The NoSleep Podcast


The NoSleep Podcast is a multi-award winning anthology series of original horror stories, with rich atmospheric music to enhance the frightening tales.

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Recent Reviews
  • nickswanny
    AI FTW!
    The latest episode on AI was awesome! Asimov quality! Great job NoSleep team! Thank you!
  • Surferbettygal
    The podcast used to be creepy, suspenseful but now way too out there. I am over it.
  • azfenix07
    Fairly new to podcast.
    I really enjoy the shows when I’m out or just at home. It really helps me to relax. You guys are the best. Keep up the great work!!
  • Sjijindiid
    Fine enough
    A good enough podcast. Stories can drag one and sometimes voice actors are bad. Note to the podcast - if you have a story that has Spanish language elements in it, get a Spanish speaker to do the story. Also, David Cummings, the word is “ELSE” not “ELTS”.
  • GeegieG
    The best produced horror podcast
    I’ve looked and listened to many horror podcasts and this is one of the best produced programs that you can still get for free and doesn’t have an outrageous amount devoted to advertising time. Thank you!
  • ReadingtoHappiness
    Really good stories and voices!
    I listen to a lot of podcasts during my work shift and these stories help make the time fly. If I had one suggestion, it would be to make the voice audio a smidge louder. I use noice cancelling AirPods but even with both in, I have trouble hearing over the background music. All in all, it’s a great podcast if you like spooky stories. If you have hearing/processing issues, it might be a little low but I’d still give it a chance.
  • IfItWasntBrokenWhyFixIt
    Too much background noise
    Way way too much background noise
  • t.c.cooper
    Wowwee good podcast 5 star yippee
    I’m only typing out a review because i just read the absolute dumbest 2 star review anyone could ever write. The title of the review in question is “used to be so good” and I’m not sure if that person has brain damage or was just born that way but now I’m obliged to counteract their comment with my own 5 star review. It is a good podcast though.
  • JordanD88
    Love it!!
    Can’t say enough about it! My wife and I listen to every episode. It’s our morning commute and coffee wake up gotta have it juice. I appreciate the energy you all put into these episode for all to enjoy
  • Lrzch
    Used to be so good
    I used to love this podcast in the earlier seasons. Lately it seems like 99% of the stories are drawn out ‘ship logs’ type of stories or stories that sound like actors just reading scripts back and forth. The stories that are told as actual stories rather than just back and forth script readings are usually really really good! But they seem to be fewer and fewer as the show goes on. Bringing back shorter stories told in story format rather than ‘script reading’ stories would be wonderful, the journal logs and scripts are just not scary or interesting.
  • Hoghag
    Creepy yet comforting podcast, perfect for Halloween and all year round
    I really like the Tales from the Void interviews which have recently been added to this podcast. Hopefully will get a chance to see the show at some point. There is a huge catalogue of lstories and not all manage to keep my attention, but occasionally there is a story that sends a shiver up my spine. Anyways I really appreciate this show and the crew. I’ve tried listening to a bunch of other horror podcasts and only this one and Lore appealed to me.
  • Gamer002747382
    A great pod to add to my rotation. Keep em coming please.
  • Money15$
    Used to be great.
    Season 1 listener This show used to be amazing. I’d say after season 15 it just lost its touch. Older seasons used to give you chills and the WOW factor. But now most stories drag on and you’re left wondering “how is this a horror podcast?” Long drawn out boring stories. Also they now always have to put a very biased political stance in quite a few shows. Any story narrated by Erika Sanderson is just terrible. She ruins every story and her voice is annoying.
  • Linzy72180
    Favorite Podcast
    Been a listener for years I absolutely love all the stories and especially the cast! The Halloween episodes and the Christmas ones are great too. Keep it up.
  • SMonaghan119
    Earlier seasons far better
    Another review states season 8 and earlier is far better content, I agree. I also agree the creator of the show was far more responsive at an earlier time. The new model for subscription is horrible and those of us that have paid for earlier seasons (roughly $20 a season) lost all access to this content, and yes, absolutely no response when reaching out and asking for access to these seasons. It’s great you want to implement a new system, but it shouldn’t penalize those of us they paid for access in the past. The audio files should be accessible to those of us that made this investment. Content all bleeds quality as time went on. Earlier stories were excellent, very difficult to find that same quality in then recent years.
  • AppleNewbie80
    Love it
    This is my favorite podcast. I listen to other horror podcasts but every time I am about to listen to this one I get extra excited I just know I am going to get creeped out. And I love that each episode has a bunch of stories and that they are pretty short and get to the point pretty fast. So I get a lot of enjoyment from just one episode. Keep it going! Never stop!
