope there may be more episodes in the future.
  • snickersadams
    Hilariously Accurate
    I'm a first time Mom, it's interesting to hear about a dad's side of things! You guys are awesome! Love this podcast! Highly recommend it for any first time parent!!
  • 6Pete 66
    Great Podcast
    Being a first time dad can be over whelming and its not always easy to navigate the uncharted waters. "First Time Dads" tackles common issues you may come across with your newborn. Keep up the great work guys, looking forward to hearing more.
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