  • smd2200
    Content and Management Issues - Give This One a Miss
    With the move to a new subscription based model, I would not recommend this podcast any longer. This is compounded by the appalling lack of response from the creators regarding the loss of the previously purchased seasons. Over the years I purchase every season, happy to support a creative outlet I enjoyed. I have been unable to access those purchase for months, the creators do not respond, and the best case scenario is I will eventually have a limited time to download my purchases before losing access forever. At this point, I am only paying for a subscription to (hopefully) download these missing episodes before unsubscribing forever. I considered unsubscribing when the podcast aired a Kurt Cobain conspiracy theory fanfiction as "entertainment," but ultimately decided not to. There is a concerning lack of editing to the stories, many of which drag on far too long, and a willingness to engage in tasteless rewrites of real tragedies that I find concerning. Elisa Lam. Oklahoma Girl Scout murders. Kurt Cobain. It's gross and irresponsible.
  • Mary Burrell
    Tangled Earbuds 58
    I have been listening to No Sleep Podcast for over 10 years. It was the very first horror podcast I found and have been a fan ever since. Love all of the voice actors.
  • Kayleecoree
    I don’t even know what to say…I’ve been listening to this show for years but it still blows my mind. Everyone is just so TALENTED🖤
  • jennferd
    Deadly Beloved
    By all that is evil!! This is an incredible story!! Would love to hear another 🖤💋 Don’t stop David Cummings!!
  • TravelingDemon
    Used to be a lot better than they are now.
    I really enjoyed and looked forward to each episode as they came out, but sadly as time went on the stories have become more and more dull as each season passes. It’s barely even horror now, it’s not scary and it reminds me if anything of a romcom. Some of their episodes genuinely used to get me a little spooked, but anymore they’re just not good and I sadly can no longer recommend this podcast. The older seasons, I’d say from S8 and backyards are worth listening to.
  • JustinLover!!!!
    Great Podcast!
    Keep up the great work! & thank you for all the hard work that goes into each production
  • shamecock
    The best
    Honestly the best horror story podcast out there. My only gripe is that I wish the episodes were longer. I get the season pass deal and patronage but still, some of us can’t afford it and longer episodes used to be a common occurrence. Thanks for the work you all put in, great job.
  • MajickM
    Binge Worthy
    Bro if yall like spooky stuff. This is it. So glad to have found y’all. And the wolf spider episode was super epic. Actually, every episode is epic. Totally love all the voice actors. Every single one. Keep up the great work. I have so many more stories to binge. ❤️❤️Makes my work day fly by Watch out for the fairy circles! 🦄🧚🧚‍♀️
  • Hammermeister13
    Woke by season 11
    Enjoyed the early seasons, but unfortunately it gets lame and woke as time goes on.
  • momma hippie
    Momma Hippie!!
    I love this podcast! It’s got me hooked to a bunch of podcast!! Thank you for being out there!! This was just the first and very l love the show and everbody in it!! Specially please tell Nicole Good Hello and to let you know, I am still out here and my son and I still love her very much!! Love Momma Hippie!
  • Brylah
    David Cummings, you sold out.
    Why let people own previous seasons (that they already purchased but are “temporarily unavailable”) when you can force them into continuously paying for seasons by “subscribing to a premium”, right? NoSleep has become its own horror story of the modern day subscription ploy and its actually extremely disheartening to those who have been fans since 2011 and who have spent over $100.
  • dabears201305
    Best podcast ever!
    Idk where to begin I kinda discovered it late . I swear to god I was having nightmares so vivid I couldn’t sleep then first I discovered CTFDN and then this it’s been sleep saver ? (Is that even a word) I was scared to sleep and now I jut put this app on with timer and I sleep like a baby , I mean how does that even work? I’m listening to scary story to get sleep from scary dreams! I love everything about it and every cast member , now I get anxious if they don’t come up is that weird? I just want to say thank you!!
  • Horror flick
    No sleep podcast
    I love this podcast, Peter Lewis is my favorite voice actor.
  • theninetyandnine
    It’s getting better
    I’ve always loved this podcast, but season 21 is so very well written, acted, and produced it’s like a whole new tier of quality. the AI episode is one I’m definitely going to share with certain people in my life. My funereal hat is off to you, No Sleep. Especially David Ault. Love that guy.
  • Chuckles the Clown pt 2
    Quality of the stories has dropped.
    Look this podcast has never been 100% perfect but overall the stories have been griping and interesting. Worth listening to. This current season has been so dull and hard to listen to. The stories have no discernible meaning and the characters are contrived. In agreement with another reviewer, most stories lack a solid ending and kind of just trail off like an ellipsis. Also, how does have author have initial for a primary name? Every author is like JP jones or EL Smith. Cmon man.
  • GGrannyOg
    The season pass isn’t permanent
    I spent a hundred dollars on the first 11 and when it stopped working they won’t even respond. Don’t buy the season pass until they resolve this!
  • JennyTbull
    One of the best podcast out there!
    I have been listening for years! If you are looking for a spooky listen with great voice acting give this podcast a try!
  • ladyhawk!!
    Favorite horror story podcast!
    You are hands down the best horror story podcast, I love it and have listened for many years, so u can imagine my surprise when I saw u had a few one star reviews. When I read them, it was even more surprising because it wasn’t about your content at all, but rather the paying listeners unable to access content they had previously paid for?! Shame on you! I was going to sign up for your paid content but not now. That’s awful. You would have a five star rating if it wasn’t for that! I would clear that mess up and quickly if I were u. Just sayin.
  • (Walter55)
    No sleep is losing its grip!
    No sleep used to be good, but now it’s just smoke and mirrors. The stories are just cheap, just hastily thrown together, without any endings anymore, and they have no thought to closure anymore, because it doesn’t take any talent to write horror with out an ending, so they are just cheap thoughtless rifts, no longer providing closure. Open ended stories, provide no entertainment and or sense. Any halfwit can write this 1st grade school nonsense. Your stories used to provide closure, but now you think you can, because you have some short lived fame, which is waining fast, that you can shovel this swill out and call it what you will. You need to find real writers of horror, and stop with these, lame stories that you dispense over and over, that are more of the same ol same, empty lines of dribble!
  • Stacy49
    Love this show been here since 2017!
    Absolutely love this show so much! Started listening to it my Sophomore year of college. It got me through so many long commutes. And now at work I enjoy listening to it during my lunch. Truly an amazing show with talented voice actors. The improvements and growth this show has had over the years truly incredible. The audio for this show is one of my favorites and don’t even get me started on the quality of the stories. A show worth listening to!
  • DuckNRun Heights BKNY
    Dishonest with quality stories/actors on the decline
    Been listening for 5 years, paid hundreds for content. Can’t access over a hundred dollars worth of content I paid for, 0 response from the podcast and they blocked me when I asked about it on the Facebook page. I’ve never had content I paid for stolen from me and then the company just ignores the customers. Wouldn’t recommend the podcast either, it goes further downhill every season. Good voice actors left and stories are mediocre at best. Definitely wouldn’t pay for anything with them. Surprised they’re this sketchy as a long time listener.
  • BurntBlonde
    This podcast has the BEST stories and the best voice actors! I wish this was an anthology on Netflix or Shudder. Love it so much! So much talent, the best stories!
  • ProfPoppycock
    Denied access to previously purchased seasons
    Can’t access seasons 3-13 that I PAID FOR INDIVIDUALLY prior to their recent “Tier System”. This has been ongoing for several months now, still with no resolution.
  • Budgiemom456
    Maybe I shouldn’t have looked at the pictures!
    Gave me nightmares for 4 years, 11 months, 26 days, 3 hours, 58 minutes, and 42 seconds just from looking at the pictures! 😰
  • Dannie Review This
    Updating review for season 21
    Long time subscriber! So far season 21 has been so good! Can’t wait to see what else you all have planned this season
  • Rokursoxoff
    Locked out of purchased content
    Cannot access the package that I paid over $120 for. Can’t get anyone to respond to emails. Feels pretty messed up that they can take away content that was already purchased.
  • KingFR3AK
    Best Pod I’ve found
    This podcast is easily the best I’ve found, I started listening in 2021 during long work shift and this pod made those shifts melt away. I’m now on my second run through of the podcast and gotta say it’s really awesome going back to the beginning and being able to hear just how far the cast has come since the start. If you want a good podcast to come back to and you like stories that make your hair stand up than you found it. If I could I’d give it 10 stars
  • Katerton
    Such a good podcast
    I absolutely love this podcast! It has introduced me to so many different authors, I love the how to survive camping series. It’s such a well thought out channel and well worth the subscription.
  • P_Martinez15
    8 years and counting!
    This podcast is my favorite of all time. I have been listening for years and I just can’t get enough. I drop all other podcasts when David releases a new episode. Thank you for giving me way too many things to be afraid of. ❤️
  • SammiG..
    My favorite horror podcast
    I love the narrator and his voice acting. The stories are always amazing. So are the voice actors music.
  • Bamon0
    Locked out purchasing premium content
    Can’t access previously purchased seasons. Haven’t heard or seen an update on if or when I’ll gain access, even if to download it off their old site and host it myself. Emailed and no response. No response or update on any official channel. Absolutely ripped off. Beware the scamcast
  • Mad Megh
    Love this podcast!
    The story “Listen Right” in season 17 reminded me why I love horror podcasts. I cannot recommend No Sleep enough! I started listening in 2011 to help me stay awake when I worked night shift and I am a lifelong fan. The stories have always been excellent, but the producing has only gotten better!
  • Tmg3971
    The granddaddy of them all!! Voices and quality are top notch!!!
  • skinnypup
    Very hit and miss
    Earlier seasons were great but the past 5 or so not so much. The stories are bland and predictable. The actors are all very one-note. They play the same characters over and over in every tale. They have no sense of character acting at all. And David Cummings is not a good voice actor at all. He always plays it like a cartoon character with horrible accents. And the female characters are always so whiny and helplessly crying constantly. It’s so annoying and kind of insulting. The production value is good though and every once and a while you’ll get a good story but it’s few and far between.
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